View Full Version : whatwheels are these?
12-21-2006, 01:20 AM
small picture, but i don't recognize them?
12-21-2006, 02:11 AM
they kinda look like steelies....but they may just be mesh i dont know lol
12-21-2006, 02:16 AM
^ thats what i was gonna say
12-21-2006, 02:21 AM
great minds think alike
12-21-2006, 08:33 AM
the only place you might be able to find them is at the junkyard or something like that.
12-21-2006, 08:52 AM
They look like European factory add-ons. I've never seen them here, but I haven't seen a lot of 1g's. But by the looks of the bumpers, that's a European or Japanese model. Just a guess, but yeah they're nice lookin wheels.
12-21-2006, 11:15 AM
yea they looked meshie to me :) Thanks
12-21-2006, 11:23 AM
never seen them before
these ones look similar
12-21-2006, 05:39 PM
Not the same though...
12-21-2006, 08:33 PM
The catalog cover are dealer accessory add ons. They were available in the US, but I think only for the 76-8 Accords. The dark blue car with the fender mounted mirror has the 81 USDM SE sedan wheels. 6 spokes. I think that's what we're looking at.
12-22-2006, 04:35 PM
Yep the Accessory catalog is definately for American US/Canada markets -LHD wiper arrangement & most other markets didn't demand the rear side marker reflectors. -Dealer fitted accessory wheels, stripes, roof-rack(wing?) & bumper overriders.
11-08-2007, 09:45 PM
I have seen those wheels for sale in the past by some of the 1st gen Civic guys.....they were a dealer accessory and were actually made by Enkei.
11-17-2007, 07:06 AM
accesory catalog (
04-24-2010, 03:13 AM
I'm new here and I dug up this old thread to ask if anyone knows about my wheels.
Here's a pic:
(Can't make a link with 0 posts, sorry)
The seller said he had them in a '80 Accord and was fairly confident that they were an official factory option. I have never ever seen another set of wheels like these, are they really a factory option? They are 13" Enkeis with 4x120 PCD so i guess they are.
I'd really like to see some old brochure or something with these wheels. I believe the painted parts were originally a bit darker, maybe even black but i thought they'd look better with that dark grey. I could have done a bit more thorough work with the polishing, but they'll do for now. Maybe when i get the whole car repainted i'll do a better job with the wheels too :)
Here's a pic of my '80 5-speed hatch with those wheels:
If someone has a good left side mirror of the kind that's in the pic i'd be really interested. I have only found those smaller ones but i like those big elephant ears the best ;)
I'd also die for that part E on JOSEAMOY's accessory catalog, the rear window grille. I've never seen one on an Accord. We call them huoraportaat (whore stairs) here in Finland ;)
04-24-2010, 03:19 AM
I can't say if those are factory option or no but they look good on yours :thumbup: And nice hatch too!
:welcome: and post more pics!!
Oh yeah nice name for the louvers too :lol:
04-24-2010, 03:50 AM
I don't have so many pics of my car. I really don't know why, maybe I just like driving it more than taking pictures :)
It isn't actually as good as it looks, it has a few rust spots here and there and the paint is dim especially on the left front fender and on the hood.
I only drive it in the summer, the winters here are real car killers. No, it's not the ice, snow nor -30 celsius temperatures but the goddamn salt. They spread this salt-water mix on the main roads all the time to prevent ice. That's why most older cars here are real rustbuckets. They start it when the temperatures start to go below zero, but luckily the stuff stops working below about -7 degrees and they stop spreading it. So, the colder is better and also much funnier ;) Those of you who don't have snowy winters don't know what you miss :cool:
To get back to the topic, i'm just fixing my car for the summer, maybe i'll take more pictures when it's shiny and nice again :)
"Louvers" - that's the word. I didn't know what to call the thing in english but now i know :) Maybe now i also can find one of those...
Here's some pics:
1 - that's the car before i bought it.
2 - a good wash really makes a difference :)
3 - the interior is almost perfect. The front seats are in pretty bad shape. Too bad i didn't take any "before"-pics of the interior :nervous:
9 - that's my '77 Hondamatic parts car. Almost everything is stuffed inside :) I should sort that parts pile up some day...
I'm trying to keep my car as original as possible, next year when it's 30 years old it should be eligible to be registered as a museum car. That means no tax, low insurance but only 30 days of driving. But it needs some finishing, mostly a new paint job, front seats and that left side mirror.
I also have other classics, a '70 Ford Cortina and a '77 Ford Escort estate which also require some attention. The Honda is for satisfying my classic driving needs for now, but I'll finish it up some day... :rolleyes:
04-25-2010, 02:09 AM
Love those wheels of yours but I have never seen any like them!
The car looks great, it is always interesting to see the different colours, specifications & options available : we only ever got Red Accords in '78 & yours looks nicer than that Sofia red ever seemed to me.
Do you think those front wheel arch liners on your parts car are original? They are different to the ones we got on '81 models.
Since our roads aren't salted Honda didn't specify them earlier even though the mounting points were incorporated by '79
04-25-2010, 05:33 AM
That's the only bright red one I've ever seen. We have Civics of the same age with that colour too. I once almost bought a '80 2gen Civic to match my Accord :)
About the liners, i guess they are not Honda originals, but originally fitted by the retailer in Finland. I'm pretty sure that most of the older liners in almost every car here are Finnish made Lokari brand ones. I guess they we're used because of the salt.
I know they use salt in Canada too, but what I'ver heard they use dry salt, as in crystalline form and don't use real winter tires. We here use mostly studded tires so there isn't much difference to summer :) Well, you get more noise but more fun... Nowadays people are starting to use non-studded siped winter tyres, but you lose most of the traction on slippery ice. They also blabber about some eco-bullshit ;) Studs = speed :)
Like this: (add www)
(need 2 more posts to post images andurls ;)
04-27-2010, 02:52 AM
Those proper period rear window louvers are interesting to see, I have some aftermarket ones somewhere but unfortunately they are the cheaper more modern molded & trimmed plastic style where those look far more sophisticated & sharply shaped (metal?).
If you go looking for mirrors here's a comparison between the 77-78 mirror (top) and a poor quality copy of a '79-81 mirror that I found at my local wreckers & I think I have stumbled across for sale online previously (though mounting hole sizes varied).
these were shared with Civics & Preludes (where they were painted black).
Good mirrors being hard to find here since they didn't incorporate drainholes so often rust out from the inside with condensation, passenger mirrors being particularly rare having been a dealer accessory as noted. 77-78 being reversible for use on either side though while the '79-81 style were specifically handed.
Note Japan & N.America sometimes got different mirrors however.
I really should add the period aftermarket "speedy" brand wheels to this thread that I believe were dealer fitted to a sad '78 Accord that I have.
Though I'm not so sure I like their style being fussy & heavily shaped so that their spokes protrude well OUTSIDE the wheel rim reminding me most of some of Datsun's tackier plastic hub-caps of the '70's.
04-27-2010, 07:37 AM
The lower mirror is just what I need, and i may even be persuaded to accept a cheap copy :) I also have the upper model mirrors on my parts car, but the left one is also a goner.
My '80 mirror has also rusted out from the bottom. I hid the worst under some aluminium tape but that's lightyears away from perfect.
If those olders mirrors fit on both sides there's the last resort of fitting the one good older one on the left door of my car, but then i have some holes to hide...
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