View Full Version : hie guys, new here with rebuilt 81' pics
08-19-2008, 08:26 AM
hie guys tis is my dads old accord. i used it and learnt how to drive with it.... recently i urged him to get her rebuilt and it took a while to decide the colour and finally settled with a new silver from the current model S-klass. the rims came from brittain. sum old fashion light weights... to know more bout my car do visit my website at cardomain:
these are some pics of my car before i restored her.....u can observe the badly repainted front fender. bt the car was otherwise straight and had very minimal rust.
these are pics of the car when it went for a repaint, weld job at the body shop....
a pic of the finished product. it looks purple on camera due to the blue from the sky, actually its more brownish as u would notice in later pics. the guy in pic would be my dad... i wanna give lotsa credit to him for keeping the car real well this last 10 yrs and baring with my ideas...
i managed to bring the dash back to shape after lotsa hours with several cleaning products. i also have recently installed a new honda badge for the dash as the older one has gone rotten. the honda badge however din make it in time for the pic...
this is a pic of the engine...i recently repainted the valve-cover stock black. the radiator and fan housing were repainted at the body shop on the house. the a/c compressor was painted as well. the air filter cover was painted, however the paint mix wasnt correct, suppose to have been grey and it turned white. guess i have something to do later on. the engine is an EL with an optional power steering added from an EK with gen2 pump and hoses.
next project would be to refine the interior, ecs the seats. also i might perform a conversion to an EK. hence i would need much help from the guys at let me know what you think of my ride. regards, dev....
08-19-2008, 09:38 AM
really nice introduction welcome aboard have a nice stay
08-19-2008, 10:18 AM
Wow man nice car! Cool to see the work you've put in it, it really looks good! I dig the "H" in the grille too! Those wheels look awesome on it, they look like Panasports, as I think they're the only company who made that style wheel in the 4x120mm pattern. Good work on adding the power steering too, that's super cool. Did you have a power steering rack in the car already, or did you put in that from a 2nd gen as well?
Welcome to the site, and if you need any help or have questions with the EK swap let us know. If you're going to build a new engine, look into using just the EK block with your EL top end. It's supposed to be the way to go! Keep us posted, and thanks for sharing.
08-19-2008, 02:07 PM
Nice work upon the Accord! It looks great.
Hope you wouldn't have any problems sourcing a Japanese EK bottom end there.
A lot of Accord seats came with cloth centers & vinyl bolsters/sides originally. I found the original seats have better lumbar support than the Integra seats I currently have fitted to mine !
08-19-2008, 06:12 PM
Very nice! Your car looks great.
08-19-2008, 06:37 PM
very nice example of a clean car
Clean and Beautiful
Keep up the Great Work
08-19-2008, 07:57 PM
thanks for the comments... actually i was rather lucky to have a great car to start with. i did not have to do much to change from good to great... besides, i got lots of original parts sourced for the car over a span of 5 years. most parts were kept aside and not installed waiting for the day that it would be rebuilt.
it took me 10 years to find the power steering system for the car as 95% on malaysian accords did not have power steering when new unless fully imported from japan. besides the option was expensive when new. also, my dad is 65 and he use to complain of aching arms and etc due to the heavy steering. the steering rack came from the original 79' 1gen hatchback. i had the original pump with the set bt it made a howl whenever i turned left with a slight lock at a certain position. this is history after the pump and hose with valve replacement. it came from an old 2gen halfcut.... now she turns like a champ when stationary. however whenever i make a 30kmh turn she squirls a little...slight whine as though the pump is under some sort of stain. i understand if she makes the noise when stationary but certainly not when running! could this be due to my over-zealous speed sensor? as the sensor shows speeds of 10kmh higher than what is believed to be...its a lil shaky too. (not cable as it was ok when running the manual steering) what could it be or is it usually like that? anyway, could the rack be used from the gen.2 as well???
as for the engine... my EL has never been opened ever before in the 27 years of its life. even today there isnt any smoke emitted when running apart from morning starts...might be valve guides. i dont get why i should use the EL head on the EK block though it sounds interesting. i thought the EK has more valves as its a CVCC? would they line up? would an ES fit? i do have access a nice old EK half-cut with low mileage. might throw in the block from there. or should i just rebuild the old EL. really need help here as where i come from, the mechanics are certainly morons when it comes to early accords. they didnt even trust me when i told them that the 2nd gen, EK ps pump would fit the brackets perfectly.
the interior was covered with some cheap velour. actually its more like the cover is strapped down. it has a sad looking WEST stated on the front two seats. however, there arent any tears. under the covers are the original cream fabric with no cream pvcs on the sides. the front has been refurbished but the back, not.... there recushioning was horrible as i almost have no lumbar support.... infact it seems to be curved inwards!!! would the seats of the 2nd generation fit into the front? least the early 2gen?
the grill is actually quite a common pattern in malaysia... however most people just fit the honda emblem in the middle without painting the strips on the side. but lately i have seen a few with this as well. im thinking about putting on the 79' grill that has the reddish emblem in the middle as i found one of these. however im wondering if they might fit as it seems a lil larger than my grill. might be an optical illusion as the 79's have a higher, less slopped bonnet/hood.
as you can see i need help in almost every field of this car but i have high aspirations for the outcome....ecspecially with all your help....thanks to hazwan for introducing me to this site....regards, dev....thanks too all that commented and keep them coming
08-19-2008, 08:45 PM
The EL engine and EK are both 8 valve motors. The EK is CVCC and does have the auxiliary intake valves, but they don't really contribute to any added power as the intake is so small, and it doesn't actually even go into the combustion chamber.
Here's a good read on CVCC:
Essentially, the only difference between the EL and the EK engines is the displacement, and one has the CVCC feature. The CVCC stuff is overcomplicated, and more prone to failure than a standard cylinder head. The EL cylinder head should also bump compression on the EK block, plus the 1.8 liter block will obviously give you bigger displacement for additional torque.
Plus you can keep your existing manifolds, and all your accessories if you keep your head and just change out the block.
Just make sure when you do it, you match up the engines for the same year. In other words, don't get an EK from 79 or an EK from 82, as they will not work.
An ES will not work either without modifications. The MAJOR issue is that the exhaust comes out the front of that engine, and there's no room where the front crossmember sits. Look at the engine in your car now, and imagine an exhaust system coming out the front of the head and curling under the motor, you'll see exactly what I mean. No room between the block and the crossmember.
08-19-2008, 09:48 PM
Just adding that If you come across a 2nd gen. EK the internals (crank, cylinders & conecting rods) should all fit in an '81 EL block, just 1st & 2nd gen heads & blocks aren't interchangeable.
Not sure about 2nd gen Accord Pwr steering racks since frt track was widened; I was thinking 1st gen Prelude & Quintet which retained the same track & were more common with PWR steering (here anyway).
I was wondering about interchangeability of the '79-81 JDM/N.American Sedan grilles also but I think they were a little taller for the matching bonnet with its revised front edge.
I think the rubber seals on the ends of the valve stems are also commonly worn out/shrunk.
08-20-2008, 01:54 AM
hie guys again, do excuse me for being a newbie... i had no idea there were so many variations between the models. here in malaysia, it would be much much easier if i were to have an EK then throw on an EL head, than the other way around. in malaysia, there were very very few fully imported 1gens. and only some had the EK in them making them rare and hard to find. i only have access to a 2nd gen EK which i guess should be CVCC. im not sure of its age and do not know how to check it. all i know is tat it came from japan many years ago. since mine is an 81,' i doubt i could change the heads as what you mentioned. also the reliability issues of the EK is another thing putting me off. not because of the motor itself but more because i fear having difficulty sourcing parts for it later on. however, could the EK from a gen 2 fit my gen1? or do i need much mods. im heard of the need for a new exhaust manifold and intake. but what about stuff like the carbs and such. this is a rare conversion here and i need all the help i could get to make it right.
the power steering pump im sure was similar to the 1gen except for rubber hoses and reversed in and out piping (not sure about this as i dint install this part myself) the rack however i doubt is similar. but if they are similar, i wouldnt mind getting a rack from a 1st gen as i find them far more refined. also are the speed sensors interchangedable...i know 1st gens have a larger gear.
the grill im talking bout is similar to what 2genguy has as the car in his signature....hehe... i find it looking a little meaner. but would it fit? i somehow doubt stated it does look a little taller. im hoping its just the hood that slopes lower.
any other ideas, suggestions, please pitch in as i need all the help i can get.
08-20-2008, 03:32 AM
:welcome: and enjoy your stay. These guys are very helpful and like 1000 times better than those silly mechanics :D
08-20-2008, 02:07 PM
I think the complete 2nd gen EK engine should bolt straight in.
I'm not sure whether an EL Carburettor would readily bolt up to an EK intake mainfold though. If it did I think it should be ok to use, in the same manner as aftermarket/weber conversions.
The CVCC concept required a more complicated carburettor to deliver a richer fuel mixture to the Auxiliary valves while the main valves ran lean. This also raised combustion temperatures to such an extent cylinder head warping became a risk if the engine was allowed to overheat, especially upon the early pre-'81 EK, but helped "burn off" exhaust emissions.
1981 & after Honda de-tuned the CVCC concept slightly for more power & lower temperatures with non-siamesed exhaust ports (as per EL) and the addition of a catalytic converter to maintain its JDM & USA emissions requirements (limiting the car to unleaded fuel only).
The '82 2nd gen Accord rearrangements of its exhaust ports & head studs also helping to distrubute exhaust heat more evenly through the head.
08-20-2008, 07:35 PM
seriously 79 accord' you really know your stuff about older accords. i dont know il check out how complex it would be for the engine transplant but i might just opt for to rebuild the current engine as it seems to be reliable and smooth. however i would love to have more power as the 1.6 doesnt seem to cut it in todays traffic. thanks a lot...
also, any ideas about swapping 2nd gen seats in my 81'? i thought of it but would i regret it afterwards? im looking for comfort than a seat that would just look good. im more into functional beauty rather than just putting sum piece on that has no relevant purpose. regards, dev
08-20-2008, 10:42 PM
I put 2nd gen seats in my 81. Don't do it, they sit WAY to high and it will be really uncomfortable to drive. You will be reaching down to get to the steering wheel... it's no good!
08-21-2008, 01:49 AM
that is very very good infomation to me.... so i guess the 2nd generation seats are out...
so now this leaves me with another 2 options...
one is to get another old japanese car's front seats,
or i should just refurbish the current seats with a different pattern. i suppose, larger side bolster for the back with thicker lumbar support. what do you think?
anyway, a little test for 79 accord. i found an i believe either 79' or 81' accord today in indonesia. it had a quad-set up, small sealed beam head lamps up front with horizontal lines as the grill, as against the regular boxes. a thicker chrome garnish an the end of the hood, above the grill. this car was available in malaysia as fully imported models and usually came standard with a long list of extras. i also believe they featured an EK engine. in indonesia, things seem a little weird as this model was distributed in 1981. in 1980, the regular quad, round lights with the regular EL. i forgot to take a pic but will do so when i have the time. where these models offered elsewhere? i dont know bt i dont dig the square lights on the otherwise rounded body.
regards, dev
08-21-2008, 08:39 AM
that is very very good infomation to me.... so i guess the 2nd generation seats are out...
so now this leaves me with another 2 options...
one is to get another old japanese car's front seats,
or i should just refurbish the current seats with a different pattern. i suppose, larger side bolster for the back with thicker lumbar support. what do you think?
anyway, a little test for 79 accord. i found an i believe either 79' or 81' accord today in indonesia. it had a quad-set up, small sealed beam head lamps up front with horizontal lines as the grill, as against the regular boxes. a thicker chrome garnish an the end of the hood, above the grill. this car was available in malaysia as fully imported models and usually came standard with a long list of extras. i also believe they featured an EK engine. in indonesia, things seem a little weird as this model was distributed in 1981. in 1980, the regular quad, round lights with the regular EL. i forgot to take a pic but will do so when i have the time. where these models offered elsewhere? i dont know bt i dont dig the square lights on the otherwise rounded body.
regards, dev
I've got a Japanese catalog with those in them. The Accord 1800s. I'll have to scan it this evening and post it up. It's a pretty cool, extensive catalog. Lots of high quality pictures. It mentions that they're EK engines, with "CVCC II."
Hazwan has some later Prelude seats in his car. I think those have adjustable lumbar in them? Maybe take a look at that as an option... They look pretty good.
08-21-2008, 10:35 AM
yes that is true about the prelude as that seems to be where i am currently swaying. is it me or are 1st gens having bad front seats? i see many replacing them. maybe its just personal taste or i should think about shedding some pounds. however there is a problem with preludes as most cars in malaysia have prelude front seats as their 1st option when it comes to replacement. even the vw beetles have preludes frames in them. i guess its the sporty structure. anyway, i would look for them. i am not a big fan of newer seats as i find them brutally hard. i fell in love with the original 3rd gen seats. i think those were one of the best seats made. also, i might think of peogeot 405 or 306 seats. maybe even from the renault 19. many of those are junked in malaysia. its a rare conversion indeed but for french seats, who cares...hehe...what do you think?
yes, the accord 1800 is the one. even the honda stamp on the front fenders have 1800 on them. cvcc2? you mean EK2? guess they were really powerful in their day. sadly most of the 1800 has been brutally abused in malaysia compared to the 1600. i dont understand why though but all are in a rough state. its a pity... i always wanted to own one but they are so scarce nowadays to find. any more infomation on the model would be interesting. regards, dev
08-21-2008, 11:36 AM
geez i live it. so clean. Rock on the 1g
Hauntd ca3
08-21-2008, 01:09 PM
clean as mate!
sweet good work
08-21-2008, 04:26 PM
Very interesting to hear that the quad square-light front made its way outside of Japan. There certainly were some surprising variations made. Were Accords were being assembled in Malaysia at the time?
I spotted the Honda Japan website described the CVCCII as being introduced late in 1980, so basically the revised '81 EK Engines with Cat. converters & non-siamesed exhaust ports.
Unfortunately it seems the '81 models are particularly difficult to fit alternative seats into compared to the earlier Accords because of raised seat mountings & the newly enlarged central tunnel to relocate the gearshift linkage higher & probably make more room to accomodate the Cat. converters of the JDM/USA EK models. since I found it dead easy to fit early Integra seats in my '79 while Hazwan had to have his '81's seat mountings cut & relocated lower for Prelude seats.
I like the original seats but their covers were torn and I found it easier, quicker & cheaper just to get good newer seats than to retrim the originals... although the colour of my alternative seats does not match...
08-21-2008, 07:52 PM
the thing is, the quad square light set up is anything but pretty. apart from the light list of interesting extras, the quad light set up really makes the car look old and to a few rather un-attractive. (i really wish i had the pic of the beater i saw yesterday) in indonesia apparently the round light set up was discontinued in the late 1980 with its EL engine with the start of the quad lights with the EKs from 1981 to early 1982. i am not sure if they were assembled there. in malaysia however, again i am not sure if 81' 1st gens were assembled here but i suspect they were as they were found everywhere. however i doubt the same went for the pre-80 accords as those are seldom found on the road. most of the malaysian 1st gens are like hazwan's n mine which were 81' models. a lot were sold in that year here in malaysia. there are a few 80s' running around though. the quad light set up i suspect were brought in by grey-importers ( private companies bringing in re-cond imported vehicles)
as for the seats. i do not get why its so difficult for an 81' to have new seats. i mean why did they make it so difficult? i was so hyped with the thought of new peugeot/renault seats. i am really into driving comfort. but now i might have to re-pad the ori OEM sets again. anyway, i guess if im in a bad mood, il remove the front passenger seat, go to the breakers yard and get one of those french seats, put it on, figure how to lower it then go ahead and mount it. sure to take pics of it for guys here if i do get around to it. regards, dev.....
08-21-2008, 09:47 PM
Yeah dude, try them out. Nobody has really tried anything except Honda seats in their cars. So we'd love to see what other seats look good in the 1geez and are way comfy! The more people doing more cool custom work, the better! Go for it! And if it doesn't work for you, then worst case, we know what doesn't work. It's all good for the community!
I think the thing with the OEM seats was that the vinyl would dry out and then you'd sit in it and it would split. Or a little tiny tear would turn into something big. Vinly's properties are not like fabric, so it doesn't tend to last as long. Notice how the fabric parts area always in good shape while the vinyl is torn. I think I've been drinking a bit too much so hopefully I'm making sense...
08-21-2008, 10:10 PM
Sweet :D :D
08-21-2008, 10:55 PM
:flash: i m sure to try it out. my plan is to first try to fit it and check the whether the height is correct or at least close. if it works, i plan to sew on some cream/beige fabric to the seats professionally to make it look stock. it is sure nice to experiment. the renault 19s and the peugeots are found in breakers yards almost everywhere. some are just about 13years old with low miles. i do not wish to get a leather set though. i prefer fabric as they are easy to maintain. however i might consider a cream leather pair though...hehe. all this depends on the price though. and i would certainly post the pictures up... and for 2ndgenguy, if u r drunk them i am sleep deprived.
for your infomation, the volkswagen beetles often swap their front seats with 1st gen accord/prelude front seats. apparently the seat rails are almost the same length. another seat which they consider would be those from the Golf GTI/ Golf. i guess those line up as well. interesting..... however Golfs arent common in Malaysia and ecs the GTIs. so its either prelude or frenchies for me....hehe...regards and wish me luck, dev
Civic Accord Honda
09-05-2008, 09:07 PM
OMFG!!! Beautiful!!
09-06-2008, 02:32 AM
OMFG!!! Beautiful!!
dude and the rest. thanks for all you kind comments on my old accord. it means a lol ecs to my dad who just lost his eldest daughter, my sister. this at least gives him something to be contented with at this trying time. regards and thanks again, dev...
09-18-2008, 02:16 PM
simple and CLEAN.... awesome car!
09-18-2008, 03:59 PM
I like it, nice work.
09-18-2008, 11:00 PM
not much mods were done. many parts were replaced, of course with original 2nd hand JDM parts. but the paint and rims were the most apparent mods. i still have many plans to come but wanna do it little by little. have 2 other projects crying for help. thanks for the comments though. feel free to ask me nething if u need more info on my car. regards, dev
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