06-08-2022 until 01-01-2050

Problems with Registering or Posting? Click Here
How do I register?
In the top right corner of every page, there is a "Register" link. Click that and follow the instructions.
I can't figure out the anti-spam Q&A question.
It's designed to require a little bit of work. Forums are constantly fighting spam, and unfortunately we have to take inconvenient measures to prevent spam from reaching our general population. The Q&A involves answering different types of questions, ranging from identifying certain letters in a word or text string, to translating a simple word from a non-English language into English. For translations, Google Translate can help you find the translation and complete the registration process.
Why hasn't my account been activated?
During periods when we detect high numbers of spam registrations, new registrations may be temporarily moderated. This means that an admin needs to approve new registrations before users can fully utilize the site. Registrations are reviewed several times a day, and you can expect activation within 24 hours.
How do I post?
You must be inside a forum on our site. For example, the 3geez Accords forum or the Newbie Introductions forum. Near the top left of the page inside a forum, below the main logo and navigation bar, there will be a button that says "Post New Thread." If you are reading an existing discussion thread and would like to reply, look for the "Reply to Thread" button at the top or bottom of the page. The Frequently Asked Questions and How To forums are closed to posting.
I didn't receive my registration activation email.
New registrations generally do not require email activation. However, when changing your password, email is used to complete the process. First, check your inbox spam filters. If you still don't see it, send me a private message, or use our contact form to get in touch with us and we can help.
How come my posts aren't showing up?
Posts from new users are sometimes flagged as suspected spam. Please don't keep posting - we can retrieve the post, review it and publish it for you. Again, please send me a private message, or use our contact form if you think this has happened. If we aren't contacted, these flagged posts are still reviewed on a daily basis.
How do I attach an image or video?
When creating a new thread or replying to an existing thread, look for a small square icon with a tree in the editor interface. Click it, and you can upload images from your computer, or from a URL elsewhere on the Internet. Similarly, videos can be embedded into posts by clicking the small film reel icon in the editor interface. Videos must already be hosted on a service such as Youtube or Vimeo.
You may also use an external image host, and it wouldn't count against your image attachment limits. I recommend Imgur. Sign up for an account and you can store, organize & share all of your images from there.
It says that I do not have permission to post.
Your registration may not be activated, or you may be trying to post in a read-only forum, such as the FAQ or How-to. Some forums are read-only so that we can closely manage the content. If you are not posting in the FAQ or How-to, then please send me a private message, or use our contact form and we can investigate.