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04-28-2002, 06:29 PM
When will it be up?? What can I do to help it get up faster?

04-28-2002, 06:54 PM
yup it needs to be up soon

04-28-2002, 08:33 PM
I'm willing to help with design/layout and what not. All you gotta do is let me know! :)

04-28-2002, 08:36 PM
will you help? pleeeaase? :)

04-28-2002, 08:45 PM
so theres gonna be 2 domains?!?

04-28-2002, 09:47 PM
yes, 3Geez.com has been around much longer than 86-89accord.com, and has assumed the role of our message board. 86-89accord.com will be the gateway to the information located on the website, and to the vast knowledge that everyone here on the message board has. the 3Geez and 86-89accord domains will work together in providing the best information on the third gen accord that the internet has to offer.

04-28-2002, 10:13 PM

04-29-2002, 12:32 AM
Hehe sounds like a sales pitch :)

04-29-2002, 07:05 AM
just practicing my PR :D

04-29-2002, 07:09 AM
Great, now we have politics starting already! Heh ;)

04-29-2002, 10:05 AM
i talked to marc recently, and he said that there's nobody working on the site, because everyone who said they were gonna work on it ditched, and now he has to get some money saved up to get someone to make it for us. i said i'd make it, but i leave for boot camp in a month, and won't be back 'till end of october... maybe it'll be up when i get back :rolleyes:

04-29-2002, 10:40 AM
I want to help but I do not know how to do the technical stuff. If you need help gathering info let me know. I want to have a part in this.

04-29-2002, 12:03 PM
I can do most of the stuff with Html so if my assistance is needed pm me and i will be more then happy to help!

04-29-2002, 01:26 PM
Since there is a lot of people practically begging to help, and this is afterall, our site, we should all combine efforts to get it going. There are a lot of good webdesigners among us, not to mention all the 3g geniuses and mounds of info.

04-29-2002, 01:39 PM
i'm still willing to help, pretty good VB skills and minimal java and html skills

04-29-2002, 02:36 PM
well... I think it would be a good Idea to have the people who are interested throw together a home page and send it to marc... If he can't work on the page right now then he should pass it off to someone that is willing to take it over for the time being... that way we can at least get something in the makes... I think it would be really cool to see some flash intros for this site... so Java guys... get something going... If we work together we can have a really nice site thats a combination of java and text based, so we have the speed and looks of a professional site... Some one needs to take charge so the people that want to work on it will know what it is that they need to do and where to send their stuff once compleated...

04-29-2002, 03:42 PM
I also offered my services to Marc.....I am pretty proficient in HTML, some scripting, and Flash. I would love to help out wherever I can. Wonder if I created a flash animation if Marc would use it for this board?

04-29-2002, 06:15 PM
I got dibs on being the official procrastinator for the group...:D

I would help, but I can't do any of that stuff...:(

04-30-2002, 12:55 PM
I'm halfway decent with HTML/XHTML, CSS, Perl. I'm also a software engineer, so I can pick up what I don't know pretty quickly.

Now if I could only work on my car the way I work on my PC...

05-02-2002, 05:54 PM
Im with 88LX-IHB...i want to help but cant do squat with html/java...:crying: real help i know but if there is something you might need feel free to ask..i am realy into this 3geez stuff..i spent 2 much time on this site:)

05-02-2002, 06:34 PM
I have tried using board members to do the website for us before. That is why it is still not done. Because instead of paying for it in the first place, I tried to get a member to do it for us. But every single attempt ended in nothing getting done...

I am a very demanding person to do work for, I will admit that. I know what I want, but when it comes to trying to explain what I want, it's hard because i don't have the knowledge of web page design. I have someone that would do it for us, I have a price quote and it's very reasonable in my opinion. However I don't have the immediate funds to do it. I have been trying to raise the funds but things keep coming up. :( So I am thinking about starting another fund raising drive that would fund the website design and also fund the maintenance of this board.. I much rather create fund raising drives instead of putting up gay ass advertising banners.

What do you guys think? should I go forward with the fund raising drive, or should we tryand have a group of members design the website once again???

05-02-2002, 07:00 PM
I vote for a fundraiser.

05-02-2002, 07:28 PM
I suppose it really would be better to "hire" someone for the job. Cuz someone that is getting paid is much more likely to get the job done than someone who is not :lol So even tho I have the skill to help do the job done I would have to vote for a fundraiser :huh:

05-02-2002, 08:52 PM
Hmmmmmmmmm. A telethon. Similar to giving to Jerry's Kids. Who should we have to MC it? Perhaps Eric with a flaming bag over his head or Nate: The Man with the Rubber Face. :eek:

05-03-2002, 02:28 AM
man ! i can take it all !!! yeah make the whole site ! just send me the material you want to put in !!
BTW i am good in dates ! so when i promise you a finishing date i'll do it !
BTW may be i'll need some of VB programmers help !

so marc send all you want !!

something i want to say for the member here ! :we are more than 150 members , most of us know how to do websites ( we make our own ! ) and other 's have ideas ! and we gonna pay somebody to do it !! that ain't right !!no , no !! :rant: :rant:


05-03-2002, 04:28 AM
prove that i am serious! what do you guys thibk of this flash as a header for the web site ! it's only 40K and will load fast ( once ) then it'll be in the user's cash who is surfing the site !



05-03-2002, 05:50 AM
Accord EX - Looks hot. Maybe with better pics it'll look better. I like it tho.

05-03-2002, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by Vega88lxi
Accord EX - Looks hot. Maybe with better pics it'll look better. I like it tho.

thnx ! about the pics i don't have a wide selection ! ( unfortunately ! ) :(


05-03-2002, 11:26 AM
Well I think the fund raising idea sounds good. If you feel you can delegate the work of the website to one of the members it's still a good idea to maybe have a paypal account where members can make donations and such to keep the website going and everything running smoothly. Any money in excess can be saved for other things that the members can decide on together. You could buy some nice car stuff and raffle it off or something. Just a thought. :)

05-03-2002, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by Maydnaella
Well I think the fund raising idea sounds good. If you feel you can delegate the work of the website to one of the members it's still a good idea to maybe have a paypal account where members can make donations and such to keep the website going and everything running smoothly. Any money in excess can be saved for other things that the members can decide on together. You could buy some nice car stuff and raffle it off or something. Just a thought. :)

this donation idea is nice but in a mercedes owner 's forum ! :p
remember why we got the accord teh first place ! ( NOT ENOUGH MONEY TO GET A BETTER THING ) most of board members are still studyin ( like my self ) so every extra penny we sa fe ( if we do ) it to buy something for our cars ! !!
i think there are a lot of memder that understands web and graphic desgin ! so why don't all those payback this board by making a nice web for free ! and so everybody be happy ! :D:D