View Full Version : My 1g Thread
10-08-2007, 10:52 PM
Well, I am finally starting to make progress again on the 1gee. So I decided to make one thread instead of 20 different threads for every little thing I do to my car. Going to start 1 thread, start it with a little history of the car, and go from there.
Here is is when my friend and I picked it up May 5th 2006: ( (
My friend paid $250 for it. It was blowing white smoke, and my friend and I figured it just had a blown head gasket, as is typical with any CVCC car.
So first thing we did was pull the head. Turns out that it had been sitting long enough and wearing weirdly, and had a ring groove in the top of the cylinder wall. (
My friend let it sit for a couple months, and he decided he'd let me have it for $100. I then decided it was time to rip out the motor and get things going.
I took the engine block down to a machine shop, had them hot tank the motor. They also bored it out and made sure everything was good to go. They got me new pistons, and set them on the rods. I also bought a crank kit off of eBay.
Well, as it turns out, the eBay crank kit is a fucking POS. Either it was never turned, or it was improperly turned. I checked the tolerances withe Plastigauge and it was all sorts of fucked up. Guess that's what I get for buying a $100 crank and bearing set from eBay.
Meanwhile, I had traveled to Canada and picked up an EL cylinder head to go on the EK1 block. I took it down to a machine shop, and had them put in all new seals, valve grind, etc, etc. Turns out that the head was from an '83, and my block was from my '81. So they're completely wrong. Won't work, HARRACK! But it sure did look pretty!
So between buying a house, moving, trying to keep the 2gee running, and tons of other shit, the car sat for another bunch of months, sitting in the rain, getting no love. I called a bunch of wrecking yards just north of the border to try and find a cylinder head from an '81. No luck for me. :(
Until early last month. I finally decided FUCK IT, and that I needed to get this car in gear. I took the original EK1 cylinder head down to a machine shop. Well, wouldn't you fucking know, it turns out that it had a crack in it. Another setback.
So I went the NEXT day and pulled a head off of an engine that I knew this dood had sitting out in his yard. It was gross and nasty and wasn't sure it would work.
Lots of parts were fucked pretty bad. Some of the rocker arms were fucked. The valves were toast. So they took parts from both heads, the best from each, reground the cam, and made this:
So 3 cylinder heads later, and 2 cranks, I'm finally getting things together. I took my original crank down to the machine shop last week, they're going to mic, grind, and order bearings for me. I should be getting it back tomorrow.
I also spent all this weekend removing the interior and cleaning everything out. The rear seats are getting removed, thanks to a recent mouse debacle.
So that's all for past history. Everything in the thread from this point will be pure progress! Watch out!
sexy :O that block is beautiful!
10-08-2007, 11:02 PM
Tonight, I took the carpets down to the local car wash. I hung them up on the "floor mat" hangars (hey, carpets are like floor mats, right?). They got a good soaking with Simple Green and a good thorough scrubbing. I then blasted them with the hot, soapy water from the pressure washer. Then did a high-pressure rinse. You should have seen the mud that came rolling out. It was nasty as hell.
Well here's a sample of what the carpets looked like before:
And here they are now! A little frayed around the edges, but they look spankin' good, and will get me by until I can afford a carpet kit.
10-08-2007, 11:05 PM
looking good!
10-08-2007, 11:09 PM
nice work. i want to see it running tho.
10-08-2007, 11:17 PM
nice work. i want to see it running tho.
It's coming soon. Crank will be home in the next couple days. Then rebuilding bottom end will commence. :) Then I'll have a whole engine!!
10-09-2007, 07:50 AM
That car looks super-clean. Was it from up in WA? If so, I'm surprised that it looks like there's no rust at all.
Are remanufactured engines available for these cars? If so, why did you decide to DIY instead of getting a remanufactured?
Are you going to try to keep the car stock, or modify it?
10-09-2007, 08:25 AM
That car looks super-clean. Was it from up in WA? If so, I'm surprised that it looks like there's no rust at all.
Are remanufactured engines available for these cars? If so, why did you decide to DIY instead of getting a remanufactured?
Are you going to try to keep the car stock, or modify it?
I get the feeling that the car is from California or Arizona or something. It's not a Cali car because it didn't have the emissions stuff. It's very sun-faded. The vinyl on the seats was kinda crispy, and the plastic was faded to almost white! But yeah, the complete lack of rust tells me that it's not from around here, though rust isn't a HUGE problem here like it is on the east coast. It doesn't rain as much in the PNW as people say. In fact, had this car come from eastern Washington, this is probably exactly how it would have looked.
There are some placed to get reman'd motors. I didn't wanna go that route, because quite honestly I don't trust other people's work completely. I would have taken the engine apart and checked the torque of the caps and the bearing clearances, and I figured it was just as easy to build it from the ground up. Plus, I've never done it before, and really wanted to learn how to do it.
The car will stay mostly stock. Motor will be stock with a Weber carb installed. I'm installing some 2nd gen seats, just because I found them and they were freakin' clean, like brand new. And I'll be deleting the back seat, and building storage compartments for tools, since this will be my new Honda parts hauler. :)
10-09-2007, 11:34 AM
Self serve car wash pressure FTW!!
Are you puttung a 5 speed in it? I assume you are since I have a couple of your old AT parts that you would need!
I am not sure you can get an off the shelf motor already rebuilt for that car. Back in the day, I called Jasper and a few other places that had like 50 of every domestic motor already rebuilt and instock. ALL of those places said they could rebuild MY motor if I shipped it to them and it was like $2500. That was years ago. I would always just take an old motor (and another one for parts) to a local machine shop and have them assemble it. Takes a little longer, but well worth it. You guys will see how 2ndgenguy's engine bay will look and how reliable his car will be. He's doing it the right way and it will take a lot more time and a few more dollars, but it will freaking be tight!
10-09-2007, 01:37 PM
Good to see pictures to remind us how nice it looks.
& a hatch can be amazingly useful for moving junk around in, in spite of its semi-stylish shape & high loading lip, -I've fitted a toploading washing machine in the back of mine -& shut the hatch !
Always worth keeping some oversize carpet remnants back there to unfurl & protect the interior trims, & collect loose dirt & debris.
Can't wait to see it running, though not as much as you no doubt
10-10-2007, 12:54 AM
shes a minter. one shiny engine and its gunna be good when its going.
10-10-2007, 09:04 PM
Yeah, I'm putting a 5-speed in it. Nathan (xvok) came over and helped me sort it out. I'm missing some of the bushings (discontinued, no aftermarket that I can find) for the shift rod. I'll find something that will work in their place. Some washers and rubber hose might work. I guess it will be some trial and error for sure.
I pulled the automatic pedal out. Damn thing is bolted on with like 15 bolts. Had to drop the steering column, which wasn't that big of a deal.
I only had like an hour and a half to work on my car this evening. So I got the autotragic pedals out, and called it a night.
Here are the manual pedals I pulled from a being-parted-out '81 LX.
And here is my automatic pedal. The gas pedal stays in the car, which is nice.
Oh yeah, and I got my crankshaft back from the shop! They cleanded it and micropolished it. $35 for the job, and they ordered me a set of "standard" bearings. I can't get the color-coded bearings, and they said these will work fine and are well within spec but the Honda color-coded bearings are just "tighter." I'm going to give it a shot, and see what the plastigauge tells me. He said it's either that, or grind the bearings down to 0.10mm undersize, and then you lose some of the factory hardening that he says is more important. I like what he told me, he seems to know his shit.
So now I've got everything I need to build the motor. I'll start building it AGAIN next weekend when I've got two solid days off to concentrate on this thing and focus on getting it right.
10-11-2007, 06:11 AM
You're totally missing out on the 2-speed hondamatic. There's nothing like going down a the interstate at 70 mph, the engine sounding like she's ready to blow, semi's flying by you like you're standing still, and thinking to yourself, "more rabbit, I need more rabbit."
10-11-2007, 08:29 AM
You're totally missing out on the 2-speed hondamatic. There's nothing like going down a the interstate at 70 mph, the engine sounding like she's ready to blow, semi's flying by you like you're standing still, and thinking to yourself, "more rabbit, I need more rabbit."
How true is that! I think the 81's had a 3 speed AT, but maybe it was still only a 2 speed. In any case, cruising at 70MPH makes that car seems like it is maxed out.
John, did you get a 5 speed tranny yet? I know you said Josh's was kinda rough. Just wondering if you got a servicable 5 speed yet. Man, sounds like your machine shop tech. is on point. Keep us posted!
10-11-2007, 09:14 AM
How true is that! I think the 81's had a 3 speed AT, but maybe it was still only a 2 speed. In any case, cruising at 70MPH makes that car seems like it is maxed out.
John, did you get a 5 speed tranny yet? I know you said Josh's was kinda rough. Just wondering if you got a servicable 5 speed yet. Man, sounds like your machine shop tech. is on point. Keep us posted!
No, I haven't found one yet. I'm broke for the month thanks to the new cylinder head and crank, and misc other things I've paid for. I don't want to go anywhere near the tranny that was out in his yard. :nervous: If it looked anything like that engine, it was pretty trashed. I saw the outside of the case, and it looked like they'd pried the halfshafts out with a forklift. The case was mangled around the output shafts pretty bad. If the inside looked anything like the inside of that cylinder head I pulled, it would have been useless.
I'm probably going to just search and try and find one with like a 30-day warranty. Just long enough to make sure that it's good to go, and returnable if it's bad.
10-11-2007, 01:18 PM
At least the gearbox doesn't look to be as year sensitive as the shift linkage & EK head, should make it easier to find one! You've got the difficult bits already
10-14-2007, 06:54 PM
Removed the dash this weekend. There were mouse nests up inside of there. It smelled pretty bad too. Plus I decided that it would be a good time to replace the 26 year old heater core. I wouldn't want to do it any time other than now. It's amazing how much stuff you have to take apart just to get to the heater core. I wonder if the new ones are so bad. At least my Ford truck, it was only 3 bolts to pull and it was out!
Oh yes, and please notice the 5-speed shifter in there. That's right, auto stick is gone! I rebuilt that thing, all the new rubber I could get, new bushings, regreased everything, cleaned it up and reinstalled it!
Here's the HVAC system. Lots of little shit to take apart. I hope I'm not missing anything when I get it all together! Yikes!
10-14-2007, 07:21 PM
10-14-2007, 08:16 PM
Man, your dash looks relly nice and new!
10-14-2007, 09:27 PM
Man, your dash looks relly nice and new!
It's actually a bit sun-faded and dirty. Just wait until I get it cleaned up and shiny though!
Civic Accord Honda
10-15-2007, 01:27 AM
Awesome thread :)
10-15-2007, 03:20 PM
Your dash looks really good from what I can see. Good call on replacing that heater core right now as well. Man, you dig deep when you tackle a project. Really clean for a 26 year old car though.
10-15-2007, 03:49 PM
Your dash looks really good from what I can see. Good call on replacing that heater core right now as well. Man, you dig deep when you tackle a project. Really clean for a 26 year old car though.
Yeah, I'm digging deep into this one. I hope I'm not going too far though. I'm gettin skurred now! :nervous: I gotta wait on a heater core, and hope that I can put the HVAC back together proper-like! :wave:
10-15-2007, 05:21 PM
just reading definitely do not want to have the Honda cranks turned down as they are nitrided from the factory as a hardening process, they wear out real fast if its not re-hardened.
10-15-2007, 09:40 PM
just reading definitely do not want to have the Honda cranks turned down as they are nitrided from the factory as a hardening process, they wear out real fast if its not re-hardened.
Right. My machinist said that they amount of turning they do isn't small enough to break through the hardened surface, since the nitriding penetrates into the metal. They said though, that it will definitely make it thinner and it is best to not turn it if at all possible.
So it's not like it will explode, but it will wear quicker. You may only get 100k out of it instead of 200k possibly? I dunno exactly, but it will still last you some time.
10-16-2007, 09:08 AM
Just like the crank issue, make sure you really do your homework on the heater core. I mean make sure everything is what and where it should be. If your car has AC, I would think about the evap. core and the expansion valve as well. You know what's up though. These cars were tricky to get right in the day and they're REALLY tricky now. I have confidence in you!! :thumbsup:
10-16-2007, 10:16 AM
Just like the crank issue, make sure you really do your homework on the heater core. I mean make sure everything is what and where it should be. If your car has AC, I would think about the evap. core and the expansion valve as well. You know what's up though. These cars were tricky to get right in the day and they're REALLY tricky now. I have confidence in you!! :thumbsup:
No A/C or PAS or anything like that. That's why I wanted to make this car my first project. I figured it would be the easiest, and not horribly overwhelming. Though the deeper I dig into this car, the deeper I find I have to go! At least I'm getting a good idea as to what all is involved in practically a full restoration!
10-16-2007, 10:24 AM
Looks Great!
Yay to the Pre-1990 Accords, You've touched them all LOL
10-16-2007, 04:05 PM
No A/C or PAS or anything like that. That's why I wanted to make this car my first project. I figured it would be the easiest, and not horribly overwhelming. Though the deeper I dig into this car, the deeper I find I have to go! At least I'm getting a good idea as to what all is involved in practically a full restoration!
At least you don't have rust! She's looking good!
hey john i know you have been sick and i dont want to win by defult. how about i come over tonight and install you crank for you you can sit in a chair with a blanket around your sholders. It would probaly be prety easy for me since i just did mine.
10-31-2007, 09:31 AM
hey john i know you have been sick and i dont want to win by defult. how about i come over tonight and install you crank for you you can sit in a chair with a blanket around your sholders. It would probaly be prety easy for me since i just did mine.
Oooh you so funny! :lol: I'm not so sick now. It will be done this weekend.
Civic Accord Honda
10-31-2007, 11:18 AM
u going to put some NOS on that? :D
10-31-2007, 11:24 AM
No. But I am going to put Nitrous on my 2g.
oh ok dont screw anything up :cheers:
11-05-2007, 11:17 PM
Here's some updates finally. I got some time this weekend, and decided to assemble the bottom end. I cleaned the crap out of everything, and did my mock assembly with the Plastigauge. All my tolerances were beautiful, finally feel like I'm making some progress.
I also cleaned the living crap out of, and installed the oil pan. I cleaned out the inside so that there would be no nasty sludge or anything that could come off and contaminate my shiny new bearings. Dabbed some black RTV in the corners where the oil pan gasket would go and tightened everything up.
The oil pan is nasty looking, but it's going to be getting fresh paint this week along with the block and the valve cover. The block, oil pan, and valve cover are all going to get painted body color and should look spiffalicious.
I also ordered my carb rebuild kit for $25 from Bus Boys (VW Bus shop). It was about the only place I could find one without going to AutoZone and asking for possibly the wrong one, since my Holley 5200 that I'm installing came off of a mail Jeep. I also ordered the carb adapter plate for $45 from Carbs Unlimited just north of me in Auburn.
So this weekend, if all goes well, my engine will be painted and ready to go, and I'll have my interior all re-installed. I picked up a new heater core so I shouldn't have to worry about leakage for a long-ass time. Then hopefully the next weekend, I'll be picking up a tranny and installing the tranny and engine combo! Maybe fire it up!
11-06-2007, 01:49 AM
Looks great as usual :thumbup:
11-06-2007, 04:18 PM
What did you use for prelube?
11-06-2007, 04:47 PM
What did you use for prelube?
Some black stuff in a tube that said "Engine Assembly Lube" I don't remember the brand. I'll look it up when I get home.
11-06-2007, 10:56 PM
Another update. Installed my new heater core into the heater box. My Helm factory service manual is SUPER vague about how it comes apart and goes together. It's also missing critical parts that you should hook up, and seems to have a diagram of a slightly different heater box. Maybe my heater box is a revision from mid-81, or they figured it was good enough. :lol:
Also put in the correct pedals for the car. I got rid of that big ass pedal that went in place of the clutch and brake. I can't figure out what that was for or why anybody would want to use it. ;)
wow this is what i get for working 6 tens a week i lost two con rod bolts and havent been able to go to tacoma screw and get them yet but my water and oil pumps came in so short block by the weekend then ive got to try and make some sense out of that head
Some black stuff in a tube that said "Engine Assembly Lube" I don't remember the brand. I'll look it up when I get home.
booty lube
11-07-2007, 12:32 PM
wow this is what i get for working 6 tens a week i lost two con rod bolts and havent been able to go to tacoma screw and get them yet but my water and oil pumps came in so short block by the weekend then ive got to try and make some sense out of that head
You can get a DCOE manifold for that EL head, if you're really interested in doing the dual weber setup. Carbs Unlimited sells it. I just ordered my Weber downdraft adapter plate for the EK1 head. The adapter plate for that intake manifold was like $45.
11-07-2007, 12:33 PM
booty lube
Oh yeah that's right. I think the brand started with KY or something like that. :rofl:
11-07-2007, 04:10 PM
Man that looks good. How many cars have donated their parts for this project? I know it all looked grimy out in the woods, but you did right. I feel good for ya man. I know that sounded ghey, but you have tackled a pretty hard job and done it the right way. Where are you getting the 5 speed? Sorry if I asked you that already. Tight shit meng!
11-07-2007, 05:23 PM
Man that looks good. How many cars have donated their parts for this project? I know it all looked grimy out in the woods, but you did right. I feel good for ya man. I know that sounded ghey, but you have tackled a pretty hard job and done it the right way. Where are you getting the 5 speed? Sorry if I asked you that already. Tight shit meng!
Thanks, G! I'm not really sure where I'm getting the tranny yet. It's going to be one of the last stages of this build, and I've got so much to think about I'm trying not to worry about that tranny just yet. NAPA is mixing me up some paint (to use with adhesion promotoer) for the center console and the rear fender plastic covers. I've got new bulbs coming for the dash, a Weber adapter plate, carb rebuild kit. Still much to think about, so I'm putting that off for a bit. :) I just hope when I'm all done, it will look as nice as your car!
11-07-2007, 10:34 PM
Spent another 1 1/2 hours out in the garage tonight. I realized that I put the pedals in wrong because the pin that holds the brake pedal to the booster was set up the wrong way. I had to take the pedals off, and spin the bracket on the booster 180 degrees so I could put the pin in to hold them together. I also decided that for the clutch master cylinder, I should probably get that pin out so that I can actually attach the master cylinder plunger to the pedal arm. The damn pin was rusted in, so it took a hammer, vice grips and some WD40 to get the bastard out. Glad I did it while it was out of the car. Doing it up under the dash would have been a mega-bitch.
I also found more parts to the heater box tonight. I thought I had everything last night, but I kept finding more and more parts to bolt onto it. All these little brackets and covers and stuff. I'm gonna be pissed if I miss something and it rattles.
11-08-2007, 11:13 AM
Aren't old Hondas fun?! For your tranny, I hope you find one still in the car that you can remove yourself. That way, it'll all be there and it'll get pulled the right way. I've been watching CL, but haven't seen anything worthwhile lately. You have had a lot to think about lately with that list of mods. That whip will look and run like new. Well, new from 26 years ago anyway. Maybe you could put Honda NAVI in there from a wrecked Accord...
11-08-2007, 09:20 PM
Aren't old Hondas fun?! For your tranny, I hope you find one still in the car that you can remove yourself. That way, it'll all be there and it'll get pulled the right way. I've been watching CL, but haven't seen anything worthwhile lately. You have had a lot to think about lately with that list of mods. That whip will look and run like new. Well, new from 26 years ago anyway. Maybe you could put Honda NAVI in there from a wrecked Accord...
Oh man. Doing all this is half the fun of the job. I'm getting so close I can feel it. I'm so excited to get everything going in the next couple weeks! Yeah I looked for a tranny the other night on Nearest I found was Oregon! Damn, it wasn't but 6 months ago that there were about 15 nearby. What happened all of a sudden...
Oh man, you know I would LOVE to put a high-tech NAVI system in this old car. Keeping it OEM would just be that much cooler. Don't tempt me! ;)
Got my carb rebuild kit, and carb adapter plate. Holley 5200 Carb itself was free! Total cost for carb conversion: $60. Hell yeah!
11-09-2007, 09:02 AM
Man, that stuff looks good. Plus, you shopped around and did your homework. You saved money and your shit will not be all rigged up ghetto fab style. Teh win. Since you have your dash out, start cutting for the OEM NAVI. Your dual zone AC climate control will own!!!!! Touch screen FTW and the steering wheel controls/voice activated commands, homelink.... Git r done (or just do what you're doing now).
11-09-2007, 08:06 PM
Doing it up under the dash would have been a mega-bitch.
oh it is. i put the seat all the way back and reclined, then sat in it upside-down. you cant see shit but it is at least reasonably comfortable. also make sure those short rubber connectors on the heater are fresh and pliable. one of mine burst on a hot day, so now its an orange silicone connector from the exhaust of an RC car, and the other is a bit of garden hose, both zip-tied on.
something will probably start leaking fluid or boiling water on your toe at some point and then you'll be so glad you read this.
11-09-2007, 10:06 PM
oh it is. i put the seat all the way back and reclined, then sat in it upside-down. you cant see shit but it is at least reasonably comfortable. also make sure those short rubber connectors on the heater are fresh and pliable. one of mine burst on a hot day, so now its an orange silicone connector from the exhaust of an RC car, and the other is a bit of garden hose, both zip-tied on.
something will probably start leaking fluid or boiling water on your toe at some point and then you'll be so glad you read this.
Hehe, I got brand spankin new water lines for that and cut them down. Stuck on some nice new hose clamps. And since we're left hand drive, if anything happens, my passenger will be the one who gets it. :D
11-11-2007, 11:44 PM
Goddamnit, I should have told the paint guy to keep trying to get it closer to the right color. I know that the color is off a LITTLE bit, but the camera makes the color look WAY off. So please keep that in mind. The color actually works great on the engine block with the clear on it, so I'm going to keep it that way, but the interior panels are going to need a closer-to-original color...
11-12-2007, 12:53 AM
yeah the engine looks pinkish
11-12-2007, 04:00 PM
oh john u ricer!! lol. Paint looks good man
Civic Accord Honda
11-12-2007, 04:49 PM
11-13-2007, 11:29 AM
Looks real good man. On the plastic, what kind ofprimer did you use? I always use adhesion promoter, but I guess primer would work as well. Did you use adhesion promoter? What kind of plastic paint did you use and was it aeresol or paint gun? Very nice work and it it looks brand new!!
11-13-2007, 12:06 PM
Looks Great!
11-13-2007, 12:07 PM
We used a spray gun for the job. Laid down adhesion promoter on the plastic underneath the primer. Then the same primer went down on the bare block, and over the coated plastic. Then after the primer flashed, we went ahead and sprayed the basecoat on the plastic and on the engine. To keep the plastic from looking shiny, we just left the clearcoat off of the plastic, and just cleared the engine. The idea was to see how durable the paint would be on the plastic without the clear. Obviously not AS durable as with the clear, but it seems pretty strong already.
As I was saying though, it's a bummer the paint didn't come out quite the right color, so I'm going to scuff up that basecoat and get the right color laid down over top of that. I don't think that should be a huge issue. Only time will tell I guess. It's not too hard to take these panels out anyways. But the engine will stay funky purple / maroon I guess.
11-13-2007, 12:28 PM
looks clean! great job!
11-13-2007, 08:25 PM
Lookn' good. Expect the colour to darken from the heat of the motor too.
PS - I hope with all that $$ in the rebuild you spring on the $20 for a new water pump off Ebay!
11-13-2007, 09:26 PM
Looking good. I want to paint my interior :(
The engine looks funny with one color lol
11-14-2007, 06:58 AM
I've never cleared any of the plastics and I've had good luck. The key (I think) is let it cure for like EVER. If it were summer, I'd say set them out in the sun. This time of year, I would keep the interior stuff indoors for awhile. Obviously, you can't drop a plastic panel 10 feet and expect the paint not to chip. I'd say as long as you let it dry well, you'll be fine for what you'll be exposing the panels to.
I also noticed you painted the oil pan already assembled. Do you think there will be any problems? Personally, and I am not hating, I would have painted them separately and tried to get new oil pan bolts. In any case, you know I think you do shit right so just keep us updated!
EDIT-- I'm gay. I just noticed the damn thing was all assembled long block style. Of course you had to paint the oil pan on the block. I guess, ideally, I would have painted the bare block and oil pan separately. Then, tried REALLY carefully to install the internals. All good mang.
11-15-2007, 02:59 PM
man this is some nice work1!!1one
11-15-2007, 03:21 PM
Lookn' good. Expect the colour to darken from the heat of the motor too.
PS - I hope with all that $$ in the rebuild you spring on the $20 for a new water pump off Ebay!
Oh man, you bet. I got the new water pump from my machinist. He hooked me up with everything for the rebuild. Oil pump, water pump, all gaskets and shiznit. Even a new oil pressure sender! I masked and painted the water pump too. Wanted it too look shiny and nice as well.
I noticed that you are in Chiliwack! I go up there to visit family quite often. I'd love to come check out your car next time I'm in town. Hopefully, I'll be driving the 1g up there some time around Christmas. I can show you my not-quite-as-pimp ride. :)
I also noticed you painted the oil pan already assembled. Do you think there will be any problems? Personally, and I am not hating, I would have painted them separately and tried to get new oil pan bolts. In any case, you know I think you do shit right so just keep us updated!
No worries man! I don't see any problems really. I figure if I need to pull the oil pan again for some reason it can be done just by removing the bolts with maybe a lil bit bigger wrench or something. I can always buy new ones again. Not that I want to have to pull that oil pan anyways. The worst thing I can see happening, is I have to split the paint with a razor blade along the oil pan. No biggie, since I'd be replacing the gasket anyways. I guess we'll see down the road for sure.
11-15-2007, 05:24 PM
I've never cleared any of the plastics and I've had good luck. The key (I think) is let it cure for like EVER. If it were summer, I'd say set them out in the sun. This time of year, I would keep the interior stuff indoors for awhile. Obviously, you can't drop a plastic panel 10 feet and expect the paint not to chip. I'd say as long as you let it dry well, you'll be fine for what you'll be exposing the panels to.
I also noticed you painted the oil pan already assembled. Do you think there will be any problems? Personally, and I am not hating, I would have painted them separately and tried to get new oil pan bolts. In any case, you know I think you do shit right so just keep us updated!
EDIT-- I'm gay. I just noticed the damn thing was all assembled long block style. Of course you had to paint the oil pan on the block. I guess, ideally, I would have painted the bare block and oil pan separately. Then, tried REALLY carefully to install the internals. All good mang.
You are gay:flash:
I hate the look of painted bolts and gaskets, so I painted my 22R block and pan seperate, and tried to avoid overspray on the rods and crank. I just painted downwards towards the pan rail, and feathered it out on the edges. A little overspray in the crankcase isn't gonna hurt fuck all anyways, you should see what the factories put in there. I just wanted to paint the pan rail of the oil pan to prevent the fucking gasket from rusting to it when I go to re re rebuild it in 2 months.
that looks cool, thats also a nice & shiney primer lol
11-15-2007, 08:48 PM
Ya, in Sardis. Give me a heads up when you are coming up and you can swing by. Its off the road for now (hybernating) but I may be able to take it out for a quick rip if the engine is still in it.
I noticed that you are in Chiliwack! I go up there to visit family quite often. I'd love to come check out your car next time I'm in town. Hopefully, I'll be driving the 1g up there some time around Christmas. I can show you my not-quite-as-pimp ride. :)
11-16-2007, 11:28 PM
Well, I got a bunch of stuff done on the car. Nothing really picture worthy as of now. Last night, I took apart both gauges for the manual and automatic. I swapped around what parts could be swapped that were in a little better shape. Some of the contacts were a bit corroded on my donor manual gauges.
Also started putting the dash back in. Dealing with the wiring mess. The car had a dealer-installed deck it looked like, with a clusterfuck of wiring coming out of it in a very untidy manner. I took the opportunity to remove that tape deck for future ease of installation of something else. May wind up being another tape deck with knobs, but something newer that doesn't have that huge mess of wires will be nice.
Also had some wierd issues with wiring for the blower motor / switch. None of the wires on the male ends match up with wires on the female ends. The wiring guides aren't terribly specific about what is what. And it tells you that some connectors are for "optional features." WTF. Plus, I have no dash lights.
It was pretty kick ass putting in the battery and turning on the key. First sign of life I've seen in that car in almost a year. Felt pretty good. Just gotta get the wiring buggers figured out, then put the carpets and seats in, and I can focus on the engine! Hopefully all this interior crap will be done this weekend.
Civic Accord Honda
11-17-2007, 03:07 PM
:d :d
what is your budget? just curious....also got your clutch kit?
Well, I got a bunch of stuff done on the car. Nothing really picture worthy as of now. Last night, I took apart both gauges for the manual and automatic. I swapped around what parts could be swapped that were in a little better shape. Some of the contacts were a bit corroded on my donor manual gauges.
Also started putting the dash back in. Dealing with the wiring mess. The car had a dealer-installed deck it looked like, with a clusterfuck of wiring coming out of it in a very untidy manner. I took the opportunity to remove that tape deck for future ease of installation of something else. May wind up being another tape deck with knobs, but something newer that doesn't have that huge mess of wires will be nice.
Also had some wierd issues with wiring for the blower motor / switch. None of the wires on the male ends match up with wires on the female ends. The wiring guides aren't terribly specific about what is what. And it tells you that some connectors are for "optional features." WTF. Plus, I have no dash lights.
It was pretty kick ass putting in the battery and turning on the key. First sign of life I've seen in that car in almost a year. Felt pretty good. Just gotta get the wiring buggers figured out, then put the carpets and seats in, and I can focus on the engine! Hopefully all this interior crap will be done this weekend.
whell hey at least your not laying down in a pool of acid
11-24-2007, 11:22 AM
what is your budget? just curious....also got your clutch kit?
Oh yeah I did get the clutch kit! Thanks man! I'll leave you some good feedback on that deal too!
My budget is pretty much just whatever I can afford to get fixed from month to month... :D
whell hey at least your not laying down in a pool of acid
This is true, that would be much worse. At least I'm not in a puddle of water pulling a transmission now either! ;)
11-27-2007, 12:17 AM
Ack, between holidays, getting sick twice in 2 weeks, and spending all my time on other people's projects, I finally managed to get a little work done this weekend:
I spent a lot of time tapping out the threads in the block and a lot of time cleaning the head bolts and the threads out on those too. They were gunky and dirty and nasty.
I also put a price list together for my final parts, I'll be ordering them on the 1st, otherwise known as payday! :D
Timing Belt: $15.99
Tensioner: $29.99
Starter: $59.99
Alternator: $36.99
Distributor: $106.99
Dizzy Cap: $6.99
Plug Wires: $40.00
Plugs: $8.00
Flywheel: $59.99
Thermostat: $9.99
I'm pretty amazed how cheap all this stuff is! Can't afford not to buy all new stuff!
now thats sexy! thumbs up man!
11-27-2007, 02:44 PM
That does look tight. Can't wait til you get it on the raod!
11-27-2007, 02:57 PM
its beautiful! :D
11-27-2007, 07:14 PM
:thumbup: nice! I'll be needing your full address now, so i can send my motor to the EK1 spa.
12-01-2007, 02:19 AM
RADICOOL its like the nasa after-hours shop project
wait a dizzy costs 100 USA bux!? cant afford that either :P
12-02-2007, 11:28 PM
man that realy lookin good i wished i could find a first gen in my area this realy make me want one even more
12-02-2007, 11:38 PM
Thanks for the compliments! :D
I just spent some more time out in the garage today. Got all the wiring bugs worked out. Got the steering column back in. Installed all the rear panels and the front carpets. And my upholstery guy called me back and said that my new shift boot and e-brake boot are done! Picking that stuff up tomorrow! w00t!
The shaft fell out of the column since I had the steering wheel off of it, and all the parts went everywhere. While I was putting it back together, I found that the horn ground ring was all bent up and not sitting properly. I straightened it back out and now the horn works! Yay! I was all pissed off at first having to deal with that column, but since the horn works (and is loud as hell!) I'm pleasently pleased.
So there are only 2 things that don't work in the car now. The blower doesn't work on low, which I think means I'll need a new resistor pack, which means another switch. And the rear wiper doesn't seem to work, and I haven't looked into that at all yet. I'm going to leave that stuff be for now in the name of getting everything else done.
I must say after pressure washing the carpets, I didn't think that they looked all that much better, but DAMN they look like brand new in the car! I'll be posting pics in the next few days once I get the seats in. I'm stoked at how nice this is turning out.
12-03-2007, 12:36 AM
sounds llike you got quite a bit done i cant wait to see the pics
Civic Accord Honda
12-03-2007, 04:44 AM
damn that engine is clean as fuck looking good man
12-04-2007, 02:33 AM
Cars Looking AWESOME!
Can't Wait till it's done :D
12-04-2007, 02:48 AM
Of course it looks good. John Turk Bult It:)
12-04-2007, 09:15 AM
Of course it looks good. John Turk Bult It:)
True say!
this car is mega gay john
12-05-2007, 12:30 PM
this car is mega gay john
Haha I know. Accords are so gay, I don't even know why I bothered... :flip:
12-06-2007, 10:08 AM
Haha I know. Accords are so gay, I don't even know why I bothered... :flip:
Werd. An old Escort or Cavalier FTW. Maybe a Neon, too... :cheers:
12-06-2007, 10:32 AM
Werd. An old Escort or Cavalier FTW. Maybe a Neon, too... :cheers:
Haha! Yeah, nothing quite like an '84 Tempo. The side by side rival to the Accord.
12-06-2007, 11:39 AM
Haha! Yeah, nothing quite like an '84 Tempo. The side by side rival to the Accord.
Uh Yeah......:wtf:
12-06-2007, 12:14 PM
Hurry up and fix the car allready. Just cause ur garage has water in it doesnt mean u dont have all this spare time to put the motor in
Civic Accord Honda
12-07-2007, 04:25 AM
Haha! Yeah, nothing quite like an '84 Tempo. The side by side rival to the Accord.
hella yeah!
i had a 82 accord and a 82 caviler il tell ya what there ant nothing like a caviler pushing a car up the hill cuz it don't have enuf power FTW!?
12-07-2007, 07:24 PM
yeah the horn is loud isnt it. 2 buzzers were probably overkill so remove one and improve your 60 foot times
60 foot times OH YEAH
my other car is basically better in every way than my hatch and also worth less
yeah the horn is loud isnt it. 2 buzzers were probably overkill so remove one and improve your 60 foot times
60 foot times OH YEAH
my other car is basically better in every way than my hatch and also worth less
lol ya its loud not wizzzzzzzzzzzzz wizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
12-08-2007, 11:59 PM
New Update! Interior is finished! Well, the front interior is. Not going to worry about the back until I'm all done getting the car running.
I put the red 2gee seats in, but I don't know if I'm going to be totally happy with them. They're a bit taller, so you sit up high in the seat. It doesn't feel like my '84 Accord does like you're sitting down low, but it feels EXACTLY like the seating position in the '95 Civic. Kinda higher up, and the wheel is a bit closer to your legs. Not uncomfortable, just different, so it will work for now. Probably will have to find another set of stock front seats to get reupholstered and put back in. These ones are nice, and they were cheap, and worn out seats simply won't do. The seats themselves are REALLY comfortable though.
I also got my brand new shift boot and e-brake boots. Black vinyl with red stitching to match the interior. They look totally original, the guy told me how he really wanted to make it look like the real deal, and he did a great job!
Installed the 5 speed cluster and tested out all the bulbs, they're all in good working order, which is nice. And put in the LX clock. Oh man, the LX 1g clock is the coolest clock out of any car I have ever seen. It's got the cool numbers that flip around every minute, and the dots between the digits have a subtle strobe every second. So wicked! Old school meets high tech.
12-09-2007, 12:22 AM
Cool! Did you forget the chrome trim around the clock?
12-09-2007, 10:29 AM
Cool! Did you forget the chrome trim around the clock?
Nice call. There is actually a chrome (they usually peel) rectangle trim piece. Dude, clean the vents and you will have one tight interior. Damn, that looks good. The seat color does look to match a little better than I thought they would. I figured it would be wine color (1G) and maroon (2G), but it looks close. I don't like the black steering wheel, but I know you do. That 81 Accord looks so awesome, even moreso considering how you got it and saved it from the crusher. Good work John. :cheers:
12-09-2007, 10:57 AM
Nice call. There is actually a chrome (they usually peel) rectangle trim piece. Dude, clean the vents and you will have one tight interior. Damn, that looks good. The seat color does look to match a little better than I thought they would. I figured it would be wine color (1G) and maroon (2G), but it looks close. I don't like the black steering wheel, but I know you do. That 81 Accord looks so awesome, even moreso considering how you got it and saved it from the crusher. Good work John. :cheers:
Thanks! :wave:
Oh yeah I didn't even notice the chrome was missing. Ha the piece is sitting right here on my desk. Gotta go take care of that for sure.
Yeah the vents are dirty, I haven't cleaned the dash yet. It will get cleaned after the car is running I think. It will get one final interior detail after it's all said and done. I turned on the blower and all sorts of stuff came out. Which is weird since I blew out all the vents when the dash was apart.
I don't mind the black wheel, since it's what came in the car. But I kinda like the idea of going LX-style in this car. Like what you're doing with your 2g hatch. I really love how the cloth door panels look too, but again, that is down the road. My goal for this week is to get everything I need finished up to get it driving. Then I'll move onto the detail work. Of course, I'll need to fix those purple panels. They're bugging the crap out of me. But I still think they look better than the sun-faded ones.
More updates soon!
Civic Accord Honda
12-09-2007, 06:29 PM
that looks very good man!
and the seats look awesome
and the black steering wheel adds a touch of the newer look so thats awesome too
are the 2gee seats from a hatch or sedan? lol cuz i know the ones in my 82 did not look that comfy lol
12-09-2007, 10:57 PM
that looks very good man!
and the seats look awesome
and the black steering wheel adds a touch of the newer look so thats awesome too
are the 2gee seats from a hatch or sedan? lol cuz i know the ones in my 82 did not look that comfy lol
They're from the later 2gee. The 84-85.
12-10-2007, 08:33 AM
I think the seats are from a 3 door LX (84 or 85). I'm pretty sure anyway...
12-10-2007, 09:29 AM
I think the seats are from a 3 door LX (84 or 85). I'm pretty sure anyway...
Yep, I do believe that's right. That maroon one from last years storm that knocked out power to a bunch of people. I remember because I was working on it while the power was out. That car was pretty clean too!
12-10-2007, 02:08 PM
Yep, I do believe that's right. That maroon one from last years storm that knocked out power to a bunch of people. I remember because I was working on it while the power was out. That car was pretty clean too!
Yessirr. That was a NICE "parts" car that I would love to have had whole. Dude practically gave it away because of a blown head gasket as I recall. Low miles and well maintained-- not all wet inside from sitting for years with broken out glass. John and I did get a lot of good parts from that whip. Well, John got them off and mailed them off to me. Too bad all "parts" cars aren't so usable and cheap. He and I breathed new life into some of those parts from that 3 door LX. I just wonder what the parts would have cost if we purchased them brand new from Honda. ONE seat is probably $600 (and unavailable). Win win win on that deal.
01-06-2008, 10:40 PM
Well, a little more progress this weekend. My mechanic friend gave me the number of his super-secret shop that happened to have the flywheel! Big huge w00t on that deal. I thought for sure that I would have to go to the wrecking yard to pull it. So I get all motivated, realizing that I was finally getting ready to put all this stuff together.
I started gathering all the tranny parts. I installed the new clutch slave cylinder, and went ahead and started on the clutch fork. Well, turns out the #$#@%@#% at the junk yard gave me the wrong clutch fork! ARRGH!! This clutch fork was the right length, but wasn't quite shaped properly.
So Sunday, back to the wrecking yard I went. They had no 1g Accords, but they had this cherry little Prelude sitting there. What a neat car those are.
So I start unbolting the transmission, knowing that it has the clutch fork I so desperately need. When my friend blurts out "Engine Code: EL." He had no idea what it meant, but I kinda freaked out, realizing that we were ripping apart a Canadian car!
I have him check the gauges and it turns out that they're in KM/H instead of MPH. I was stoked, thinking I could snag the EL head for future projects, and I'd have the tranny with shorter ratios!
But the carb looks slightly like a CVCC carb. Not like the simple 2bbl Canadian model... Vacuum hoses everywhere. I pop the valve cover to find this.
Boo! Someone had swapped in an EK1 into this car and got rid of the original motor. Or it was some really wierd-ass Canadian car with an EK1 motor in it. What are the chances though, that I find the one junk yard with a Canadian 1g Prelude, and it's got a damn EK1 in it. Oh well.
The good news is, that I got the tranny and the clutch fork, so now I have two transmissions in case something goes bad with the first one. So this week, It's time to start assembling everything, and hopefully this weekend I will be able to fire it up!!!
01-07-2008, 02:19 AM
that prelude looks sweet! :D
01-07-2008, 09:45 AM
Man, more of the same "par for the course" on finding parts that you can actually use. You know I feel your pain on stuff like this... I bet your heart skipped a beat when you heard "EL" and saw that EL plate. Then, I bet there was a lump in your throat when you saw that it was "just" a good ol' CVCC engine in there. It's still so much more satisfying when you actually score a part after so much work and disappointment (like that clutch fork). Keep after it man. It's part of the game, especially dealing with salvage yards...
For all of us looking for these older parts. Watch out for guys saying that they have the part, they have the car, they know what they're doing, etc. There aren't too many unmolested early 80's Hondas out there, period. Most have probably been crushed, rusted out, or sat outside for the last 15 years. It seems they all have been "rigged" since most people think that all early Japanese cars were the same. So, a Corolla, Civic, Accord, Prelude, etc are all the same car to these guys. The cars did share some parts, but there are a lot of these cars that just have the wrong parts swapped onto them. I've even done it. You think you're getting a correct part, but the car may be a Datsun or the Accord might have a Datsun part because someone went cheap and easy on a fix. I run into that all the time and people always seem to say "It won't matter... it's close enough." I think that's why some of these older Hondas are in the yards-- someone ghetto rigged them up to save $$$ or time and they ran okay for awhile. Then, the car crapped out and they junked it and moved on to the next daily driver they could find for $300. Just double check everything you can and don't believe everything someone tells you, especially the yard.
Glad you got your proper clutch fork and I am glad you have a spare tranny for parts. Hopefully, everything lines up and you can get down on installing it!
01-07-2008, 10:59 PM
^^^ This man speaks the truth! Who knows, maybe the first clutch fork that I had was actually what was used in the tranny, and it worked OK. Not great, but just OK.
Funny story about rigging stuff to make it "just work" from that same day. While I was pulling that transmission from the Prelude, a dude comes buy and goes "oh a Honda" and he started looking around checking it out. He has a clutch in his hand (a completely worn out one) from a 87 Civic. Dude asks me if the clutch is around, and I had him the Prelude clutch. He starts looking at it, and the clutches are definitely different. But I guess dude decides that he's going to "give it a shot" anyways. I guess the splines are the same, and the diameter is close enough for him. The hub looks like its totally different, but sure as hell not something I would risk. For $25 you could just pick up a new clutch disc, but homeboy decides to risk it for a used clutch disc. People are just crazy sometimes...
But basically, thats exactly how that stuff happens. I thought it was a perfect example of just what you were talking about, Joel. Crazy stuff!
01-07-2008, 11:06 PM
looks great bro!
01-08-2008, 08:19 PM
^^^ Thanks cheese!
I ran into ANOTHER problem today. It has to do with the clutch hydraulic line. Turns out that the slave and master cylinders both have the same threaded fittings on them. I thought for sure I could snag one off of the above Prelude, but it turned out that the Prelude's clutch hose had a banjo fitting on the master cylinder end. I was a little bummed, but at least I had a hose for a length reference.
I took that hose into the local brake shop (Rapid Brake as they're called). And the guy said that I couldn't put the threaded fitting on both ends, if I did, I could screw one end in, but I couldn't screw the other end in without twisting the hose. I told him there had to be some way to do it, and he told me to bring in the master and slave cylinders.
So I went online and looked at the setup, and turns out the Accord has the EXACT same hydraulic line with the banjo fitting at one end. In the master cylinder, you thread in an adapter that lets you bolt on the banjo fitting.
So, now I need to find the damn adapter. Hopefully that Prelude at the yard has one... I guess I'll head back up and see. Maybe some newer Accords will have that fitting too... don't see a lot of newer Accords at the junkyards around here though, mostly just 3gs and a few 4gs if I'm lucky.
01-12-2008, 10:31 PM
Turns out that I'm an idiot. I totally forgot how a banjo fitting works. The banjo bolt just goes through the banjo fitting and bolts straight into the damn master cylinder. I dunno what I was thinking!! Stupid adapter... jeez...
But I got started putting the engine actually in the car. I didn't put the tranny on yet, because in order to properly torque the flywheel bolts, I wanted the engine in the car. And I didn't put the timing belt on yet, because the flywheel has to be on the engine to set the bottom end to TDC. There are no TDC marks on the crank pulley on this motor...
So tomorrow, I should be putting the tranny on, the timing belt, distributor, alternator, wiring, manifolds, carb, and starter. If all goes well, I can start the thing up!!! Here's pics of my progress.
01-13-2008, 12:34 AM
01-13-2008, 10:17 AM
I see a timing belt and a flywheel. Nice progress there, man. It is amazing how we get so caught up in making sure every little detail is exactly right, then forget the simple things. I went to change a marker light the other day and did two steps that just weren't necessary. Not much more time involved, but I felt like such a rookie. I knew better and it wasn't any big deal, but I've done those corner lights a million times! I was just worried about having the right bulb and thought too hard I spose. It's all part of the game. You know you got the motor right and that's the important part; the little stuff that seems easy sometimes escapes us all. Great work.
Civic Accord Honda
01-13-2008, 04:59 PM
omg beautful!
01-13-2008, 05:32 PM
awesome. looking good dude!
Where did you get that oil cap? It looks different than mine, which is a 'Stant'. It's brand new and already leaking at the rivets.
01-13-2008, 05:59 PM
looking awesome john
p.s. weren't you supposed to be around the sacramento area this winter?
01-13-2008, 07:05 PM
awesome. looking good dude!
Where did you get that oil cap? It looks different than mine, which is a 'Stant'. It's brand new and already leaking at the rivets.
I believe that's the OEM oil cap on it. At least it's identical to my 81 Prelude's oil cap anyways (which, oddly enough says "Oil" in both English and French lol).... ;)
01-13-2008, 07:31 PM
I believe that's the OEM oil cap on it. At least it's identical to my 81 Prelude's oil cap anyways (which, oddly enough says "Oil" in both English and French lol).... ;)
Yup looks exactly as mine too.
01-13-2008, 11:06 PM
Word yo! That is straight up original gangsta oil cap action.
Got a LOT of stuff done today. Got the clutch and flywheel in, tranny in, all the mounts fully bolted in, new timing belt, new starter, new alternator, oil filter, new distributor, all the engine electrical hooked up, and clutch slave cylinder installed...
During the week I have to install the axles, install my new coolant lines and fill with coolant, install intake and header, and should be ready to start! I'm almost there!!!!
Couple pics for your enjoyment!
01-13-2008, 11:16 PM
WOW! Looks GREAT! :thumbup:
01-13-2008, 11:49 PM
looking awesome john
p.s. weren't you supposed to be around the sacramento area this winter?
Yeah I was supposed to be, but my friends canceled out of the LeMons race that they were going to run, and I wound up flying to visit my mom down south of Fresno instead of driving, so I didn't have any way to make it up there. I will be down soon though for another sweet 3geez meet!
01-14-2008, 01:17 AM
Whats that thing beside the radiator, in front of the alternator? Oil cooler?
01-14-2008, 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by fullthrottle_man :
I believe that's the OEM oil cap on it. At least it's identical to my 81 Prelude's oil cap anyways (which, oddly enough says "Oil" in both English and French lol)....
Originally Posted by Hazwan:
Yup looks exactly as mine too.
Originally Posted by 2ndGenGuy:
Word yo! That is straight up original gangsta oil cap action.
I thought it would be a replacement. My original cap like that is dead and gone as the rubber seal was hard as a rock. Are you guys seals still pliable? Not trying to thread-jack just wondering.
Good work on that motor by-the-way. You gotta get video of it firing up for the first time.
01-14-2008, 07:51 PM
I thought it would be a replacement. My original cap like that is dead and gone as the rubber seal was hard as a rock. Are you guys seals still pliable? Not trying to thread-jack just wondering.
Good work on that motor by-the-way. You gotta get video of it firing up for the first time.
Mine is recently replaced since the seal was hard and leaking.
01-14-2008, 08:25 PM
Mine seems OK so far, but I guess we'll see if it's actually leaking or not when I get it started...
01-14-2008, 08:57 PM
Whats that thing beside the radiator, in front of the alternator? Oil cooler?
yup oil cooler. :)
looking good 2ndGenGuy!
01-14-2008, 09:20 PM
Oh yeah, that's an oil cooler. Its on the automatics, but what the hell, might as well keep it on the 5-speed as well. There's also a trans cooler for the auto trans on the bottom of the radiator... I don't see why you couldn't use a pump and flow tranny oil through it... :)
Civic Accord Honda
01-16-2008, 07:49 PM
i miss having a car with the oil filter in the front of the engine nice and easy to change
01-17-2008, 11:53 PM
^^^ Word, I am going to enjoy changing the oil on this car! No more oil down my sleeve scalding my arm!!
So, I've been looking all over for my dogbone mount bracket. But I can't find the damn thing anywhere. All that I can figure is that I tossed it when I tossed the automatic tranny...
I went to the wrecking yard and pulled the bracket from a 2g Accord with an EK1 in it. I thought for sure that it would work, but turns out that the bracket is much taller than the 2g Accord, as the dogbone mount is actually higher.
As you can see, the one on the right is the 2g Accord one, and you can see how much taller it is than the 1g Accord bracket on the right:
So I took the 2g Accord bracket
Cut the top off and drilled a new hole in it.
Then painted it.
Look how nice it fits!
Well turns out it was too close together to fit the bushing in, since it didn't have the required bend in the bracket for the 1g Accord.
So I just ground down the bushing, and bolted it in. All done! Yay, so now I can hopefully start it this weekend!
01-18-2008, 11:41 PM
Port matched my Weber to my intake manifold tonight.
More info:
01-21-2008, 12:23 AM
Fuck yeah I got it all done! It's running and drives and the engine is so smooth and quiet. The front right wheel bearing however, is NOT quiet. It's loud and needs replacing. I'll get some pics or vids up ASAP. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
01-21-2008, 02:29 AM
pics AND vids :deal:
seriously well done! am awaiting with breathless anticipation to hear how much smoother my engine is supposed to run and how noisy your wheel bearing actually is. i bet its not as noisy as my mainshaft bearing :argue:
you should go around left-handers as fast as possible to see if it fixes itself before doing anything rash like maintenance. after 8 months i fixed my front passenger side tinking clanking clunking pinging dinging percussive tinny metallic once-per-revolution my-bike-has-a-stick-in-the-spokes noise by taking the chrome rim fairing off. this probably wont help your wheel bearing though :(
01-21-2008, 10:09 AM
Eh I've got another problem now, it's spewing oil everywhere! It's leaking out the damn valve cover gasket around those little tabs where they're supposed to lock in. I'm going to take it apart tonight and see if I can't fix it temporarily with some RTV. In 25 miles, I managed to leak a quart out of the damn car. The good news is, the whole engine bay looks shiny... But it's not exactly what I had in mind....
01-21-2008, 10:53 AM
I just wanted to post in this thread.. :wave:
good work, what color is that on the block? I was thinking about doing one catapilar yelloworange, kind of pinapple mango color not school bus color.
Oil leak is not good news, does oil come shooting out like more than 2 ft if you remove the oil filler cap when it is running?
01-21-2008, 11:47 AM
I'm not sure yet. I'll go check it here soon, SHOULD it spray oil out like that?
I noticed there is some water in the oil on the bottom of the oil cap. But there's none in the crankcase and the engine runs really well and doesn't blow any water or overheat. And there's no oil in the coolant, so I think it's just condensation boiling off and blowing out. Might be excess pressure from the steam blowing out oil along with it?
I'm not sure what color that is on the block. I had the guy mix it for the interior and it didn't match, so I said what the hell and sprayed the block with it. I like your idea with the yellow color. That was actually what I was contemplating before. I wanted to do a dark orange and thought it would compliment the car's color quite well. But I just didn't have the money. And this looks good. :)
01-21-2008, 12:26 PM
.. two feet out,, nope. That would indicate too much pressure in there, that was just a round about way of asking. lol one foot out, yep you would get splashed a little, fairly normal without any baffling.
Some of these Asian four cylinders use an orifice valve between the head and block, also a pressure relief around the oil pump. You probably just need to put some miles on it though, sometimes assembly oils and stuff has to work its way around and out. Break in the rings...
Yep I saw a long block catapillar engine at the truck parts place and it looks pretty clean. I think if would make the A20 CAT tough.. lol ... besides I have not seen one done that way yet. and hey a fav JDM color for the outside the car is similar so JDM
01-21-2008, 03:44 PM
Uhh so I guess that PCV is supposed to to go to vacuum. I just have it going to the air cleaner, which may not be enough vacuum to relieve the pressure in the case... Going to try that tonight and see what happens. Hope it works. Plus I guess that you shouldn't run synthetic in a motor when breaking it in... since the rings aren't seating and I'm getting excess blowby. I'll change that tonight and see what happens... Probably a bad combination of the two causing all that oil blowout.
01-21-2008, 04:17 PM
Check you email John.
You can buy a valve cover gasket with grommets in most cases; not sure about an 81 Accord though!. That's the way to go. Avoid the RTV if at all possible! I've had a few Hondas leak at those valve cover nuts. You want the washer and the rubber grommets to be new if at all possible. Good luck on that one... Someone should have a NEW valve cover gasket I would think. Or, are you talking about the corners of the valve cover where it meets the cylinder head?
I've also heard not to break a motor in with synthetic oil. No fast starts, no extended cruising as well as I recall (been awhile). I think you change the first oil at 500 or 1000 miles. I think that's right, but someone double up on that and make sure that's accurate info. Gotta break her in easy as I recall.
01-21-2008, 05:00 PM
Check you email John.
You can buy a valve cover gasket with grommets in most cases; not sure about an 81 Accord though!. That's the way to go. Avoid the RTV if at all possible! I've had a few Hondas leak at those valve cover nuts. You want the washer and the rubber grommets to be new if at all possible. Good luck on that one... Someone should have a NEW valve cover gasket I would think. Or, are you talking about the corners of the valve cover where it meets the cylinder head?
I've also heard not to break a motor in with synthetic oil. No fast starts, no extended cruising as well as I recall (been awhile). I think you change the first oil at 500 or 1000 miles. I think that's right, but someone double up on that and make sure that's accurate info. Gotta break her in easy as I recall.
Got the e-mail, thanks tons!!!!
Nah it's not the grommets that are leaking, those are brand new, along with the metal pieces on top and new nuts too! You know the litte nubs that stick up and kinda "clip" the valve cover gasket on? Those are where I'm getting the most of the leak. Actually, I looked at it in the daylight (first time we've had sunlight in a month), and its just coming out all around the valve cover. I do think it's the blowby from the rings not seating from the synthetic in combination with the PCV system not having sufficient vacuum. We'll see tonight!
Been babying the car though, haven't had it above 3000RPM. Been taking it only through town, driving it like grandma. Then going to do the oil change at 500 miles for sure. My buddy who is a certified mechanic said that I probably didn't do any harm to the motor, just didn't seat the rings yet and new oil should be good.
Thanks everybody for all the help!!!
01-21-2008, 11:18 PM
Well, I got that synthetic out of the engine and hooked the vent on the valve cover directly to vacuum. Disconnected the brake booster and just hooked it to that line. The oil pukage completely stopped. Definitely a huge deal on those motors I guess is to have adequate ventilation. The weird thing with the PCV system on these cars is that there is no breather. Just the port on the valve cover. This makes me think that is the reason you need vacuum there, and you can't just run it into the air cleaner. I'm sure if there was a breather, it would be ok to do. I actually read about someone putting a vent into the oil filler cap... But I think if I just build a catch can, and hook it to vacuum, that should work perfectly. Oh yeah, I need a check valve too. If you are on the gas and suddenly let off, the car dies, and I'm sure it's got to do with the breather going straight to the intake manifold. The engine slows down before vacuum can build up in the crankcase again, and it dies.
Even Honda's original PCV system wasn't too bad. It was simple and kinda elegant really. It kinda had it's own catch can of sorts that appears to take the gases into the air cleaner, yet keep vacuum in the little canister that separates moisture from the gasses. The system on the 2g was kinda lame, and just sucks all that crap straight into the manifold. No separation of anything.
Cool stuff. I love all the little systems and figuring out how they work. If anybody knows the right way that thing works, or if I'm spot on... lemme know. :)
01-22-2008, 03:19 AM
Do you have pics of the engine fully assembled?
Mines having a small leak on the valve cover, even with new Honda gasket and washer and grommets. Don't know if this also related to the PCV problem you're having.
01-22-2008, 05:21 AM
just let the oil spew and think of it as rust prevention :lol:
01-22-2008, 11:23 AM
pretty good primer article on PVC
another one with PICTURES< yay !
01-22-2008, 01:10 PM
On my 2g ek1 their was a vacuum hose going from the breather to a port under the air cleaner. I just put a breather filter on it because i didn't want that crap in my weber. I might temporarily hook it up right and see if my car runs any better.
01-22-2008, 08:15 PM
I always thought that the breather was there to replace the air that was sucked out by the PCV system with clean, filtered air. Although even after a rebuild, my 22R still barfs oily air out of the breather, like it's not supposed to.
01-23-2008, 08:52 PM
i had an oil "leak" from the same place, the result of plugging the PCV valve where it exhausts into the air filter drum with a pen cap wrapped in fabric. it seemed like a good idea at the time to determine where the small oil droplets were coming from in the intake.
i then immediately attempted to drive to a freinds house 40km away and about 1/3rd of the way there it abruptly ejected at least half the engine oil. i only noticed when i spotted the smoke cloud and the cars behind dodging out of it :(
it couldn't build up *that* much pressure under there without the pen cap or some other line giving way, so i concluded that the rocker cover gasket just doesnt hold much pressure. any excess blowby or a slightly deficient seal would make it leak like hell from whereever it so wished.
so you're right i think. its just sensitive and you upset it with your fancy oil. i took the little plastic pot off the bottom of the filter drum and its pretty simple, just a baffle to separate the goo from the gas. theres also baffles in the top of the rocker cover. if you plugged the associated ports off and just put a vent filter on the rocker cover outlet it'd probably be fine.
also my engine is a long way from fresh but the blowby is barely enough to lift oil droplets out of the open oil filler hole, either hot or cold.
01-23-2008, 11:49 PM
Man those articles on crankcase ventilation were interesting. It makes me worry about just using a vacuum line or a catch can to try to capture the blowby gasses. I do enjoy getting on the gas once in a while, and under throttle, is when maximum blowby is created, and there is minimal vacuum to pull the excess blowby out of the engine.
I figure if I use a catch can to catch all the rubbish that spews out of the engine, the can will also keep vacuum hopefully under load, just like those silly canisters that Honda puts all over the engine bay stock. And if I put a smaller vacuum hose on the outlet, it should keep the car from stalling out I'm thinking when I come off the throttle.
Ccord, I would take off that breather, since that is where stuff is supposed to come OUT of the engine. The filter traps all that crap in there (moistures, and some gasses) and won't let it out of your engine. Especially worse when the filter gets clogged up.
And Tomato, your engine bay looks exactly like what mine looked like the first few days. I just took mine to a pressure washer to clean it all out, and it's nice and shiny now again. The wierd thing is, I didn't plug mine, I ran a 3/8 inch tube into my air cleaner, so I think the critical thing is to make sure you've got vacuum on it.
Relating to what guyhatesmycar said, there actually is no breather on the early E motors to allow air into the system. I think that's why vacuum is so important to have hooked up to prevent the excess blowby. The later E motors and all Honda engines afterwards had a breather to bring in fresh air, and they expelled the crap out the valve cover.
Here's a good thread I found on that might explain a few more things as well:
The early Civics shared the same basic designs in the engines, and a lot of them swap to EK or EL motors, so all that info is totally relevant to our motors.
01-24-2008, 09:09 AM
Congratulations on having it running.
The new exhaust manifold on it already?
Hope the wheel bearing hasn"t ground into its hub yet. A shame it couldn"t wait till you had to replace the brake disc's or something, when it'd need replacing anyway.
Mine would leave a pool of oil in the air cleaner as well after hard driving. From memory I added a thin piece of fabric accross the opening to the factory "catch-can" under the air cleaner to lightly filter the air passing through it, though even that may have been enough of a blockage, since the engine does have a small oil leak....
A few more baffles in a slightly larger factory style "can" ( so the filtered oil can drain back down into the cam cover ) ?
01-24-2008, 10:33 AM
wow i just skimmed through your progress...fucking awesome love the color choice for the motor dude.
maybe in the future, after the rg, ill try to restore one of these...maybe
01-26-2008, 11:07 AM
yes, that interior is uber streight man !
is there a baffle of sorts inside that hump on the valve cover?
Oh yeah that autoshop101 link, I was looking at that from the home page, it goes to a free online subject outlined automotive theory class, also it has ASE prep tests to go with some subjects, if any of you get time it is well worth surfing around on. Free and printable :)
You have done a lot of work in a short time once you got in to it, much respect and kudos for the progress 2ndGenGuy
02-06-2008, 11:14 PM
Were you able to find new Rocker Arms for that head or did you have to re-use the old ones?
02-07-2008, 12:41 PM
Were you able to find new Rocker Arms for that head or did you have to re-use the old ones?
No, I didn't get new ones. A few of mine were really bad, so we took the good ones off of the cracked cylinder head and made one good head from all the best parts from the two heads I had.
02-07-2008, 01:59 PM
Nice work! Looks great! The red interior looks nice and clean!
02-18-2008, 12:58 AM
Well, I think that I can finally consider this project done. The exterior of the car is all that is really left, and the project for the back of the interior, but those will be coming soon. The car is finally tuned the way I like it, and all the bugs have been worked out. She got new brakes all around, all new wheel bearings, a good breather system worked out, carb and timing are set properly now...
Here's a video of how she runs. The audio clips because the camera didn't auto-level the sound, so you don't really get to hear how good it sounds.
Also gave her a bath today, but it got kinda dark before I could get in any nice pics. Doesn't really matter because the clearcoat is pretty much gone, and the wheels are sorta rusty. The dark pics hid it well!
02-18-2008, 09:14 AM
Always good to see more Accord images.
And good to see that you are finally getting to enjoy the car in the video. & that all the teething problems are now under control.
Would make a fun comparison to the '84 with such different gearing.
Like Hazwan said before though we still have to see your completed workmanship under the bonnet.
Just looking at the wheel trim-rings has me wondering if the 12-slot wheels were wider that the 4.5" 8-slots my '79 had... & that I really should make sure I have a full set of trim rings for my 'spare' Accord. Just in case I leave its wheels alone.
I miss my Accord & projects. I'm buying old German Honda brochures to compensate untill I can get back to them... to do the clutch...
02-18-2008, 09:33 AM
Always good to see more Accord images.
And good to see that you are finally getting to enjoy the car in the video. & that all the teething problems are now under control.
Would make a fun comparison to the '84 with such different gearing.
Like Hazwan said before though we still have to see your completed workmanship under the bonnet.
Just looking at the wheel trim-rings has me wondering if the 12-slot wheels were wider that the 4.5" 8-slots my '79 had... & that I really should make sure I have a full set of trim rings for my 'spare' Accord. Just in case I leave its wheels alone.
I miss my Accord & projects. I'm buying old German Honda brochures to compensate untill I can get back to them... to do the clutch...
Wow yeah I'm pretty sure these wheels are 5 inches wide. Not incredible, but definitely wider than 4.5s. I almost snagged a set of rims off of a '79, the rims with the 4 rectangular holes. I wonder if those were that skinny as well.
02-18-2008, 10:13 AM
Video was great it sounds MEAN :D
Great Job John! :thumbup:
02-18-2008, 12:06 PM
yeah shes not to slow either
02-18-2008, 03:23 PM
Yeah sounds quick! More pics of the engine and interior!
02-18-2008, 03:33 PM
sweet! Sounds great man. What exhaust you running? I was going to order a magnaflow cat and muffler for mine.
02-18-2008, 03:43 PM
Thanks guys. It's a actually just the stock exhaust right now. That 4-cylinder symphony is courtesy of the Weber carb. :) Reading up on a few sites, if your Weber doesn't scream like that, it might need some tweaking. The noise definitely corresponded with the butt-dyno results. More noise = higher butt-dyno score. :D
I'll get some engine pics here in a bit, and probably will stick it on a Dyno in March.
02-18-2008, 10:09 PM
Wow, that thing is freaking sweet. And you paid $100 for it? That paint really looks good, other than the fading. It will scream out loud when you paint it. I like the 2G 3 door in the background in the last picture, too. Sounds good, looks good, probably even smells good. Can't wait for the engine and interior shots. Again, great work.
02-19-2008, 05:55 AM
holy shit.
thats it, im getting me a weber.
mine sounds a bit like that, except the screaming comes in at around 3500-4000rpm, instead of at 5 like yours. and yours goes a lot faster too. im suprised the gearstick and clutch didnt just surrender and fall out completely after 3rd gear =P
awesome work.
02-19-2008, 08:41 AM
Wow yeah I'm pretty sure these wheels are 5 inches wide. Not incredible, but definitely wider than 4.5s. I almost snagged a set of rims off of a '79, the rims with the 4 rectangular holes. I wonder if those were that skinny as well. .
Just checked some old magazines & yes the US/Japanese '79 4-slots 'EK' were 5.0" too. Never noticed that before.
Everyone else with the 'EL' got the old 4.5" 8-slot wheels through 'till '82 !
Starting to wonder what some of the old Accord styled wheels would look like detail painted (dark grey & silver) to pick out the shape a bit more - like some of the '70's Ford Cortinas & Escorts were.... just saw some amazing styled steel wheels on a new Opel that couldn't have been factory.
P.S. I gather the afore mentioned 2.0L Fords came with such downdraft webbers in Aust. factory....
02-19-2008, 03:42 PM
Never seen a real Ford Cortina. Our Escort we got was nothing like yours. We did get some Fords with Weber downdrafts, but they were mostly licensed by Holley, the 5200 series.
Here's some pics of the engine. Yes that's a bungee cord holding the battery in, it's only temporary until I find the proper tie down, and the vacuum line routing is a bit of a mess. I will be rerouting the vacuum lines to clean up that mess too.
02-19-2008, 06:14 PM
So fresh and so clean. I don't know as though I have ever seen such a tidy and fresh engine bay. It looks so roomy without the AC system. And tuned how you wanted it. Very nice. :cheers:
02-19-2008, 07:27 PM
Nice!:bow: I would definately like to see those dyno results when you get em.
Just for shits 'n giggles, here's a question for you: Now that you've had a little seat time with the ek1, which of your accords would you more willingly take out for a drive? The 2g or the 1g?
02-19-2008, 07:29 PM
soo cleeannn O_O
02-19-2008, 07:42 PM
So fresh and so clean. I don't know as though I have ever seen such a tidy and fresh engine bay. It looks so roomy without the AC system. And tuned how you wanted it. Very nice. :cheers:
Agreed, it look so roomy without AC system in it.
And clean those stray wires!
02-19-2008, 08:28 PM
That engine bay looks awesome:cheers:
02-19-2008, 08:40 PM
That engine looks GREAT! :thumbup: :thumbup:
02-19-2008, 10:43 PM
Thanks guys. Glad you like it. :D
I'm probably not going to do a whole lot of detail work to the engine bay or give this thing a paintjob until this summer. The problem is when my road washed out this winter, they still haven't fixed it, and I've got a mile long muddy forest road to drive on. It splashes up in the engine bay and already is starting to take it's toll on this engine. You should see the engine in the 2g right now. It's trashed and makes me wanna cry. This engine is only clean now because I drive less than 10mph and hold up all the traffic. :-)
02-20-2008, 07:38 PM
Looks great and sounds mean! Great Job!!
Civic Accord Honda
03-18-2008, 01:00 PM
looks so clean and sounds sooo badass it sounds meaner then my car =0
03-18-2008, 03:04 PM
Sounds meaner than it goes. Trust me. :)
03-19-2008, 05:22 PM
Oh man! New toys today! Looks like I've got a project. Install this along with emptying out the catalytic converter. The carb will need a retune after this install for sure. Also planning on painting the wheels black this weekend and polishing up the trim rings, caps and lugnuts. Should be a good weekend for the hatch!
Oh yeah, here's what the header looked like when I got it.
03-19-2008, 05:25 PM
03-19-2008, 05:36 PM
03-19-2008, 07:16 PM
those are nice, is that nickel plated?
I recall those on Ebay, just how long are they where they leave the block (before they do the down turn before the ground)?? Just want to confirm they will not fit in a Civic bay.
03-19-2008, 07:36 PM
Oh my fucking god john, those are sure chromed plated! Hey Redr2, I'm a machinist up in Red Deer, I can make anything fit anything. Just starting to get into CNC. I used to live in Castlegar, and spent an army summer in Chilliwack on the PRTC base just off of Keith Wilson and Vedder.
I can build you anything. Just send me a drawing.
Edit: I think I just found me some new sig material.
03-19-2008, 09:08 PM
Actually they're ceramic coated. Inside and out. They gave me the choice of either black or chrome finish. The inside doesn't have the chrome finish though. It's not a smooth chrome finish like the bumpers on the car, but I sure as hell love how they look. I want to just give them random chunks of metal to ceramic coat. :-p
They are 11 inches from the front of the flange straight back to the downturn. They actually don't fit in my engine bay very well at all. I'm going to notch the crossmember and weld in a plate for reinforcement. Hopefully I don't have to cut out too much. But I'm going to start on it Friday morning, so check back for pics.
Mike, can you build stuff out of stainless? Say I wanted a stainless header for my 2g? How would I make you a drawing?
03-19-2008, 09:31 PM
Mike, can you build stuff out of stainless? Say I wanted a stainless header for my 2g? How would I make you a drawing?
What grade of stainless? What type of header? A drawing is made with pen and paper, john:wave:
Seriously, if I can get ahold of stainless J-bends and you set me up with measurements, I can build it all, including flange.
03-20-2008, 09:04 AM
They have come up nice.
I think as soon as I get home I'm going to buy some dark grey & the proper trim rings to try on some of my '81 Preludes styled steels & Sisters old Accord. Really want to see what they will look like 'detail painted' to pick out their shapes more.
Not really a fan of black steels but the stainless trim-rings will make a world of difference there.
Red paint badge background in the bearing caps?
03-20-2008, 09:16 AM
They have come up nice.
I think as soon as I get home I'm going to buy some dark grey & the proper trim rings to try on some of my '81 Preludes styled steels & Sisters old Accord. Really want to see what they will look like 'detail painted' to pick out their shapes more.
Not really a fan of black steels but the stainless trim-rings will make a world of difference there.
Red paint badge background in the bearing caps?
Hmm Red H sounds like a great idea! I don't usually like black wheels either, but there's enough shiny stuff around it to make them look good. Saw the black / polished look on a 3g Civic Si and I really liked it. I'm curious about your detail painting, so post pics!! :wave:
Civic Accord Honda
03-20-2008, 08:18 PM
and black and chrome steelies FTW!!!
03-23-2008, 11:32 AM
Indeed they turned out FTW. After about 3-4 hours of sanding, about 2 hours of masking and spraying, and about 3 hours of polishing, the rims look fucking fantastic. Nicer than the car actually... Ha!
On the car
03-23-2008, 05:44 PM
Wheels Look Great! :thumbup:
03-23-2008, 08:16 PM
yeah wheel look great
03-23-2008, 08:18 PM
That is hot as fuck!!
Wheres the red H??
03-23-2008, 09:05 PM
Very nice! I like those trim rings, they're flatter than mine. Kinda looks like a lip instead.
03-23-2008, 09:09 PM
The rings are pretty dished. They're about an inch and a half thick, I think they're just reflecting the black paint, making them look black.
I decided not to do the red H for now. I think it would have stood out too much, and clashed with the red color of the car. We'll see how it looks after the car is painted. I've got some extra center caps to play with. :)
03-23-2008, 09:28 PM
i dont think you should do the red H's.... i think it would be too loud. it looks really good the way it is!
03-24-2008, 08:46 PM
Indeed they turned out FTW. After about 3-4 hours of sanding, about 2 hours of masking and spraying, and about 3 hours of polishing, the rims look fucking fantastic. Nicer than the car actually... Ha!
On the car
I would normally not like the black look because it seems like everyone is into it these days, trying to be all NASCAR like with their car. Man, yours look good with the rings and caps INSTALLED (unlike some ricers who just put the steelies on). Very classy and done right as usual. Can't wait til you paint that thing.
Civic Accord Honda
03-25-2008, 10:12 PM
i dont think you should do the red H's.... i think it would be too loud. it looks really good the way it is!
and GD john they look fucking sick!!!!!
i need to get some 82-83 accord center caps and 15" trim rings asap now!!!!
03-26-2008, 03:21 AM
REAL nice pieces you have there, that header looks like a blast.... yep that will be an awesome sounding 1G
04-02-2008, 05:36 PM
that is a freaken beauty!!! very very nice work i love that hatch interior ext damN!!!
02-05-2009, 05:22 AM
sorry to clutter your thread, but DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. You're car is so nice. I hope you get as much pleasure driving it around as I do from just knowing how much TLC you have given it.
08-03-2009, 05:27 PM
WoW how I missed this thread? Man you done a shit load of work on this car. Mad Props to you!! I just love it.
lill of topic here, do you know if there is any swaps that can be done to the 1G? like A20 or something.. just wondering..
08-04-2009, 02:43 AM
lol city turbo swap ftw i reckon
08-05-2009, 09:01 AM
Oh yeah I forgot about the City Turbo swap. 110hp turbo, but it's like 1.2 liters and turbo lag, so torques might be a problem since the 1g is heaver.
09-11-2012, 09:26 AM
Holy crap! I haven't updated this thread forever!
Let's see what have I done:
4x100 Conversion with 89 CRX rotors, 86 Accord calipers, and 87 Prelude rear discs. (Covered in another thread)
Lowered the whole car 2 inches.
Koni "Special D" shocks.
Reinstalled a rear seat.
NB Miata wheels 15x6 w/ 205/50-15's
MegaJolt Lite Jr (Also covered in another thread)
Got a new clock from the wrecking yard (one that works), and stock seats (instead of the 84 Accord seats) with some good condition black vinyl covers. Also found a color-matched LX steering wheel. Forgot to grab the steering column surround though.
Just last night, I worked my ass off getting the car ready for JCCS. I got the interior all super douched out, and cleaned up a bit in the engine bay. Interior pics for now:
09-11-2012, 02:05 PM
Looks great man!!! I'm not jealous at all! :rolleyes:
09-11-2012, 02:21 PM
Color coat time! Looks tight I can tell it's not a dust collecter.
09-11-2012, 05:00 PM
Color coat time! Looks tight I can tell it's not a dust collecter.
:) Not anymore! Yeah Color coat sounds like a good idea. Going to try to find some next week that actually matches my car. Had a guy a NAPA try to eyeball it, and it came out kinda purple (that's what I wound up using for the engine and center console). Needed more brown, but looking at some of the color swatches, I think they might have a pretty close match. Wonder how it would do on the vinyl seats....
09-11-2012, 06:41 PM
ZOMG Koni Special Dorifto!!
But yeah interior looking minty as hell (Y)
inb4 people asking "how many miles??"
09-11-2012, 06:49 PM
ZOMG Koni Special Dorifto!!
But yeah interior looking minty as hell (Y)
inb4 people asking "how many miles??"
Thanks! Yeah, only 273 miles! Brand new car! :cheers:
09-11-2012, 06:59 PM
Took a road trip for work today. Ran out of sunlight before I could get sweet pics. But these will have to do for now. (Y)
Wish my car actually looked as good as it does in the pics!
09-11-2012, 07:13 PM
Not enough lows!
Also, no parking.
at first i thought those wheels where ugly, but now they look pretty decent on there!
09-11-2012, 07:25 PM
Thanks! (Y) a lot of people seem to not like my wheels :crying: ... they got shitloads of compliments on the Miata. I like how they look on here too, myself. Buuut they are what I had to put on the car... so maybe down the road I'll get something new.
09-11-2012, 10:14 PM
I absolutely adore your car. Everything you've done is amazing, and inspiring just the same!
09-12-2012, 02:53 AM
Great to see more pictures, they do let it look gorgeous.
I definitely love those wheels. They do take a little getting use to on the Accord, but that's no bad thing. More 'period' wheels can get predictable and I always thought the Accord had a more European look than 1980's "JDM" which can be too sharp for it.
Still a shame you couldn't get those '84 seats mounted lower.
09-12-2012, 01:24 PM
Speed Limit 19? wat
09-14-2012, 01:23 PM
Update! Pics from road trip!
09-15-2012, 07:35 AM
Looking great John, fun road trip too :D
09-20-2012, 09:29 PM
Damn, that interior is clean! You should have flipped that sign upside down! lol
09-21-2012, 08:06 AM
Speed limit 61!
09-21-2012, 08:25 PM
Speed limit 61!
Better than 19! lol :P
Civic Accord Honda
09-23-2012, 02:07 AM
more pics of interior (Y)
11-07-2012, 02:26 AM
Rigged up my e-brake cables to work with the Prelude discs. Kinda took 79Cord's idea with using the old drum brake actuators. I cut them off of the old drum brakes and welded them onto the Prelude brackets. Works great, problem is that I have them fully adjusted, and they still aren't tight enough. So I think I am going to have some shorter cables made. They are a simple wire cable with the two posts on the end, so I can't imagine it's very hard to have done. But it's nice to at least have enough e-brake to be able to park the car.
11-07-2012, 04:00 PM
Is that a MIG weld? Nice job btw.
11-07-2012, 07:34 PM
Rear dick ftw (Y)
11-07-2012, 07:55 PM
yup rear DISKs ftw
11-07-2012, 08:29 PM
yup rear DICKs ftw
11-08-2012, 10:48 AM
Is that a MIG weld? Nice job btw.
Yeah it's a flux core, MIG weld. My friend did it for me. I wish I could take the credit.
11-08-2012, 11:32 PM
very nice john (Y)
11-14-2012, 09:00 PM
I was wondering how those brake levers turned out.
I'm glad the dimensions/geometry of mine allowed me to retain my old cables. I didn't think they would for a long while and had also bought some slightly longer 1g Prelude cables & the unusual little lengthening adaptors the Quintet used (item 25), just in case.
But sounds like you need shorter, rather than longer.
11-15-2012, 08:09 AM
Yeah, they need to be a touch shorter. I wonder if they're not stretched though. I can pull the ebrake JUST enough to keep it from rolling on slight inclines. But of course, they are at full adjustment too. Luckily they are pretty standard looking cables with a barrel on each end. I bet I can have some made locally. :)
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