View Full Version : Well............damn............

12-14-2005, 02:30 PM
Well, today I went to go to an interview and................my piston rod broke!!!!! :crying: Shitty thing to happen, but at least it didn't bust thru the side of my motor. All I can tell you is I had a nasty light tap, then after driving for 5 minutes today, you can hear a loud bang bang bang :thumbdn:
. Accelerate the motor a bit it gets harder :eek: . Why I know I broke a piston rod is that I know what it is like to drive on 3 cylinders, but this time without the piston moving. So it felt like a hella compression loss. Anyways, I checked the motor over, no leaks of any kind (so far), and also checked seals, none blown. So bye bye motor :sadwave: .

Last recorded milage on the original motor ...... 260145.7 :violin:

Anyways, thank god I actually have another ride, my 88 Bronco II that I bought a few months ago, just need to get it smogged, then I can drive it. Then my plans for the accord is to either junk it and get a 90-93 accord / 88-90 CRX or another motor for the accord.

12-14-2005, 04:11 PM
Well, today I went to go to an interview and................my piston rod broke!!!!! :crying: Shitty thing to happen, but at least it didn't bust thru the side of my motor. All I can tell you is I had a nasty light tap, then after driving for 5 minutes today, you can hear a loud bang bang bang :thumbdn:
. Accelerate the motor a bit it gets harder :eek: . Why I know I broke a piston rod is that I know what it is like to drive on 3 cylinders, but this time without the piston moving. So it felt like a hella compression loss. Anyways, I checked the motor over, no leaks of any kind (so far), and also checked seals, none blown. So bye bye motor :sadwave: .
Last recorded milage on the original motor ...... 260145.7 :violin:
Anyways, thank god I actually have another ride, my 88 Bronco II that I bought a few months ago, just need to get it smogged, then I can drive it. Then my plans for the accord is to either junk it and get a 90-93 accord / 88-90 CRX or another motor for the accord.

My recommendation is for you to stay with your vehicle. I've read from some people here that if you get rid of your car by any means you will eventually want another one. It's like a curse; it even scares me... I have thought of selling mine, but the next day I just feel so bad, and ashamed. When you own an 86-89 accord you'll always come back.

Don't waste your time, but if you can overcome the "curse" then good luck with the 90-93 accord ( which sucks IMO ), and with the CRX ( this one is a really good car overall, and always sexy ).

EDIT: 80's car pwns all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!1! For real!

HAHAHA I can't just image myself driving a 52 years old car in 2040. I wil lbe 53 at that time, if I ever get there, which I hope I don't. Life sucks so much that I'm tired of living... The fun things for everyone where I live are drugs, alcohol, and crime... it sucks to be me!

12-14-2005, 05:36 PM
If the body is still fresh on your 3g, put another engine in it, you cant go wrong. Getting rid of it for a bronco is sacreligeous

12-14-2005, 07:52 PM

12-14-2005, 08:50 PM
damn that sucks richard, my condolances.

12-15-2005, 01:04 AM
If the body is still fresh on your 3g, put another engine in it, you cant go wrong. Getting rid of it for a bronco is sacreligeous

Well the bronco is my back-up ride, so I can fully fix up the accord, i am actually still gonna keep the accord. also the truck is gonna be for the sound comps too so either way it aint gonna be used fully.

12-15-2005, 07:41 AM
just as an aside... has anyone noticed how many cars have been trashed recently due to blown blocks or accidents?
there was deadhead's, jigga's and now this.
mercury is in retrograde right now, which means according to astrology, mechanical failures are far more common and repairs should not be attempted until retrograde is over.
not that i'm using this as proof, i just thought it was interesting. i've also noticed a lot more cars broken down on the side of I-95 on my way to and from work, and i mean i passed 5 or 6 on tuesday and another 5 or 6 on the way back home. and no they weren't the same cars

12-18-2005, 04:24 PM
man, that sucks. i dread the day my motor messes up. so your really going to keep the 3gee? i'd keep it. and the bronco needs to be smogged eh? i can do that for ya :bong:. j/k

12-18-2005, 05:10 PM
i had an 88 bronco II...that friggin thing was bulletproof....until i made the rearend puke out after launching it off of jumps and into giant pond sized puddles at 45 mph...the brakestands probably didnt help much either :lol:

12-18-2005, 05:13 PM
Keep the 3gee and do a B20 swap :)

12-19-2005, 04:08 PM
What motor is the easiest to swap on these cars, besides the same exact one??? I'll look for it, just wanted to ask for personal info.