View Full Version : Lookie what I did!

01-31-2003, 07:14 AM
Lookie what I did!


01-31-2003, 07:21 AM
dude, let the thead speak for itself, don't make a whole new one to talk about it.

01-31-2003, 09:34 AM
nice job man. how much did all that run you? i really like the paint job. nice body kit, and the wing goes well with the car. it has nice flow. good job.

01-31-2003, 11:01 AM
Hey johndej, I dunno who have you a safety patrol badge but I felt like putting a link in the performance section to the pictures of my PERFORMANCE mod located in the pictures section. My first post was placed in the pictures section because hey, there's pictures there. However it relates to the performance topic. Notice how I didn't post pictures in both threads? I simply wanted people that might browse through the performance section and not the pics section to see my pics. Makes perfect sense to me...

As a matter of fact, I would like you to look how many posts you have in the past 5 months. That's 34 more posts than me and I've been an active member for the past 19 months! I am the last person to needlessly post.

01-31-2003, 11:09 AM
but the fact is they are pictures. anyway, good job.

01-31-2003, 11:13 AM
Exactly... that's why I put a link in the performance section and not the actual pictures (if you want to be technical). Should I have just not posted the link, wrote all about the performance gains and the swap, and then made someone go look through the pics section to be able to see what I was talking about? If you are interested in performance then you would want to see the pictures, so I posted a link to the pictures.

Blue Impact
01-31-2003, 12:13 PM
I only have one word to sum it up. NICE...

01-31-2003, 02:55 PM
nice car dude....on a different note, whats the deal with people all of a sudden instigating feuds and fights over the dumbest shit. Who cares if he wants to post a link in the performance section. If he wants to, let him, and if theres anything wrong with it, a moderator would or should say sumthing and could move it if need be or whatever. But obviously there isn't anything wrong with it, becuz Josh stated his point to it well, so why mention and complain about bullshit like that anyway? Its just putting more tension in the air.

01-31-2003, 06:45 PM
yeah john is gay and so is accordboi me and him singned up the same time and he has 4 times the posts.

01-31-2003, 07:08 PM
:huh: ??? i was just saying that you didn't have to make 2 posts for the same thing. i don't care where you put them. oh well, its your posts, do what you want w/ it.

oh yeah, i don't know what is up w/ you SiCReX.

02-03-2003, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by johndej

oh yeah, i don't know what is up w/ you SiCReX. i noticed that too.

Jims 86LXI HB
02-03-2003, 11:13 AM
Hey that's a great idea, let's have everyone that posted a thread in the pics section create a post in the section that relates to what the pics were for. Took a pic of your engine, do a attention getting post in performance. Painted your tails, do a post in appearance.

Now isn't that rather lame?

Wanna guess what will happen if other's do this all the time?

The refering threads will be deleted. If your original post isn't getting you enough attention, do a better job of making it more interesting in the first place.

Sorry if you find reason to be offended, you should know better than to create a post like this to generate attention for another post in a different section.

02-03-2003, 01:21 PM
Making 2 posts is LAME, its a poor cry for attention. Everyone reads the WHOLE board and doesnt need to have 2 links going to every post. Yes its great and amazing you did that, but damn, it isnt THAT exciting where it needs 2 posts about it.


02-06-2003, 06:05 AM
I'm willing to bet that everyone doesn't read every thread on 3geez. As hard as it is to believe... I wouldn't go into suspension cuz I already have it done, wouldn't go into audio cuz im not interested, wouldn't go to appearance section because there's nothing to really SEE-just a bunch of talk. And uhhhh... "it isnt THAT exciting where it needs 2 posts about it." Its two posts. Yeah. Two. I'm sorry to be wasting all the bandwidth and hurting you guys so much by putting one more post on this board. Now my post count is a whopping 346. SORRY!

Straight from the mainpage:
Accord Pics
You told us what your car looks like in appearance now show us the pics here.

Isn't that the same thing? Why have two sections? If I put the link in the Appearance section instead of the performance section would that make it okay?

02-06-2003, 09:41 AM
Straight from the mainpage:
Accord Pics
[i]You told us what your car looks like in appearance now show us the pics here.

Isn't that the same thing? Why have two sections? If I put the link in the Appearance section instead of the performance section would that make it okay? [/B]

You see buddy, what that statement means is that a lot of people have stuff in their sig or in regular talk it comes up and they say oh yeah i have 18 " rims (for example) and thats is just a saying. What the main page under Accord pictures is an actual post of YOUR PICTURES and YOU make the thread. Understand me? It does not say POST AGAIN. it says, validate your bulshit.