View Full Version : [TTAC] QOTD: Why Do You Hate Automatic Climate Control?

05-05-2015, 02:00 AM
I recently posted a column about automatic locking, wherein I reached the following conclusion: automatic locking is the worst thing in the world. Worse than being buried alive. Worse than cutting off your own toes, one by one, for sport. Worse than a college student who won’t shut up about her MacBook Air. As I […]
The post QOTD: Why Do You Hate Automatic Climate Control? (http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2015/05/qotd-hate-automatic-climate-control/) appeared first on The Truth About Cars (http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com).

More... (http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2015/05/qotd-hate-automatic-climate-control/)

05-24-2015, 07:05 AM
I like automatic climate control is most cars as long as its simple, but I can take it or leave it.

I don't get the automatic door lock hate though. I hate driving with unlocked doors, so if they lock and unlock for me then great. I've gone so far as to program auto locking on cars that didn't come with them enabled.