View Full Version : High End Power Band Loss?

07-27-2016, 03:35 AM
Hello everyone! I've been the proud owner of a 88 DX Coupe with a stick for about a month now, and it's been an awesome vehicle to me!

...but it had a bit of a hiccup yesterday, and was curious to know what wisdom there might be for this: I've driven the car across 3 states already, and have had no worries. But yesterday, after driving the vehicle for 2 hours in relatively dense traffic (lots of first and second gear) I ran into an odd problem, the clutch became extremely light, and it took about 1000 RPM more to get up to speed for each gear I wanted to shift into. The gearing would start out just fine, but as RPM increased, it seemed less effective. The car normally takes around 2000-2500 rpm per shift, but it was going over 3000 to get the vehicle up to speed. I let the car sit for the rest of the day, starting it up this morning (it starts over in a half crank, I've never known any other car be able to do that- it's so cool.) and it seemed to be back to normal for the most part.

I should also note that the vehicle has smelled of clutch after driving it on various occasions! But, if you guys have any knowledge on what's failing, please let me know- I'm getting paid on Saturday and have come to terms with the small fortune this will probably cost.

07-27-2016, 05:26 AM
Please close this thread, realized it was the clutch going.
