View Full Version : I got an 84 accord for free.C= and have questions
08-06-2010, 09:24 PM
ok so first off it backfire out of the tail pipe when shifting for decelerating:banghead:. i saw a post about it but lost it and could not find it again.
I want to put a header on it but have no clue what one to get. this is my first Honda so have no clue.(Aircooled VW guy Here)
what spark plugs can i put in. only ones i found are standard plugs.
08-07-2010, 12:04 PM
you need to check the carburetor, i post this in the begining of the year, i replace my carb because the one i have was passing to much gasoline and every time i shift gear i got a back fire explosion, it was cool at nigth because you can see the flash in the back but i was burning to much fuel like 14 mpg, rigth now i got like 22 mpg whit this new carb. the only thing is that my car only goes like 85 to 90 mph and thats all that can go.
Civic Accord Honda
08-07-2010, 05:15 PM
Free 2gee ftw! and your in washitong where the 2gee master is!,
post some pics!
as for plugs get NGK Platnum V-Power best plugs for hondas
dont be fooled by the expensive plugs that claim they give you ZOMG MAD VTAKS POWERZ y0
08-08-2010, 01:21 AM
i will post some pics once i post 5 posts lol.
every time i go into autozone or o'reilly's(or what ever it is called now) they say only ones for my car are the copper standard ones. do i have to order them offline?
and whos the 2gee master?
Civic Accord Honda
08-08-2010, 03:37 AM
hmm since its an 84 im sure the ones from the 86-89 accord ones would work but id ask 2ndgenguy hes the 2gee master btw lol
and get moar posts so we can see the pics :D
08-08-2010, 08:24 AM
Check the code of the plugs your car comes with; the code tells things like thermal range, thread, size, whether they have a resistor or not and I don't remember what else. Armed with that info check say NGK's website and you may get an idea of which platinum spark plug to order. My 5G civic supposedly came with copper plugs but it is running with platinum ones (NGKs) The platinum plug will have almost the same exact code
There should be a page somewhere in which they explain the meaning of letters and numbers in spark plug codes; I could not find it but I saw it somewhere... or wait until someone with experience in 2Gs pops in and give you the exact advice
08-08-2010, 08:27 AM
Here it is -the explanation of NGK's spark plug codes,
08-10-2010, 01:30 PM
B-14mm thread
U- Surface or semi surface discharge type
R-Resistor type
4-heat rating?
E-19mm thread reach
B-Special design
11- 0.44 wide gap
now lets make sense of this.:dunno: lol
08-10-2010, 01:31 PM
pics(My 5th post) lol
08-10-2010, 01:37 PM jpg
08-10-2010, 03:05 PM
All the listings I can find say that the BUR6EB-11 is the proper plug. Sounds like you're running 2 levels colder or hotter, not sure which. But I've tried swapping 2 levels hotter and colder plugs in my Accord and it resulted in some shitty running.
Also, welcome fellow Washington member! You should come to the Karting meet next month at SyKart in Tukwila!! My friend will be there with an A20 swapped 84 Accord. I don't think I'll have my 84 running by then though.
08-10-2010, 06:03 PM
but before you buy any spark plugs i recomend you to repair your carb because the car is going to damage your sparks plugs, i did the same thing and i damage 3 sets of NGK
08-11-2010, 01:49 PM
What day will you guys be going there.
I have already gone through one set.
new carb should i go stock or should i do the weber.
how hard is the swap.
08-11-2010, 08:31 PM
Here's a link to the Meet thread for all the info:
Weber swap isn't too hard. It was the first real "mod" I had ever done on a car. If you're in Auburn though, I dunno what kind of emissions restrictions you have, but it's doubtful it will pass with a Weber on it.
Civic Accord Honda
08-11-2010, 09:07 PM
you got that for free?!? have i told you that i hate you yet? :D
looks like a great car man! do a webber swap and enjoy her the way she should of been from factory!
(btw turabaka passed smog in his webber 3g in idaho, i would think WA would have similar emissions to idaho, i highly doubt there as strict as cali )
08-12-2010, 01:18 AM
I don't think i have to take emissions i think the cut off is 1986 in king country i cant remember tho.
you hate me :huh: lol the reason why i got it for free is that my supervisor didn't want to deal with it cause he said it had to many problems but i only changed the brake booster on it and it works fine.
08-12-2010, 08:14 AM
It's definitely got a nice looking dash. How's the rest of the interior? It's probably equally minty, I'd imagine.
Civic Accord Honda
08-12-2010, 02:52 PM
you hate me :huh: lol the reason why i got it for free is that my supervisor didn't want to deal with it cause he said it had to many problems but i only changed the brake booster on it and it works fine.
:lol: :lol: nah i dont ya, but damn everyone in WA seems to get free cars :lol: i need to move there, i paid $500 for car in my sig pic :lol: , i cant complane to much though i got a 91 accord for $300 becuase of a bad wheel bearing :lol: gave that car to my parents though .
but yeah man throw some nice wheels on there like some fat fives, get some fresh black tint (and repaint the trim around the windows) and throw a webber on there and you will love that car ^_^
08-12-2010, 05:54 PM
the interior is good the carpet has same stains on it and the pocket on the passenger side is ripped and the rear seat the thread is coming apart but thats about it.
i need to first replace the front struts they are crap. then its the weber header and exhaust.
fix the rust and paint it. it will be looking sweet for sure
This is my other addiction pg
Civic Accord Honda
08-12-2010, 06:04 PM
bug FTMFW! almost got one last month but parts were to hard to come by for them out here
08-12-2010, 06:06 PM
really? i get all my stuff online.
you heard of the forum
i love my bug i got it for free too my dad gave it to me it has came a long way since we got it. got a 1776cc motor in it. its pretty quick i like it.
the plan for it in the future is put a STI motor in it.:Owned:
Civic Accord Honda
08-12-2010, 06:11 PM
the one i was looking at had no dash and shit it in it.. was pretty beat but was only $400 and converted to EFI lol the local junkyards dont have anything that old though and ordering thoses parts online would become very expensive :lol:, i wanted to make it a surfer bug though.. maybe one day
08-12-2010, 06:13 PM
oh yeah that would be lots
you surf?
08-12-2010, 08:24 PM
Sweet bug. My friend has a 65 Bug, it's beige, and runs like 12s. I think he's got some crazy 2275 motor in it. Also, another friend has a bug he made into a limo, and I'm pretty sure he swapped in a WRX motor. :D
Funny enough, here's a picture I found by Googling it:
Civic Accord Honda
08-12-2010, 11:08 PM
oh yeah that would be lots
you surf?
not yet :lol: but ive always had an interest in it and been wanting to learn for ages... but i haven't lived close to the beach since i was 6 :( only about and and hour and half away now, but no money to go ><
08-13-2010, 03:10 AM
i live 2 hours from the beach and i try and go every weekend
This is me in pacific city Oregon
08-13-2010, 03:13 AM
Sweet bug. My friend has a 65 Bug, it's beige, and runs like 12s. I think he's got some crazy 2275 motor in it. Also, another friend has a bug he made into a limo, and I'm pretty sure he swapped in a WRX motor. :D
Funny enough, here's a picture I found by Googling it:
limo bug hehe :)
Civic Accord Honda
08-13-2010, 04:42 PM
i live 2 hours from the beach and i try and go every weekend
This is me in pacific city Oregon
pic didnt work lol, i would like to go alot more then i do but unless my family is going with me i have to ride a bike everywhere. and riding a bike about 130miles would be the suxor!, will change soon though :lol: getting a car again this fall :D
08-13-2010, 06:24 PM jpg
there we go
Civic Accord Honda
08-13-2010, 08:51 PM
you should teach me how :D :lol:
08-13-2010, 09:40 PM
Its not that hard at all just standing up and the fear part:nervous:
when i start my honda sometimes it runs for a second then dies right away almost like theres no power getting to the plugs. cap rotor plug wires and plugs are new could it be my coil?
09-24-2010, 12:12 PM
Its not that hard at all just standing up and the fear part:nervous:
when i start my honda sometimes it runs for a second then dies right away almost like theres no power getting to the plugs. cap rotor plug wires and plugs are new could it be my coil?
Could be the carb if it's still not sorted. Prob wouldn't fire at all if was an electrical problem. Having said that, I used to have to pour a little petrol into the carb of my first 2g years back to get the car going each day as the fuel pump was knackered. Needed the engine to run to draw the fuel up the line.
I sort of surf! Started with bodyboarding, then learnt to surf 3 years ago & guess what? Never surfed standin up since! That's gonna change in 2 weeks when I'm holidaying in Cornwall, surf capital of the UK!
Almost fully recovered from breaking my arm skimboarding in the summer, so all is good! :tongue:
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