View Full Version : Underglow installation on 89 Hatch

11-29-2011, 12:49 PM
A few days ago I ordered some underglow for my 89 accord hatch. Yes, underglow. Call it rice if you wish, but I personally have always loved the look of underglow lighting effects.

Anyway, I noticed later after taking a closer look at my car, that the underside of my hatch (I'm assuming this is the same on all hatches) is almost completely covered (by plastic or something similar) and is kind of low to the ground already. In addition, an area of the exhaust system also hangs lower to the ground than I would like. this car's underside seems like it was clearly designed to make installing neon extremely difficult if not impossible (well, if installing in a way so that the bar itself is not visible, thus slightly lowering the rice-o-meter.) After some searching of these forums, I've only found two members here that have underglow on their accords, and neither of the cars are a hatchback. I'm still determined to put the underglow on, but I would like some advice of where to install the bars under the car if anyone has any. The bars for the sides of the cars don't look to be as much of a problem, but as for the front -and the rear of the car especially, any advice of where to mount/install would be greatly appreciated.