View Full Version : 77 Accord update - Weber!
12-02-2010, 02:39 PM
Thanks for all the advice on the previous thread. I was able to get the car running to a certain extent and got it smogged.
However, it looked like importcarbs sold me a badly rebuilt carb. Within less than a month, something broke and fuel was spewed out of one of the orifices in the aux (middle) barrel when the engine was running, floating the intake and making a mess...
So since the car has been smogged, I went ahead and got a Weber kit. Now the car runs great!
Some pics are below. I connected the charcoal cannister to the EGR intake and used a paper clip to connect up a return spring...
12-02-2010, 06:03 PM
Sweet :thumbup: . Thats a good idea with the paper clip thing.
12-02-2010, 06:53 PM
Ghetto-rigged return spring FTMFW!!! Sucks about the rebuilt carb though. If you liked doing the repair the first time, you'll love doing it twice. :(:(:(:(
12-02-2010, 10:32 PM
That really does look great. I love the paper clip thing too! You gotta do what works! Where the heck is your EGR valve by the way? I deleted my EGR completely when I swapped in my Weber. I can't remember if there actaully was an EGR on my 81 now...
12-03-2010, 06:50 PM
Hah, I used to use rubber bands to keep tension on my 20R secondary because the vacuum diaphragm died, got tired of driving around with a box of rubber bands on the dash and having to pull over to change them all the time!
I see the CVCC's got cast valve covers. What a brutal job on cleaning the flash off honda did.
12-03-2010, 09:36 PM
I love the look of a brand new weber. [its] Like fine automotive jewelry.
12-04-2010, 06:58 AM
where and what about that heat sheild under the carb, I want one of those I think...
cool, Im sure you will enjoy the break in embarassing carb issues out on the road:werd:
12-04-2010, 02:48 PM
I see the CVCC's got cast valve covers. What a brutal job on cleaning the flash off honda did.
Just the earlier ones. My 81 is still a CVCC, but got the stamped one just like your EL.
where and what about that heat sheild under the carb, I want one of those I think...
cool, Im sure you will enjoy the break in embarassing carb issues out on the road:werd:
I might have one or two of those heat shields. I took one off, and I bet you could modify it easily enough to fit under your carb. I'll check my shed later on today and see if I kept em.
12-08-2010, 09:55 AM
2ndGenGuy, there's no EGR in those early CVCCs.
The set up is still work in progress. Yesterday, I connected a T-fitting to the brake booster line to feed the advance part of the distributor (the KL Hondamatic cars have 2 vacuum lines going to the distributor advance/retard canister).
Next, I'm looking for a 20R air cleaner assembly, which along with an available adapter, will make the car look more "stock"...
03-22-2011, 10:59 PM
Bump From the Dead Since I'll be helping a friend do a Weber Conversion :thumbup:
03-23-2011, 06:30 AM
bump from the dead since i'll be helping a friend do a weber conversion :thumbup:
pics (y)
04-04-2011, 07:09 AM
thanx for all the pics on weber linkage my old 1geeze lives again!!!!!!
04-04-2011, 09:13 AM
thanx for all the pics on weber linkage my old 1geeze lives again!!!!!!
Sweet! We demand PICS!!! :welcome:
04-04-2011, 11:23 AM
Sweet! We demand PICS!!! :welcome:
What he said! And :welcome: to the forum!
04-04-2011, 05:11 PM
Sweet! We demand PICS!!! :welcome:
Pics be here Sir's
04-05-2011, 02:39 AM
Another welcome.
Had to decide which thread to reply in!
Hope the conversion makes it better!
04-06-2011, 08:21 AM
Thanx for all the welcomes THIS SITE ROCKS!!!! couldnt have done the conversion on my 1geeze without Forrest and all of you. Thanx
Razcal (Bonnie)
04-06-2011, 08:50 AM
i bet it drives better
04-10-2011, 12:55 PM
hi guys and ladies, I have a small problem, Ive never done a weber conversion myself, but at one time owned a `78 honda that had been converted. I know this will work and I cant wait to get my old girl on the road, but im doing the work right now by mtself, and ive been told, to hook up the electric choke i only need the blk and yellow wire. herein lies my problem, my choices are red, or blue and white. dont want to hook up wrong and blow the choke, but im pressed for time need to figure this out today. will be waiting for any advice from anyone. thanx, Razcal(bonnie) 1geeze
04-10-2011, 09:46 PM
hi guys and ladies, I have a small problem, Ive never done a weber conversion myself, but at one time owned a `78 honda that had been converted. I know this will work and I cant wait to get my old girl on the road, but im doing the work right now by mtself, and ive been told, to hook up the electric choke i only need the blk and yellow wire. herein lies my problem, my choices are red, or blue and white. dont want to hook up wrong and blow the choke, but im pressed for time need to figure this out today. will be waiting for any advice from anyone. thanx, Razcal(bonnie) 1geeze
Where did you see those wires o.O
04-11-2011, 09:12 AM
hi guys and ladies, I have a small problem, Ive never done a weber conversion myself, but at one time owned a `78 honda that had been converted. I know this will work and I cant wait to get my old girl on the road, but im doing the work right now by mtself, and ive been told, to hook up the electric choke i only need the blk and yellow wire. herein lies my problem, my choices are red, or blue and white. dont want to hook up wrong and blow the choke, but im pressed for time need to figure this out today. will be waiting for any advice from anyone. thanx, Razcal(bonnie) 1geeze
Do you have a multimeter or test light?
All you need to do is find which wire has power when the ignition is on and use that. If none of those are it, you'll have to tap something off the fuse box, or another circuit and run it from there.
08-10-2011, 06:31 AM
Do you have anymore pics of your weber? I am getting one soon, tried to get a oem replacement and it was a flop going to send it back and replace it for a weber. I just need to know which vacuum lines I will need to keep and how I will have to route them. This is for a 1980 accord LX with A/C also. I was looking on the websites for better pics and ideas on how I am supposed to modify my a/c diaphragm bracket to mount it so I can still have all my environmental controls.
08-10-2011, 12:43 PM
Just follow the vacuum line out of the HVAC box all the way back to the caruburetor or intake manifold. Keep all the components in between. I think there is only 1 vacuum canister and a check valve and then you can just connect that to the intake manifold. You'll also want to connect the distributor to the intake manifold, and that should be IT for vacuum lines.
Now, there aren't really any bungs on the intake manifold, so what I did was get a little T adapter and tapped vacuum off the brake booster line, which is fed off of the adapter plate. Ran that to the HVAC and distributor (when i had a distributor).
10-14-2011, 07:53 AM
where did you route the other hoses from the canister? I have looked on other forums about the webers and other versions have a brass fitting above the fuel inlets on the top cover. this is supposed to be for the fuel vapors coming from the canister, did your weber come with that fitting, if so then no issue. but, if it didn't can you put a fitting in that port? or is it plugged? I should be getting my weber sometime next week, I cannot wait. I also had the same issue as you, when I replaced my original carb with "National Carburetor" I had it just about tuned just right, and it started spewing fuel into the center chamber. I have a 1980 Accord but, another issue with the replacement was that it didn't look like the one that came off of the car, still fit and still worked but slightly different in looks. Which leads me to believe as the term I actually have a 79 1/2. Please could you send more pictures especially with the vacuum routing. I know I need the timing advance, and the brakes at a minimum. I would also like to have the AC running too. Any and all help would greatly be appreciated
10-18-2011, 08:36 AM
Well I put it in, and it turned over after just 2 starts, with all the pics I found on this post, and also this post (when I get more posts I will post the link)
I was able to use both ideas and do my own little twist. Now for the bad news at the moment. I just about done with the fine tuning and when I was trying to turn the mixture screw, it popped out of the carburetor, and won't thread in anymore. The threads on the screw or the carburetor aren't stripped, and the company I bought if from are sending me a new screw at first, and if that doesn't work then a new carburetor. But, from all of that I am still impressed with the ease that everything got put together.
12-21-2011, 04:26 AM
here is a link to installing a weber carb on a prelude. Excellent instructions and pictures, I will post pics of my carb soon.
Thanks to MitchN for an excellent post
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