View Full Version : Parting out an 81 - Details inside
12-20-2008, 03:07 PM
Hello 1geez :)
My 1g has faired me well, but it's time to look at newer options. Up where I live (in Vancouver, BC) they have a program called Scrap-It. This program is designed to get old cars off the road and give you a cheque towards the purchase of a new vehicle; the amount varies depending on how fuel efficient your new choice is. (A new Fit would fetch me $2250, a zuk sx4 $750, etc).
As both the Fit and SX4 are considerations, it's hard to believe I'd find a buyer for this car for $750, let alone $2250.
The requirements for the Scrap it program means I just have to be able to drive it to the yard.
Here's my offer:
Anything that does NOT require my car to drive from point A to point B is fair game for parting out to you guys! I've also got two spare rims.
If you are interested in something specific and would like pictures of its condition, please let me know and I will take them and post in this thread.
12-20-2008, 03:08 PM
Noooooo :(
Civic Accord Honda
12-20-2008, 03:16 PM
Noooooo :(
X2 :crying::crying:
12-20-2008, 03:18 PM
heh, as much as I'd love to do a nice restoration on it, the incentive of $2250 plus the cost of storing it somewhere makes me lean towards this. I'd rather see you guys who are keeping your cars benefit from this before I send it off to car heaven :)
12-20-2008, 05:32 PM
Haha my parents got $2000 through Scrap-it for their 93 Aerostar vs a brand new RAV-4. Between this and the carbon rebate program, is it any wonder BC is in serious economic trouble?
12-20-2008, 09:34 PM
You should at least trade someone for something that is a real pile, like an old Corsica or Tempo or something. Then trade THAT in. How long until you dump it? I really need front and rear seats, but I don't see myself making it up that way this weekend since the weather is so bad.
It's a hatch too, isn't it?
Rendon LX-i
12-20-2008, 09:56 PM
Damn i would do what john said trade in a Corsica or tempo shit even a Exploder lol. not a classic man.
12-21-2008, 05:42 AM
erm... its sad that and 81' is gonna see its doom but i guess you must have your reasons. anyway, do let us see some pics so we could know what parts might be useful to us...regards..
12-21-2008, 08:06 PM
I can't trade it to someone, the car I scrap needs to have been insured in my name for the past 12 months. Otherwise, everyone and their grandma would pick up some car for a few hundred bucks and scrap it before buying a new car.
Yes it's a hatch.
Driver seat has a decent sized tear, passenger seat I think is in decent shape still, as is the back seat. 2ndgenguy, if you're willing to venture this side of the border you could have first dibs on the seats. I'll try and get some photos up of specific parts over the next week.
It could happen anywhere between february and april I'd imagine when I scrap it, so there's no rush. I just wanted to start seeing interest for people and help out who I can with interior pieces, trim, hell even better bumpers or anything.
haridev: I think most people have seen my car on here, but for those that haven't here it is last summer:
Civic Accord Honda
12-21-2008, 08:41 PM
damn man that thing is soo clean.. if i had the money i would buy it for $2500 :(
Rendon LX-i
12-21-2008, 08:59 PM
wow thats clean
12-21-2008, 09:36 PM
Ohhhhh... I remember your pics you posted a while back!! Man that would be a serious shame!! Seriously if you are really going to get rid of it, please PM me, I am looking for interior parts. But I really hope you decide against it!!
12-21-2008, 10:32 PM
If I had a place to store it I'd keep it and eventually restore it, but unfortunately the price point of over $2k is a big push unfortunately. Mechanically, it's starting to hit it's limits I think. Blower motor seized up the other day, which in addition to its troubled starts these cold mornings makes me wonder how much longer the motor's got left ;) (In the past few years, all I've done besides fluid changes have been front brakes and an alternator).
She's sitting under a foot of snow right now, so hopefully winter hasn't killed her just yet.
12-22-2008, 12:44 AM
Please don't :(
If only I'm closer to you. I'd buy that in a heartbeat!
12-22-2008, 02:09 AM
hey man... that car is almost perfect. i have seen many still on the road in FAR FAR worse shape. its a real pity she is on the way to her doom. just like hazwan i too would love to buy that car from you (am looking for another 1g or 2g) and keep her running for as long as i can. anywho, anyone here... try to help the brother out and just buy up the entire car. it would be far better than watching her go to the crusher.... :-(
had my dog put to sleep last year. it felt awful. im sure this is somewhere there...
12-22-2008, 01:03 PM
damn. car looks pretty clean..
Lil Mike
12-22-2008, 01:55 PM
i would go against it that car is way to clean, and vintage to just get crushed.
12-23-2008, 11:59 AM
Man thats way to tidy to scrap. I would rather keep it over getting a newer car IMO. new cars just plain SUCK! lol
12-23-2008, 02:58 PM
It a sad story.
I'm just know my Accord could not be replaced and has nothing to fear of competition from new cars, certainly not a van like the Fit! (150kg heavier than the Accord -Honda better get its act togeather with something significantly smaller, lighter, more efficient & stylish soon!)
I'd be another to improve on a good old car than buy a depreciating & mundane new one.
12-23-2008, 03:21 PM
The troubled starts are just because it's cold. It really doesn't have anything to do with the condition of the motor. My battery is really giving up the goat in this cold weather. As soon as my engine warms it back up though it's good to go.
01-26-2009, 08:01 PM
hey guys, probably got a few weeks left with her. anything that's small and shippable you're interested in I can take pictures for you.
If anyone's within driving distance, you might be interested in my wheels and tires. I bought brand new all seasons in the summer, put maybe 8k kms on them at most. My rims are in pretty good shape - also have four center caps. I have six rims in total, of which two do not have any tires mounted. I believe one of those used to be the spare, and is practically flawless. The others are not flawless, but I'd guarantee pretty good.
So, because this thing needs to be drivable...if you want to trade wheels + cash for mine in better shape, or take any of the unmounted rims, let me know.
01-27-2009, 12:09 AM
Hmm does drivable include you sitting on a crate? I really want those seats!!! Are the seat covers in good condition, are they original? I suppose I could toss in a blue 2g Accord seat that's just a bit smelly so you could drive it. Can I come up next Friday night perhaps? I could make it up there by 8 or 9pm. Maybe you could meet me near the border somewhere? :D
I still can not fucking believe that car is going to get crushed. Doesn't the idiotic government know how much CO2 is takes to build a brand new car? What a bunch of morons!!! You could drive that car for 10 years i bet and make less CO2, what a serious shame. You should keep the car out of principle! Stick it to the man! Save the planet! Don't do it in the name of money! Oh well... :(
EDIT: Sorry I just re-read the above posts. Hrm... I'll have to think about it... back seat would be nice again and original front seats that bolt right in, just gotta get em recovered. I need more room to store stuff!!!! Shit also my 81 is still in the shop, no way to come pick up the stuff in the blue car as the engine is out, and the Miata won't carry anything!
01-27-2009, 05:52 AM
these government programs are to just put money back into the automakers and banks...and now with the poor economy I am sure we will see more states push this "scrap it" idea.
01-27-2009, 10:43 AM
why? . . a new suzuki can't be the reason to scrap that car!! . . . well anyway . . any chance that you're shipping the driver door window to europe? :D . .
and maybe the inside rear view mirror? . .
01-27-2009, 11:44 AM
How much do you want for the car?
Honestly, scrapping such a car is dumb.
01-27-2009, 11:54 AM
Carotman! Be the savior! Buy that car man! Look how clean that 1gee is!! It would go so great with your other Accords!
Rippen Griffin
01-27-2009, 12:29 PM
Wow, I would love to buy the car too. Unfortunatly to funds are not there. :(
01-27-2009, 12:59 PM
Wow, I would love to buy the car too. Unfortunatly to funds are not there. :(
Not only that, but you'd never get it into the country. :(
01-27-2009, 02:46 PM
Not only that, but you'd never get it into the country. :(
why do you say that? people buy canadian cars al the time, i can't believe you are going to scrap a car in that good of a condition so it can be soda cans. some people just disgust me. why not fix it and keep driving it? it's paid for,you don't have payments, lower insurance, etc. just fix it and keep driving it.
01-27-2009, 03:57 PM
They buy Canadian cars that have US equivalents. The engine, being non-CVCC was never sold here in the US. Getting it in would be loads of fun. I spoke with customs about this stuff. Though being over 25 years old, you might be able to, since the car does have the equivalent safety specs as the US, and the engine is old... Seems like it would be quite the fiasco though.
01-27-2009, 09:35 PM
why? . . a new suzuki can't be the reason to scrap that car!! . . . well anyway . . any chance that you're shipping the driver door window to europe? :D . .
and maybe the inside rear view mirror? . .
lol, the rear view mirror i could do if you wanted.
and no a suzuki isn't the's a vw rabbit (golf for you)
01-27-2009, 09:38 PM
How much do you want for the car?
Honestly, scrapping such a car is dumb.
You'd have to beat $1250, basically.
now a reminder, despite the pretty's slowly becoming run down. Lots of little things don't work. Important little things. Like hazards? Nada....Signals? about half the time. fan blower? nope. Half the dash lights? naw. Rear brakes? THose need doing.
I understand lostforawhile's point...the problem is that parts I've found over the past couple years have been very hard to source. Hell, I know for a fact that a few things replaced have been "last part of this in western canada". Since it's my daily driver, I can't have it off the road while parts get rebuilt...nor do I have anywhere to store a project car.
Trust me, I wouldn't like to see this thing go...but when it boils down to things I'm not that materialistic. If someone ponies up more cash than scrapping, that's awesome. Honestly, though...I don't think the car's worth that much to anyone...and would feel bad ripping any of you guys off. The best I can do is offer up parts to help everyone who CAN keep these on the road, going strong :)
01-27-2009, 10:10 PM
Carotman! Pony up the $1250! You've gotta do it man! :) That stuff is so easy to fix, you can swap B20As and stock EFI systems, that stuff is cake for you! I'll drive it out to your house even!!!!
01-27-2009, 11:07 PM
not trying to be an ass here...
but a honda for a vw? :slap:
01-28-2009, 12:33 AM
How much do you want for the car?
Honestly, scrapping such a car is dumb.
GET IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!
You'd have to beat $1250, basically.
now a reminder, despite the pretty's slowly becoming run down. Lots of little things don't work. Important little things. Like hazards? Nada....Signals? about half the time. fan blower? nope. Half the dash lights? naw. Rear brakes? THose need doing.
Those are small things. Hazard & turn signals? prolly the flasher unit, or bad grounds. Blower? Replacement resistor will do the trick most of the time. Dash lights? maybe the bulbs. Brakes? come on!
So carotman, what are you waiting for???!!!!!!!!
01-28-2009, 07:20 AM
I would love to buy it but I don't have the money. It would also need to be carried all the way to eastern Canada and pass an inspection. Owning your own place can be a money pit sometimes :(
If I can source some cash, I would consider it. Is it manual or auto?
wizzfish, so they're giving you 1250? How much of a difference will this make on your monthly payments?
i hope this 1gee gets saved !
01-28-2009, 10:13 PM
I would love to buy it but I don't have the money. It would also need to be carried all the way to eastern Canada and pass an inspection. Owning your own place can be a money pit sometimes :(
If I can source some cash, I would consider it. Is it manual or auto?
wizzfish, so they're giving you 1250? How much of a difference will this make on your monthly payments?
the government is giving me $1250, not the dealer. it's an incentive to get old cars off the road. if i got a honda fit or other gas sipper, i'd get 2250 for it.
01-28-2009, 10:16 PM
not trying to be an ass here...
but a honda for a vw? :slap:
as someone who was a strict nissan guy for 5+ years, I've learned that loyalty to car manufacturers means turning a blind eye to discovery. I test drove a lot of cars within my price range, and the vw rabbit impressed me the most for my tastes. I don't have anything against Honda...nor VW...nor Nissan...nor Toyota...nor even American cars. But as we go through different phases in our lives we'll feel the need for a different car. Don't lock yourself into one manufacturer ;)
01-28-2009, 10:35 PM
as someone who was a strict nissan guy for 5+ years, I've learned that loyalty to car manufacturers means turning a blind eye to discovery. I test drove a lot of cars within my price range, and the vw rabbit impressed me the most for my tastes. I don't have anything against Honda...nor VW...nor Nissan...nor Toyota...nor even American cars. But as we go through different phases in our lives we'll feel the need for a different car. Don't lock yourself into one manufacturer ;)
I understand where you are coming from completely...but after owning a dub, and having many friends who have owned them, and hearing about people who have owned them...I could never bring myself to have another one (not counting ones of the air cooled nature).
I am definitely not a Honda fanboi :lol:
As long as youre getting what makes you happy is whats important :thumbup:
01-29-2009, 05:00 AM
lol, the rear view mirror i could do if you wanted.
well . . I need the window more importantly though . . . :(
and no a suzuki isn't the's a vw rabbit (golf for you)
but why? . . what's wrong with the accord? . . are you really want to pay monthly payments on a new rabbit? . . not that there's anything wrong with a rabbit . . but you will loose a lot of money (as you do with every new car . .) . . those 1250$ don't are a small amount of money considering the loss on a new car . .
do the math . . buy a newer cheaper used car . . and safe the Accord . .
01-29-2009, 06:34 AM
That's why I asked how much of a difference will the 1250 will make on the monthly payment.
Is it like $20, $30 ?
01-29-2009, 10:13 PM
I'm just going to check PMs if any of you guys want parts - I'm not really up for arguing about moving on in my choice of cars.
Take it easy, 3geez.
01-30-2009, 04:35 PM
A damn shame. If you can hold onto this thing for another month I would probably buy it from you.
01-30-2009, 04:44 PM
A damn shame. If you can hold onto this thing for another month I would probably buy it from you.i would pm him, if you have the cah he will probably sell it to you. i think he said if someone can match it he was fine with it
01-31-2009, 07:03 AM
:wtf: I canīt believe its going to the crusher.Someone save that beauty please!!:thumbdn:
02-01-2009, 02:06 AM
doesnt it say in the constitution that you arent allowed to crush old hondas!?
seconding the dont-scrap-it-man-its-not-worth-the-heartbreak sentiment.
i understand times are tough in the land of the free but its also the home of the brave and clint eastwood and mount rushmore and armed robbery and all that stuff i reckon is great.. where is your heart wizz? basically im saying you arent allowed to harm the honda or australia is going to drop bears on you worse than israel
not really its your choice. just seems like compared to how much the new car costs, its kinda extreme
i'd like the front panels and doors and wiper arm pivot bush assemblies, but not as much as i'd like to see the whole car live on :(
excuse me im going to have a cry
02-01-2009, 10:21 AM
wiper mechanisms i'll yank for you
02-01-2009, 11:57 AM
read down a bit,someone on here is interested in buying the car from you and matching the price
02-01-2009, 12:04 PM
read down a bit,someone on here is interested in buying the car from you and matching the price
I haven't gotten a PM.
And here's the thing, that I know many of you can attest to. When someone in a car community, especially when it's a bunch of us younger folks, says I'll buy X in Y months just as soon as I get the money.....unless you know that person and can trust that person, those situations never happen. I did the car club scene pretty heavily for 5 years with nissan stuff, so I've seen those empty promises made over and over by people.
I don't mean to outright call him a liar, but unless I got a PM from him showing commitment and willing to wire me a few hundred to hold it for a month or something, I don't believe he'll actually commit to buying.
02-05-2009, 01:14 PM
hey wizzfish i gotta cancel on those wipers, i checked my parts car and its got the bits i need in decent condition. thanks for the offer though! :)
02-05-2009, 07:24 PM
no problem, tomato.
WA guys, if you want to trade wheels and tires, tomorrow night is your last chance to do so.
02-05-2009, 11:15 PM
Yeah sorry, I'm out. No time to make it up that way. Thanks for the offering.
03-30-2009, 08:50 PM
I know this thread is old and the car is probably long gone, but I just came across it and I'm so disgusted that I gotta lay a little rant down right here:
Why did you even bother buying this car in the first place if you were going to get frustrated with BS stuff like "hazards not working" and not being able to do something as simple as a friggen brake job? These are the kinds of "problems" I would expect a 17-year old girl to gripe about, not someone who has turned a wrench at any point in their life. It's just a real shame, this had to be one of the nicest looking 1st generation Accords left in North America, and once they're gone, they're gone forever....we're only dealing with a limited number of vehicles here - already significantly diluted by age and the elements. In some places, particularly the Northeast USA where I'm from, these cars don't exist at all anymore. I haven't seen a 1gee on the road in New York in over 5 years. I hope you really enjoy that quarter tank of gas you'll be able to buy every month for the next three years with all the money you saved by having this classic Honda crushed.
Let this be a warning to anyone stumbling across this thread. If you're thinking of buying an old Accord or Civic because you think it's "cute", but you're not willing to get your hands dirty or put any money into it - DON'T BOTHER!!! Go buy some other, more plentiful conversation piece that the world won't miss when you can't deal with the trauma of replacing a vacuum hose or something asinine like that. Leave the good stuff for someone who will care for it even a little bit.
/end rant
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