View Full Version : Back again x 2 (Gheah!!)

Cacalac Jones
07-03-2003, 09:29 PM
Ok fellas/Ladies hope I don't catch any haters on this one...A few weeks back I had my White 89' Lxi coupe stolen and bashed, Po Po found it with a burnt up clutch......Well all that's been fixed except fot the body work but while hunting for small parts I found a champagne 2 door 89 Lxi with only 119,228 miles!! Dude wanted $1200 so you know I grabbed it for a G. Digital camera is on-line so I'll put up Pics this weekend if I can figure out how to post.....Holla!! :super:

07-03-2003, 10:20 PM
nice!! so u got a lxi for a 1G!! NICE!!

well when u get pics open an account at www.cardomain.com
then after u got your pics right click on the picture then go to properties and select the url (ex. www.cardomain.com/blabajd.jpg) then u come back here and post the pic here with these tags [ img]Insert url here[ /img] (no spaces) hope this helps!

07-03-2003, 10:28 PM
geeez 3g resale value is high down there eh? around here a near mint 3g can go for 1500. an average 3g will go for 500-900

ohya Canadian too.

Cacalac Jones
07-04-2003, 10:44 PM
Damn, I wish I could find a near mint 3G for $1500..!! The white one I have I paid $3200 and it had 125,000 miles...Guess I need to be in Canada..lol:bow:

07-04-2003, 10:48 PM
Yeah mine was mint when I bought it and I paid $3500 for it and now it's starting to rust. Damn MN winters.