View Full Version : Workshop Manual supplement
09-22-2008, 01:35 PM
Ok so I'm slow...
But I eventually got a cord for my scanner last month and have scanned (& cleaned up the jpgs a little) the Workshop Manual supplement for the 1980 EL Accord.
It seemed a less daunting start than the proper 1979 Manual that I must start upon next.
I'll also ask if there's an '81 supplement I can borrow from the local club. (I gather the '77 manual was a suppliment to a Civic manual....)
just don't expect me to get around to either quickly
Was also thinking about the little owners manual.
And the little green Starting instruction sheet that the dealers would slip on to the sunvisor.
(if I find where I put that).
Where & how should we put it (zipped PDF?).
09-22-2008, 05:11 PM
Please scann it!:pc:
09-22-2008, 06:25 PM
Full manual scans would be helpful :)
I've got couple of scans from Detlef already, but far from being complete.
I'd say register any free web hosting just to upload the files. Perhaps anybody else could recomend which site to use, its been a while since I have my own site lol
09-22-2008, 07:20 PM
yes...we all could use the manual. we'l all owe u big time. i think zip format would be the best as it would be far easier to download rather than .pdf, hey hazwan, why dont u zip what u got for now. it would be a good start.....hehehe
09-22-2008, 08:41 PM
I've got a place we can host it. PM me if you want to upload it and I'll make a sticky in the 1geez section for the download.
09-23-2008, 02:51 PM
Ok, 1980 W/shop manual supplement.
I've put its 100 odd pages togeather into a PDF file of 17.7 MB (18,576,774 bytes),
The complete '79 w/shop manual has more like 3-400 pages.....
so it might be quicker if I start with what Hazwan already has if its of nice quality. The size of the '79 manual will make things more difficult to get it flat on the scanner & its contrast settings can easily lose details if set to black & white so I used the greyscale option.
Just to clarify that this HONDA manual supplement is for the European, Canadian, Australian & General export models with the 'EL' series engine (ie, most countries bar the US & JDM 'EK' engined Accords with the CVCC engine).
Published late in '79 it was intended as a supplement to the more complete '79 w/shop manual to detail all the changes that were introduced for the 1980 model year..... So if you had an '81 Accord you would need the '79 w/shop manual, '80 supplement & '81 supplement to get all the details of your car !?!
The proper "Factory" manuals having major advantages over non-official manuals given the variety of specification Honda had for different markets & the constant changes Honda was making which many manuals were unable to detail properly.
09-23-2008, 03:33 PM
Ha I get confused with the year of what I alraedy have lol.
Anyway I have these already in my computer right now, there might be more, but I'll find it later.
30-01 -> 30-14 (unknown year?)
41-01 -> 41-26 ('79 manual)
42-02 -> 42-13 (unknown year?)
61-01 -> 61-16 (unknown year?)
17-02 -> 17-20 (EL carb - supplement I think?)
Perhaps I should email them to you so you could verify which one is which?
09-23-2008, 03:56 PM
I should start scanning in the 300+ page, 1981 US manual as well... And the 1984 US manual. Hell I should cut them up and autofeed them through our bulk scanner at work.
09-23-2008, 04:14 PM
I wouldn't have the courage to break one up just to ease scanning. Unless we create a US EK-CVCC supplement
So did Honda America issue a full new 1981 Accord manual rather than multiple supplements? much neater.
09-23-2008, 08:52 PM
Yeah my manual for my 81 is a full-on manual with no supplements. There was one for the SE I believe though. As there were supplements for the SE Accords in 83 and 85 as well.
09-24-2008, 08:09 PM
I found couple more pages and I'll get it sent to ya ASAP.
09-24-2008, 10:28 PM
do get on it fast!!... u guys are amazing but i hope we have a lawyer on the site to ensure we dont get sued by ne1... its very difficult to get the manual for my 1g in malaysia.
09-25-2008, 03:40 AM
do get on it fast!!... u guys are amazing but i hope we have a lawyer on the site to ensure we dont get sued by ne1... its very difficult to get the manual for my 1g in malaysia.
Actually there are Hynes manual for 1gee in Taiping library, but some idiot torn some of the pages. Selfish bastard.
09-25-2008, 06:13 AM
I should start scanning in the 300+ page, 1981 US manual as well... And the 1984 US manual. Hell I should cut them up and autofeed them through our bulk scanner at work.
I've always pulled my manuals apart and kept them in a three-ring binder. They lie flat on the car that way instead of constantly flopping closed. Makes it much easier. Lately, I've made a habit of scanning them to *.pdf too. The sheet feed scanner at work made that much easier.
09-25-2008, 10:36 AM
Actually there are Hynes manual for 1gee in Taiping library, but some idiot torn some of the pages. Selfish bastard.
bloody hell.....i soo wanna find the bastard!!!! seriously!! ipoh i only have the one meant for the prelude. nevermind there is another perak library just gv it a shot. does mph allow us to order the book according to ISBN? the last time i had to ask my aunt to get it from UK for me...
09-25-2008, 11:01 AM
Anybody who has any scans or any links to any manuals, PM me for my e-mail address and send me the files via YouSendIt. I will toss them up on my webserver, and link them from the 1geez Manual Sticky ( in the FAQ.
09-25-2008, 01:35 PM
bloody hell.....i soo wanna find the bastard!!!! seriously!! ipoh i only have the one meant for the prelude. nevermind there is another perak library just gv it a shot. does mph allow us to order the book according to ISBN? the last time i had to ask my aunt to get it from UK for me...
I tried asking a frind who works at Times before and he said something like the book is too old, no more stock or something.
79cord, I tried sending you the email, but my internet/email is being gay lately. I'll try again, if that fails I'll send via YouSendIt instead.
09-25-2008, 01:51 PM
2ndGenGuy Thanks for getting that up for us, great to have it available.
Balances the fact the brochures & magazine articles don't seem available online anymore....
Up to page 60 on the '79 manual..... slow process doing it page by page.... & I'll go go over them afterward with photoshop to cleanup as many shadows smuges & grease marks as I can...
At least with it scanned I can print out sheets as I need them to work on the car & keep the book nice...
Files still don't really replace a solid book. : )
Still want to get a 1g Prelude book even though its the same mechanically as the Accord.
Hopefully those sections Detlef scanned for Hazwan will be good to mix in nicely.
Was it the Haynes or the Chiltons manual that didn't even recognise that the Accord got a completely new engine and gearbox for 1979 !
09-25-2008, 01:58 PM
2ndGenGuy Thanks for getting that up for us, great to have it available.
Balances the fact the brochures & magazine articles don't seem available online anymore....
Up to page 60 on the '79 manual..... slow process doing it page by page.... & I'll go go over them afterward with photoshop to cleanup as many shadows smuges & grease marks as I can... at least with it scanned I can print out sheets as I need them to work on the car & keep the book nice...
Files still don't really replace a solid book.
Hopefully those sections Detlef scanned for Hazwan will be good to mix in nicely.
Hey I would be more than happy to help with photoshopping. Let me know!
09-25-2008, 02:09 PM
I like looking up all the specs for the different market variations listed & comparing.... but noticed it lists Canadian hondamatics as heavier than 5-speed but European hondamatics as lighter?
13kg for Power steering... Australian & Canadians heavier for Door intrusion bars, Canadas heavier USA spec. bumpers... etc.
09-25-2008, 02:24 PM
Yes, this could easily get to be a very complicated matter. Perhaps I should list the book you sent me as "Australian?" As there may be differences in Canada and Europe? I figured that European would be good enough to cover them all...
Also, do you guys know any other sites we could find manuals? I know I've found some before but never bothered to download them... :uh: Definitely regret that now.
Cover is coming off of my 1981 Manual anyways. Maybe I'll get to work on it tonight. :dunno: Also, if you guys run across any 2geez or 3geez or any pre 1990's honda stuff, then lemme know. I'd like to get those into my collection as well.
09-25-2008, 02:38 PM
Check out the book, it says which market specifications if relates to.
I've never seen any 1g Honda manuals about apart from the 1g Civic manual mentioned in that site/forum as a CD posted out for a fairly nominal figure.
The 3Gen w/shop manual thread has some links to many modern Honda manuals...
& I guess you should have found the Honda600coupe site for its N/Z 360-600 manuals.
Otherwise I found that
Honda dealership online partsbook that could be 'forced' to show its older US spec Honda information for 600, Accord, Civic & Prelude.
09-26-2008, 11:36 AM
heya john and friends... i page 40-41 of the cooling system for the 1g in pdf. il send it to john when i see him online next. hope it helps.... good luck and im looking forwards to the online manual....
09-27-2008, 12:50 AM
79cord, did you get my PM with the link to the files?
I can't send the files by email and YouSendIt as both being gay.
And do let me know if you want me to help with cleaning up the manuals before uploading.
09-29-2008, 02:53 PM
So I got the files from Hazwan, they're pretty big! (was it 70Mb?)
I haven't properly checked yet whether the page sizes were much different from the ones I did, to know if their size could be reduced any.
Everyone happy with the quality of the Suppliment ?
I'm not sure how big the manual would come out at that quality.... I still haven't really counted how many pages that is.
I was painting out all the image marks from the edges of the pages & empty portions on the pages to try & make sure they were properly empty.
Didn't make much progress scanning recently though
-(I'll blame painting some Prelude on the w/end)
09-29-2008, 04:08 PM
I flipped through the supplement. Looks great! Just the quality we need.
09-29-2008, 07:31 PM
So I got the files from Hazwan, they're pretty big! (was it 70Mb?)
I haven't properly checked yet whether the page sizes were much different from the ones I did, to know if their size could be reduced any.
Everyone happy with the quality of the Suppliment ?
I'm not sure how big the manual would come out at that quality.... I still haven't really counted how many pages that is.
I was painting out all the image marks from the edges of the pages & empty portions on the pages to try & make sure they were properly empty.
Didn't make much progress scanning recently though
-(I'll blame painting some Prelude on the w/end)
Yes, the quality is great.
My pages can be further reduced, as its in original resolution of 2300x3300, averaging 600kb each. You can always send me couple of files to clean the edges :)
And remember to post updates for your Prelude!
09-29-2008, 10:38 PM
I found that if you scan it in lineart mode (black and white only), at a really high resolution, then switch it to greyscale and shrink it AFTER you scanned it, you get the best results with the smallest file size...
Problem is if you scan greyscale, all the white part of the page becomes some sort of light grey data and you're just wasting bits.
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