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03-31-2003, 02:01 PM
All of you guys out there with sunroofs out there. Have anybody swaped a stock 3g retractable sunroof into there Lx or Dx. I want to know how to do this or how much it will cost because I have an 87 Lx-i parts car that has the stock retractable sunroof in it, and I would like to put it in my 86 Lx.

03-31-2003, 04:17 PM
I'm pretty sure it's possible, but I've never heard of anyone actually doing it. I know how you feel though, not having a moonroof sucks! :mad:

I think to get one installed professionally costs anywhere from $300-400. Well that's what they charge over here.

03-31-2003, 04:29 PM
I heard it's a bitch b/c of all the stuff you have to rip out of the roof and the draining system and stuff.

03-31-2003, 04:42 PM
I know I can get a pop up sunroof with installation for around $200, but having a fully retractable sunroof would be sweet.:)

03-31-2003, 04:44 PM
Dude dont get those pop ups if you get one get it so it's power. Power ones get the chicks. :super:

03-31-2003, 06:38 PM
I all ready can get chicks with my car, but having a retractable sunroof will help more. Every girl that sits in the passanger seat the first thing they do is lay down the back of the seat and say "that this car is like brand new. It is so clean and smells sooooo good." They I will say something corny like I did it just for you, which gets them even more turned on! I usally get some pretty good action from this car that is why I'm willing to spend the $7,000 to drop in B18C and many other mods, but still giving it a nice stock look with out going to a ricer look. Man I hate those huge aluminum spoliers. Most of my mods will be strictly performance and sound. :):)

03-31-2003, 07:24 PM
yeah power ones are cool like on a 90 lude si 4ws(my dads. It's going on ebay sometime soon if anybody wants to buy it) cool sunroofs!

04-01-2003, 12:05 AM
I had a pop-up put in my Accord. I wanted a power, but they were pricey, and I didn't like the aftermarket ones. My TL has power, and I love it. But either or is cool.

04-01-2003, 06:57 AM
Originally posted by Mike89Accordcom
I had a pop-up put in my Accord. I wanted a power, but they were pricey, and I didn't like the aftermarket ones. My TL has power, and I love it. But either or is cool.

HAD??? Mike please tell me you did not sell the 3G..... Did you??

04-01-2003, 11:12 AM
No, its still for sale man. When I say I had a sunroof put in, it means at that time I had it put in, hehe. It could sell anytime though. I've gotten some calls on it.