View Full Version : windshield weatherstrip
eduardo i.
01-17-2010, 03:47 PM
Where do you guys get your windshield weatherstrip? Im planing to get an accod that has some rust in the pilars and the glass needs to be removed.I also need the rear glass weatherstrip.Have you guys used universal weatherstrips? perhaps one can use them and glue the glass like new cars? I think weatherstriping is really important.Its a sedan 4 door 1980.
01-17-2010, 04:39 PM
If you are asking where to get the metal trim pieces, I do believe the junkyard is your best friend. If you are asking what adhesive is the best for gluing the glass back in, then I don't know that so much, but probably anything claiming to be windshield adhesive used properly is going to work.
eduardo i.
01-18-2010, 04:27 AM
So tese accord windshields are basically glued from factory? Does one have to replace the rubber thas surrounds the trim?
01-18-2010, 06:04 AM
Well, if it's cracked and nasty, then yes. Otherwise...
eduardo i.
01-18-2010, 08:52 AM
The rubber itself doesnt look so bad, the main question is if it has to be broken in order to take the glass out on these accords( because one must break it on civics in order to save the glass .I need to take the glass to fix some rust. Thanks, sory for not being more clear
01-18-2010, 11:25 AM
So tese accord windshields are basically glued from factory? Does one have to replace the rubber thas surrounds the trim?
No, el parabrisas no va pegado en esos autos, se "mete" el parabrisas en la goma y se instala sin adhesivo, con la ayuda de una cuerda, te recomendaria que contactes con un instalador para que lo haga en tu taller, es trabajo de 20 minutos, yo hago asi y me cobran barato (20 dolares).
No, the windshiels in those cars is not glued to the frame, the rubber weatherstrip "surrounds" the windshield and is installed without an adhesive. I think is better to leave the job to a professional, he can go to where is your car and do it in about 20 minutes.
eduardo i.
01-18-2010, 06:11 PM
Thanks for the help.Have you personally been able to reuse the rubber after that?
01-18-2010, 06:31 PM
Thanks for the help.Have you personally been able to reuse the rubber after that?
Of course! The 1980 Accord weatherstrip is a sacred item that must be reused, unless you have a new one.
If the weatherstrip is too bad and there is no spare for it, the adhesive is the only option left, i did it ni an 1981 Accord and the result was good.
If the original weatherstrip is still in good shape, i am sure that you will be able to reutize it as i did a couple of times. Anyways, i suggest you to give the job to a professional.
01-19-2010, 11:40 AM
Sorry to hijack the thread, but on the same topic, has anyone had any experience with replacing the weatherstripping around the rear-quarter windows for hatchbacks. Mines all cracked so water gets in when I was the car. Luckily its not bad enough that rain water gets in, but I have a mini-river flowing into the car everytime I wash it.
eduardo i.
01-19-2010, 01:27 PM
Thanks for the tip, ill ask to see if people here can take the glass out without damaging something.I was about to cut the strip as soon as i got the car.If i cant find someone, ill do it my self with alot of care( my dad did it a couple of times with old civics wich i still have though i didnt know if the accords where basically done the same way)
Dani ocean, asuming the rear rubber works just as the civic ones( 1stgencivics), you should be able to cut the rubber out from the inside and outside(just to be safe) that way you can get the glass out without problems.Ive seen people use some kind of epoxies in order to fix or fill the rubber because they are really hard to find.
01-20-2010, 06:55 AM
Ok, here we go.
If you are going to do it yourself, watch closely to those images. Good luck!!
NOTE: You can easily break the windshield, making contact to the glass with steel tools.
01-20-2010, 07:14 AM
Thank you so much for taking the time to scan and post those pictures. Those will be a huge help for me. I'm gonna try this weekend to fix the weatherstripping around my rear quarter windows.
01-20-2010, 07:48 AM
Thank you so much for taking the time to scan and post those pictures. Those will be a huge help for me. I'm gonna try this weekend to fix the weatherstripping around my rear quarter windows.
You´re welcome!
There´s more:
[EDIT]: Changed the pics for better resolution ones and added translation for important notes.
Translation of NOTE in the following picture:
*After assembly, check for leaks, pouring water in the window.
*If leaks, check if the glass fits firmly in the frame, or if the sealing is incorrect.
NOTE in the following picture:
*Take care not to scratch the paint when sliding the molding downwards.
*Make sure that the fixing cap slides in its slot when pushing the central pillar molding.
Good luck!
eduardo i.
01-20-2010, 12:38 PM
Thanks also, it sure is scary but will try.
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