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03-08-2004, 11:00 AM

Does anybody carbed 3g put out alot of white smoke when you first crank it? The tech told me that it is just condensation. My car put out alot of smoke for a good 5-10min when its cold. When its warm..you see no smoke. Is there a way to reduce the smoke...meaning to stop it from blowing all over the place. It seems that when I mash on the gas like 2-3 times the idle drops quick..then you will see a reduction of the smoke. It only smokes alot when the idle is at 2500rpms. Is there anything I should do when I first crank it?

holla back

03-08-2004, 11:12 AM
its just codensation. If it puffs white smoke all the time without stopping thats a sign of a blown headgasket, but its fine if its just for 5-10 minutes. Mine does the same thing and i have fuel injection.

03-08-2004, 01:02 PM
yea thats just a typical thing that every car does. :)

03-12-2004, 04:11 AM
as guys said
its typical, but if your car runs with one cylinder off,
I think you know how it feels ,
you should look often on your water temp gauge
if it is hot change your head gasket.
Ive destroyed mine 2 moths ago... and it was like 6months old..

but still more often its just an water evaporating...
so good luck.

03-12-2004, 04:17 AM
Yup yup. Totally normal. I started mine up this morning and pretty white smoke was all over the place. It stopped though. You want to worry when it does it all the time or when the smoke turns black.

03-12-2004, 07:53 AM
One of the byproduct of combustion is H2O

03-13-2004, 09:10 AM
hmm, this is interesting because my car started smoking really bad the other day too.
it usually didn't smoke like that unless it was on a cold day, but i guess maybe it got a little humid here... i'm glad somebody asked.

03-13-2004, 11:27 AM
when i first got my car i had bluish smoke and white smoke for like 5 minutes, but then i started tuning it up and replacing stuff, i had no idea what the problem was but i fixed it lol

08-06-2004, 06:09 AM
My car used to smoke (white) in mornings all the time too. One time I was warming it up the the college parking lot and the cops came :rofl: . They thought there was a fire or something. But I did a lot to the car and it stopped smoking.

Until today. But: it was colder out than usual, I added too much oil a few days ago, put in colder plugs, and changed to thicker oil. I guess I'll have to look at each of those variables + the coolant first before starting to worry.

And yeah, I know its an old post. But its Friday, I got nothing to do at work - and I'm bored. :hsugh:

08-06-2004, 03:52 PM
Hmm my car smokes outta the engine sometimes when im driving hard (All the time) is that a sign of a blown headgasket?the smoke isnt that noticable, it puffs for a sec then stops, then puffs like 3 seconds later for like 10 seconds. i can smell it too... where does the smoke come from? oh and btw, the first time i got my muffler installed i took it for a spin and 2 minutes later it was smoking lol.

08-06-2004, 04:06 PM
check the torque on the valve cover nuts.

it's supposed to be 7 ft-lbs. if it's too tight or too loose, oil will drip/spill out of the valve cover and fall onto the exhaust header, at which point it evaporates into smoke.

i had the same problem with my car, and as soon as I adjusted the nuts, it stopped.

08-06-2004, 04:09 PM
Ohyeah, dude one day i unscrewed that thing to see what was up (The nut and washer on the valve cover) and it fell down in my engine, never got it back, so ther is a screw sticking up and everyday i pop the hood there's oil on the valve cover. where can i get a new washer and nut for the valve cover?

08-06-2004, 05:53 PM
A bit OT: Where do you get a sensitive (0-50 or so) torque wrench? My autozone has these that go 0-200 or so, its impossible to adjust the little bolts and such... Home depot?

08-06-2004, 07:41 PM
At first my 3gee used to smoke. It was funny cuz one time i would stop at a redlight and then it would turn green, but i wouldn't move and get other people pissed off. But when they started to honk I just stepped on the gas and literally a cloud of smoke just engulfed them. It was so funny!!! They had to roll down the windows. But it turned out to that the oil was leaking out of the head and burning it up or something like that. But now its fixed.

08-06-2004, 08:08 PM
where can i get a new washer and nut for the valve cover?

i would check the junk yard, personally. i'm sure they'll have plenty of 3rd gens there for you to pick and scavenge from. the nut and washer will probably run you, oh, $0.75... if they even charge you. unless they're jerks. :dunno:

but seriously, it'd be real cheap.

A bit OT: Where do you get a sensitive (0-50 or so) torque wrench? My autozone has these that go 0-200 or so, its impossible to adjust the little bolts and such... Home depot?

i got mine at sears. it's adjustable from 0-150 or so... not sure, but i've never found a bolt that i couldn't use this on. also, it's really easy to adjust! just turn the handle to set it to the desired torque. no kiddin. and if it ever breaks, you get a new one for free! (craftsman, of course)

08-06-2004, 08:30 PM
the only jy in close distance (Within an hour) is the one down the street and they only carry 92 and up models of all hondas. so if there is a honda that is year 92 or up that has the same washer and nut plz tell me,thanks.

08-06-2004, 08:53 PM
ever here of a hardware store?

08-07-2004, 04:08 AM
Get the nut and washer at the dealership.

08-07-2004, 02:47 PM
went to the hardware store said they dont have it. hmm but dealerships are expensive. hope there open on sundays.