View Full Version : Girl keyed my car... pretty bad.

07-08-2003, 10:45 PM
So my car's been vandaled on a few occasions, paintballed causing dent and such (fucking highschool :burn: ). Well this girl thats actually my friend keyed/knifed the shit out of the driver side of my car, like almost from the front to the back, it stretches over a long distance. Reason she did it? Unknown. I found it was her from friends and i've gotten her to compensate me. I'll post pics tomorrow but I was asking people's opions on how much you believe she should pay for the job? To be compensated for.

Hopefully I can get a new paint job after this, but I have a good amount of rust ill have to get rid of first (suggestions)? Thanks guys.

07-08-2003, 11:48 PM
Fuk the rust.....she owes you some dough

07-09-2003, 12:41 AM
I'd knock her the fuck out.......

07-09-2003, 01:00 AM
That bitch is crazy...

As for cost it depends on if you just do what she messed up, or the whole car. Cause you could spend $250 on an entire car job at Maaco, or the same amount at a good shop doing touch up. I'd estimate $600-800 for an entire car at a good shop. Just a guess though! :)

Blue Impact
07-09-2003, 02:00 AM
Guys, guys, guys, let's not be so quick to take action against the girl. We don't know the history between Pronto and that little psychotic girl so let's try to remain neutral. Pronto, maybe you've done something that pissed her off so bad that she wanted to kill you, but ended up attempting to kill your car. But if you haven't done anything wrong to her, damn, why would she wanna do that? For attention? Maybe a dare? Whatever the case may be, good luck, man. Don't go on a killing spree over your car now.

07-09-2003, 07:47 AM
man just my opinion but the word job is there for a reasonand it blows. Get it. Id make her pay with a little on the side as interest. Or just make her life a living hell. If your still in high school then tyhe world revolves around group gatherings. Just tell them shes got VD or something. By the time it makes it back to her the story will bbe so construd no one will care about the truth.

No, dont do that. That'd be mean or something. Id say at least 500. Though. And yes any person willing to go after a car rather than the person is a small minded, low self esteam phsyco. What did the car ever do it was you right(supposidly)

07-09-2003, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by Blue Impact
Pronto and that little psychotic girl so let's try to remain neutral.

lol, it's proto buddy.

and that basicly is the reason, she is a little pychotic girl and thats why she did it, I asked her and thats her reason. Right now i've got her to pay 300, i'm going over there today cause she can't cough up the cash, mommy and daddy do so they want to see it. I'll post pics in like an hour.

07-09-2003, 11:17 AM
Well I've got the pics for you know, its kinda hard to catch them, I tried to get good angels and a few came out ok.




what ya think? like I said before you can see rust, and I don't know if it would be worth geting a paintjob if theres so much rust.

07-09-2003, 12:24 PM
fuck this chick, make her pay out her ass... People who do cowardly shit like this need to grow the fuck up... I hate Thieves/Vandals/Crooks...

07-09-2003, 04:48 PM
hmm..... if it goes through inshurance, tell them she put some of that rust there too, j/k.

07-09-2003, 04:56 PM
If she does not pay, then do the same to her car or just take her to small claims court. The pics have text file extensions, so I was not sure to rename as jpg, gif, bmp, png or whatever so I'll assume its pretty nasty

07-09-2003, 06:20 PM
fuck her doggy style

07-09-2003, 07:20 PM
Well, that was inappropriate, but I guess it depends on what she looks like and if he can't get the money. :D

07-09-2003, 07:30 PM
<laughing...well maybe>

now don't get me wrong, but judge judy would laugh your ass out of court without an estimate..

screw the rust..have them put the rust repair on the estimate as a line item ( your getting it all done now..as you can't stand to look at the key damage), then get the standard paint price (nuthin exotic) tell her that's what a paint job costs..and get paid...not a problem if you decide not to follow on with the paint job..get some flames or cool graphic painted on..or just go for it..almost all rust can be fixed for a price ( of a new car)

and of course..give her some low cost advice when you collect your claim.....

tell her next time she's angry to break the windshield..it's more dramatic and cheaper to pay for..and it's a rare replacement windshield that doesn't leak..but that's optional info.

btw..sorry about the key job..sucks when your ride is messed with

sucks for them when you collect small claims judegment

07-09-2003, 08:39 PM
there names .txt for direct linkage from geocities. And I don't know how much it s worth, but im asking for like 300 bucks, then probebly get some half decent macco job. You guys think thats fair? Take a look at the pics. Thanks for the input guys.

07-09-2003, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Blue Impact
Guys, guys, guys, let's not be so quick to take action against the girl. We don't know the history between Pronto and that little psychotic girl so let's try to remain neutral. Pronto, maybe you've done something that pissed her off so bad that she wanted to kill you, but ended up attempting to kill your car. But if you haven't done anything wrong to her, damn, why would she wanna do that? For attention? Maybe a dare? Whatever the case may be, good luck, man. Don't go on a killing spree over your car now.

i'd still knock her the FUCK out....

07-10-2003, 03:45 AM
on her ability to pay..if she makes 300 bucks a week..get $500 ( you will need a car to drive while your car is painted won't you?) that should ocver paint, rental car and cab rides.

07-10-2003, 07:29 AM
I'm sorry, but why are you asking us what you should charge her? get an estimate to fix the key marks in writing from a body shop, then charge her the price they give you. like njpeter said, there isn't a court in the world that will stand behind some arbitrary number that you make up.

07-10-2003, 09:13 AM
That happned to my car once I was hella pissed but defantly get a body shop to do an estimate then make her pay it and a rental.