View Full Version : I can't get one of the fittings off my fuel filter

09-07-2008, 04:30 PM
How the hell do I get it out/the fitting on the right off?

Got a new one from Honda and Im SO ready to end this bogging bullshit

Help asap its getting dark outside haha

09-07-2008, 04:39 PM
a 17mm socket?

09-07-2008, 04:45 PM
Noo lol the other one. How does it come out of the filter?

Its obviously threaded in there judging by the replacement I have for it.

I took the pressure relieving 10mm out and now it has nothing else on that fitting. The fitting is still in there but no socket or anything

How do I do this lol

09-07-2008, 05:15 PM
I removed that using a two wrenches. I put one wrench on the fitting across the two flat edges, with the handle of the wrench sticking straight up. I then used another wrench to grab the first wrench and provide leverage to unscrew the fitting. Clumsy, yes, but it worked. I put the fitting back on in the same way.

09-07-2008, 06:11 PM
Awesome. Went to vatozone and they gave me a diagram of how it is in there and I get it now.

You would think my OEM manual would have told me? lol. Fail.

Thanks for the help guys :)