View Full Version : whats the best way?

01-23-2004, 03:43 PM
aight people i finally got my stinky pacesetter cat back the problem im having is that i cant get the nuts off the damn cat to bolt the bastard on ive done a few exhaust before with rusty nuts but these are different it looks like that they're welded on i came to this conclusion because there some welded patches in the factory piping(dont ask never seen it before) any suggestions? or should i borrow my neighbors 30 30 and blow the bastard off :)

01-23-2004, 03:57 PM
I would say remove the cat completely and weld in a strait pipe, only if you have no emissions checks.
This would be a good time to change to cat as well, if its original I guarentee its restrictive as hell.
As for getting it off I reccomend an assetling torch.

01-24-2004, 12:59 AM
I was reading a boook about honda and acura performance. It says that the cat. convertors really dont offer any back pressure. So its really not power inhibitor. Its a great book and has many other true facts so I bought the thoery. It is afterall the same thing as a straight flow muffler which offers little to no power restrictions. As far as your problem I cant help you. If your repacement is larger than sawzall the ting out and have shop weld in new flanges. If its the same size then Id say try a dremel and cut the bolts off or just the welds. If you have phnematic tools try an air chizel. May work but not sure