View Full Version : my box flipped over!

07-07-2002, 10:36 AM
i built a sealed box, for my 2 12s. but when i drive it shifts around alot, and it has flipped over twice. it hasn't damaged my subs yet, but im getting scared. how can i stop it from flipping. as of now its not carpeted, will this help? the box usually aims at a downward angle, so i sometimes stuff towels under it to aim it straight more, but it flips even when nothings under it. anyone havbe any ideas?

07-07-2002, 10:55 AM
use some L brackets to screw it to the chassis.

07-07-2002, 11:14 AM
yah secure that sucka down...my "paw" was on the fire dept (recently retired) and as soon as i got my box he MADE me secure it

direct quote
"I've seen poor kids get there heads taken right off" he was talkin about box's in hatchbacks comin right from the back

hey..who has good math/physics skills?
how much energy does say a 25lb box have travelling at 55mph??

07-07-2002, 11:49 AM
L brackets. Or take a couple a carriage bolts and go through the box and through the floor. Do whatever it takes. And as far as a 25 lb box, at 55, i would say that would be enough to take off some heads. I have a bandpass box with 1 12" and that thing weighs 30 lbs. Then i mounted my amp on the back of my box. that in it;s self added 40 lbs. Good thing i have a rear trunk, the most that thing ever does is shift around a little bit. HAHA!

07-07-2002, 02:54 PM
Well, all's I have to say is if anybody has a kleenex box sitting on their back deck, remove it immediately!! It has been proven that in a head on collision, a full kleenex box has enough energy to take a head off so a 25 lb box has more than enough energy to do some major damage.

That's all i have to say about that.

Peace out..

12-18-2005, 06:09 PM
ok I know this is an old post,but i recently saw on fifth gear where they tested this, I see a lot of guys on here with stuff in the back with the seats flipped down,they showed this in a crash test,even things like groceries in the back seat are enough to kill you,the kleenex box doesn't have enough mass to do any damage,but they showed a typical tool box in a hatch,and during the crash it came right through the back seat,just knocked the seats aside,I don't even like the idea of putting anyone in my back seat anymore after seeing this,they also showed lumber put in the back and assemble it yourself furniture,laid across the back,it will kill you in a crash just like a guilitione.If i remeber right it decapitated one of the dummies.I am going to get a small truck box for inside of the hatch and bolt it to the floor for tools,from now on.

12-18-2005, 10:03 PM
I saw that show...That tool box ones is scary..I dont put my tools in the trunk anymore now...