View Full Version : Curious about valve covers and the spark plug info plate
11-15-2007, 12:30 PM
I've seen a few Accord engines in my day and one thing I have never figured out is which cars or engines got the little plate with the spark plug numbers and gaps on the valve cover. Seems like some did, some didn't. I guess it could be that the plate fell off of the ones I've seen without it, but I have my doubts. Anyone know why the "info plate" is on some valve covers, but not others in the older Accords (probably Civics and Ludes, too).
Also, anyone ever use the gasket remover in an aeresol can with good results? I just got a decent valve cover and it is PASTED with form a gasket in the gasket track! I tried a scraper for awhile with little luck plus I hadda worry about gouging the metal. Any other solvents that might break that silicone down? It adhered pretty well!
11-15-2007, 01:32 PM
Interesting, I wonder that myself. All the EK1s that I've seen have that plate, but the EL does not. I don't think the 79 that I robbed parts off of had one though either. That could be a mystery for a while...
As far as getting the gasket stuff off, I would recommend some acetone or laquer thinner. It's worked great for me to remove that RTV stuff. That in combination with a wire brush would do the trick I would think. Though you might have to peel off the big stuff by hand first... Wire brush will take off some paint, but if you're repainting anyways...
11-15-2007, 08:46 PM
Never seen one of these plates....or course all we got were EL's
ya thats my fault sorry about that .....i did tried to scrape it off but was runnin out of time ;p
11-16-2007, 03:51 PM
I use a wire wheel on a drill or angle grinder or a 3M scotchbrite pad on a die grinder. Expect the paint to not survive.
11-16-2007, 10:23 PM
Also, anyone ever use the gasket remover in an aeresol can with good results? I just got a decent valve cover and it is PASTED with form a gasket in the gasket track! I tried a scraper for awhile with little luck plus I hadda worry about gouging the metal. Any other solvents that might break that silicone down? It adhered pretty well!
Yes, I've use gasket remover spray to remove some tough gaskets. Had to spray it on, let it soak a few minutes, scrap it off, then spray again & scrape it a second round.. . Sometimes, it might take more than one application, but the gasket remover works. It can peel paint off cars too.
11-21-2007, 09:38 PM
The gasket remover I used contained methelyne chloride, the same chemical as most paint strippers.
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