View Full Version : The 1gee Mouse House
08-22-2007, 12:49 PM
So I've got a little mouse problem in my 1gee. I can't find where the cute little bastards are, but I saw one jump into the car from the hole where the automatic shift linkage used to go through. He went under the seat of the car, and I've been unable to find him. I pulled the seats out to swap in my 2g hatch seats I picked up, and I didn't see him in the car. I taped up the holes in the center console where the shifter was, but he chewed through, and now it stinks like a mofo in the car. I dunno if he coudln't get out and died, or if he ate the tape and died. But it didn't stink like this before, and I don't want him chewing up my upholstery. Any ideas to get him out and keep any of the other little bastards out of the car? How about removing smells too? Do you think it will go away once it's gone, or will it still stink? Should I pull the whole carpet and shampoo it?
08-22-2007, 01:27 PM
yuck, my dad had squirrels in his 87lxi heater ducts when i was a kid. have you checked in there. if its still alive, mice love peanut butter. you could always keep a trap in the car under the seat. as far as the smell, spill some vodka on the floor! or rent a carpet shampooer.......
lol pownt
id imagine hes under the carpet somewhere. find corpse and remove air freshener and open windows for a while should take caer of the smell. and a tarp under the car with the ends kinda tied /flipped up sould take car of the getting in problem. stop eating in cheetos in your car fatass lol jk
08-22-2007, 02:05 PM
I'm not fat... I'm big-boned. :rant:
I'm not fat... I'm big-boned. :rant:
08-22-2007, 02:13 PM
Reminds me of the Rat that found a way into my mothers Mitsubishi through a tiny drain /tooling assembly hole under the rr 1/4... untill one day it got stuck, or the cat intercepted it half-way & it died hanging from the hole. Can't get more obvious to see than that !
Aren't the 2g frt seat mountings completely different to 1g... mounted on their side on the center tunnel & incorporating belt mountings... or am I thinking of 2.5g...
I'm regretting not going for a set of 1g Integra seats I saw in the right colour...& on the lookout for some more.
Civic Accord Honda
08-22-2007, 02:42 PM
lol strip your interior you should be able to find it and since its striped take the carpet to a local laundrymat {SP} and wash the carpet :)
08-22-2007, 02:49 PM
Reminds me of the Rat that found a way into my mothers Mitsubishi through a tiny drain /tooling assembly hole under the rr 1/4... untill one day it got stuck, or the cat intercepted it half-way & it died hanging from the hole. Can't get more obvious to see than that !
Aren't the 2g frt seat mountings completely different to 1g... mounted on their side on the center tunnel & incorporating belt mountings... or am I thinking of 2.5g...
I'm regretting not going for a set of 1g Integra seats I saw in the right colour...& on the lookout for some more.
The 1g and 2g seats are REALLY close. I'm going to drill out the holes in the mounts on one side by about 1/4 inch to the left, and then put a 1 inch spacer in the front. So basically the 2g seat rails are 1 inch longer and about 1/4 inch narrower. Should be the same for 2.0 and 2.5g.
08-22-2007, 06:53 PM
Even mouse love 1geez :D
08-22-2007, 07:58 PM
If it smeels like road kill in there than its probobly dead, but when a mouse got into an old silverado that we had the smell from it wasnt death, it was something i can only describe as the smell of "rat shit" . We let it ventilate for a day or two and the smell did go away. I would say lay out some mouse poison but after it eats it, but it may end up crawling somewhere and dying bringing you back to square one so...:dunno:
08-22-2007, 08:15 PM
that sucks big time, for a poison i would use de-con brand, what it does is dries the mouse out from the inside makeing it bone dry this wil eliminate the problem of the roting smell if it dies in the car and you cant find it. i would say try blocking all the holes with something he cant chew threw aswell to try and keep any new ones from getting in and most likely you will have to strip out some stuf to find any dead ones allready inside/clean the poo out, good luck
08-23-2007, 05:37 AM
that sucks big time, for a poison i would use de-con brand, what it does is dries the mouse out from the inside makeing it bone dry this wil eliminate the problem of the roting smell if it dies in the car and you cant find it.
will this work on my neighbors? i dont feel like dismembering/disposing of parts!
08-27-2007, 02:37 PM
Toss a roach bomb in there with the windows up, don't get in it for like 3 days :D problem solved!
08-27-2007, 03:47 PM
Time to get a cat.
08-27-2007, 04:17 PM
Time to get a cat.
If I do go with said "cat" method, should I leave the windows cracked on the car? Also, how long can he survive without food before he catches the mouse. And what do I do about hairballs? I don't want to stain the carpet.
08-27-2007, 10:19 PM
If I do go with said "cat" method, should I leave the windows cracked on the car? Also, how long can he survive without food before he catches the mouse. And what do I do about hairballs? I don't want to stain the carpet.
Do you have Michael Vick's number? He might know about animal life spans right about now.
I had a problem in my Prelude and we just left the doors open and Mickey and his friend left on their own. Maybe put some food outside the car to lure out the mouse.
Please tell me you aren't going to lock a cat in there to find a mouse. Man, that's just cruel for a cat. Plus, if the cat has claws and gets agitated... you'll wish you only had a mouse in that interior!!
08-28-2007, 01:05 PM
hahaha! No way I would lock a poor cat in the car. Not to mention he'd claw up the upholstery! ;) I'd like to encourage the mouse to just leave, but he keeps chewing a new hole in through the auto shifter linkage hole. I gotta figure out a better way to plug that up than masking tape! I think he's going in and out of the car on his own... I'd like to just find him and kick him out. Maybe I'll pull up the carpet before I mount the 2gee seats this weekend. There aren't that many places to hide!
08-29-2007, 11:50 AM
Just get a couple of snap traps and put them directly in front of the hole. I'd much rather have mice than the packrats here. When those bastards get in, say goodbye to your wiring. They also drag cactus, sticks, dead animals, dog shit, you name it and it will be in your engine bay. Leaving degreaser on the engine seems to keep the rats at bay for a month or two. They also don't like the smell of gas, when I replaced my leaky injectors they were in there within a week. We need a thread dedicated to eradicating these pricks. I got 42 of them one month, no joke, 42!
08-29-2007, 03:49 PM
Will putting aluminum foil around the auto shifter linkage hole work? Have you ever chewed foil? It creates some sort of "electrical" result with your teeth and saliva. Mice and rats tend not to chew through it. Also, if the foil is prone to fall out, use that metallic silver furnace duct tape. Truly sticky! But yeah, other than that, kitty cat.
08-29-2007, 11:30 PM
Will putting aluminum foil around the auto shifter linkage hole work? Have you ever chewed foil? It creates some sort of "electrical" result with your teeth and saliva. Mice and rats tend not to chew through it. Also, if the foil is prone to fall out, use that metallic silver furnace duct tape. Truly sticky! But yeah, other than that, kitty cat.
Oh good call with the tin foil. I will give that a shot. I'm pulling the carpet this weekend, so hopefully I can find him and kick him out. Then I'll tape up the holes with tinfoil. Or I'll fill that thing with epoxy. That should work since that car will never again be auto! :)
09-25-2007, 03:22 PM
This looks interesting. Good way to get him without letting him out. So long as I don't forget about the trap, I'll be able to release him out into the woods.
Just set one of these up in the car, and block off the entrance to the car really well. Should be good to go!
09-25-2007, 08:29 PM
Don't block off his escape, they'll start trying to chew their way out. Did that in the 69' Lincoln, the little bastard chewed through half of the vacuum hoses in the dash, some wires and carpet under the seats. Place a snap trap right in front of the hole and another on the ground where you suspect he is climbing up. Don't even need to bait them.
10-07-2007, 01:29 AM
FUCK. Check this shit out:
So the whole time the mice have been in my car, the back seat was folded down so that I could store parts in the hatch. Well, turns out the little bastards were making a nest in there. I figured it might have been cleanable if they didn't chew any holes in my perfect upholstery.
Well guess what. Of course they did. So I took out all the seats, all the plastic in the back of the car, and pulled all the carpet. The car fucking STUNK of mouse shit bad. I cleaned the whole back of the car out nice with Simple Green, and under the back seat (which is fucked and not going back in). They also decided to make 2 nests in the spare tire compartment as well, and pissed and shit all over in there. So there was just a nasty ass cake of shit everywhere in there.
So basically, I gutted and scrubbed the shit out of the whole car. Carpets are getting shampooed tomorrow, and in the house they will go. I'm not putting in any interior until the engine is done and the car is driving.
Here's the little bastards responsible. I've run into more critters with this car...
The good news is, my buddy was able to get them all out of the car. I stuck a big-ass fan in the hatch and left the front windows open. Hopefully that fan on high will get out the stink.
10-07-2007, 01:34 AM
fuck nasty shit. ha u got a foto of the mice least they r gone !
10-07-2007, 01:51 AM
sucks about the seats :(
but yeah at leaset they are gone!
10-07-2007, 09:39 AM
lol the mouse was not scared?
10-07-2007, 09:46 AM
keep some decon in the car all the time, when they get dehydrated from it they'll leave in search of water and probably never come back. i have some under the seats and in the spare tire well.
Civic Accord Honda
10-07-2007, 09:57 AM
sucks man
10-07-2007, 12:11 PM
Damn bro. I've been there myself and it just sucks. Just more work and satisfaction for you when it is finally done. Nothing you could really have done about it. Just clean it up well!!
10-07-2007, 08:33 PM
I'd kill the bastards!
10-07-2007, 08:53 PM
Bah, no need to kill them. They're too tiny and defenseless. Woudln't have done any good anyways... I guess that it just means I have an excuse to get rid of the back seat and build a storage compartment.
It's badass how the top of the back seat just pops out. I was trying to figure it out, and had to refer to the factory service manual. I figured it was bolted down to some hinges, but it's really cool how it just pops up and out!
I scrubbed the floor out today with some more simple green. Got up front and cleaned out all that carpet insulation that was glued down. Came out pretty easy, the smell was mostly gone, letting it air out one more night now that the entire floorpan is shiny and clean. Guess that's the end of the mouse saga.
10-07-2007, 09:18 PM
Yes, seat pops out easily, though not light!
Always good to have in place though for 'emergency use', & together with parcel shelf really quietens road noise back there substantially!
Shame it's been wrecked.
10-08-2007, 12:12 AM
lol the mouse was not scared?
yeah im amazed they stayed there to get their foto taken lol all the mouses over here are gone as soon as you are within 2 meters of them
10-08-2007, 01:15 AM
yeah im amazed they stayed there to get their foto taken lol all the mouses over here are gone as soon as you are within 2 meters of them
same here. they are gone as soon as they hear your foot steps. I'm suprised that you can take pics of them lol. and its cute too :D
10-08-2007, 05:24 PM
Bah, no need to kill them. They're too tiny and defenseless. Woudln't have done any good anyways... I guess that it just means I have an excuse to get rid of the back seat and build a storage compartment. My point exactly. :D
Once their scent is in there, others will follow. Might be a good idea to move the car from its current location...
10-08-2007, 06:24 PM
they may look small and cute but they can destroy your car faster then you can imagine. also mouse urine destroys aluminum, i mean destroys it. like sulphuric acid. tip if you have a car sitting for a long time with aluminum wheels, put a bit of decon in each wheel near the ground,or keep it on jackstands and do the same. they will sometimes nest inside of the rims and their urine is so destructive it can cause structural damage to the wheels over time. it's so bad that they cause more damage to aluminum aircraft then all natural disasters and vandals combined. they get in the wings and fusalage in stored aircraft and over time it eats holes in the structure of the aircraft. in your car they also burrow into the headliner destroying it, eat weatherstripping, chew up electrical wiring,vaccume lines, chew the dash,chew plastic, chew holes in the carpet, chew upholstery, they have an appetite for circuit boards for some reason, i've pulled electrical modules out of cars at yards,only to find them full of mouse nests,and the boards chewed to pieces, also mouse urine will destroy any kind of electrical circuits,they happen to piss in. think they are cute and cuddly now?
10-08-2007, 07:20 PM
we went to pick up a civic not so long ago to find its sparkplug leads had been eaten grrrrr
10-08-2007, 10:12 PM
Well, it's not going to be sitting for much longer now anyways. Things are finally coming together quickly. Engine will be ready to build (again!) this weekend. Interior will be done within 2 weeks. I'll just need a tranny and all associated parts, and that will all come first week in November. And the hatch is in the garage now, it was sitting outside. Not only that but they were coming in through where I had removed the shifter. A big gaping hole that had the nice exhaust shield with a nice easy path into the car. There's really no way in now that I can see. Plus with such easy access to that seat, I don't see why they'd nest anywhere else. Really, with everything I pulled, there is nowhere else to nest... :)
I did see one running around inside the wheels after I got him out of the car. We promptly tossed him way out in the back field though. I could see how they'd wanna nest up in there. I've never had mouse / car problems though until I left this one sitting. It was there for 6 months, and there were only 2 or 3 mice in the car, so I don't think I've got a whole ton to worry about. :D
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