View Full Version : Seat belt retracter fuse turning off brake lights and draining battery !!! Help plz

10-17-2011, 10:09 PM
I had a Short with my lx-i when a stupid (but very hot) girl decided to sit on my hood...well she hopped on and the hood sank down and touched my battery causing a short but shocking short in my brake lights, they only come on (all three) when the "seatbelt retractor/horn" fuse is in when i take the fuse out my brake lights DO NOT come on at all. When fuse is in it drains my battery (mind boggling even more). I did notice the door sensor that reconizes it being shut also doesnt work but with the fuse out it doesn`t drain battery...o.O i know. Every now and then (not all the time) the brake light sensor on the dash comes on. Can anyone help? Or is it looking like grab a mechanic time?