View Full Version : [TTAC] Question: If the Hindustan Ambassador Is No More, What Car Takes Over As Current Cont

06-19-2014, 02:06 AM
As we all know by now, Hindustan Motors has shut down the production line for the venerable Hindustan Ambassador, a car whose production run stretches all the way back to 1954 and the Morris Oxford II… or, depending on how strict your interpretation of the definition of “same car” happens to be— the 1948 Morris […]

More... (http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2014/05/question-if-the-hindustan-ambassador-is-no-more-what-car-takes-over-as-current-continuous-production-king/)

06-19-2014, 03:29 AM
Never heard of that brand, what a hellova name for a car destined for the mid east :)
Hey that 4x4 yugo looks like fun lol I saw them testing a "fenderless" looking sports car similar to thr one pictured, on Top Gear ....sick fast and overpowered says James Mayes