View Full Version : car stumbles and bogs when acceleratin.
12-23-2011, 06:37 PM
just recently the car started acting up. When I press on the gas pedal to accelerate the car bogs down and stumbles as if it's being choked like there is no gas. It has a brand new fuel pump new fuel filter and of course ignition tune up parts. It's weird some days the car runs like a top then other days it stumbles and has no power so bad that I can't even drive on the freeway it's intermittent. I'm thinking maybe dizzy issues or possibly ecu or something because sometimes the car doesn't start right away. It turns over but it takes a few try's for it to get there. Almost like the main relay isn't working right but I know it is because I can hear it clicking. Its probably bad though. Are they located in the same places as most early model hondas? Any thoughts would help
could be anything in your ignition, i've had similar problems with my car, turned out to be the spark plugs & leads
12-23-2011, 06:54 PM
could be anything in your ignition, i've had similar problems with my car, turned out to be the spark plugs & leads
I think your right when I first bough the car it ram fine then I changed the cap rotor and plugs n wires then shortly after changing that it started fucking up but not bad just here and there not it's really messed up to where if I press the pedal to hard or to much the car will actually die
12-23-2011, 07:51 PM
I vote main relay. How old is it?
12-23-2011, 09:13 PM
I'm assuming that it's from 1985 the originAl relay. Is it located underneath the dash by the fuses?
12-24-2011, 09:18 AM
Not really sure on the 2g's. It should be shown in the factory service manual, if you have that. On the 3g's it's on the outside wall, driver's side, tucked up in the worst possible place and covered over with just about everything they could find to put over it. Swearing helps to remove it.
12-24-2011, 11:56 AM
Awsome well I'm out of town right now, I was kinda bummed out because the day before I was suppose to leave the car was acting up profusely so I opted to not take her on the road but hopefully I cam work things out swap relays and see what happens thanks for the input Dr
01-13-2012, 02:12 PM
Any updates on this? My car seems to be having the same issue.
01-21-2012, 01:13 AM
Hi !
I want information about 3geez. is it a car. would you like to tell me about this forum.
01-21-2012, 02:09 PM
Hi !
I want information about 3geez. is it a car. would you like to tell me about this forum.
Yes I took the main relay out and saw that it had some cracks in the solder joints so I reheat them and added solder, I also replaced my spark plug wires they were corroded on some and it made a world of difference. Just check all ignition stuff
01-21-2012, 04:59 PM
Yes I took the main relay out and saw that it had some cracks in the solder joints so I reheat them and added solder, I also replaced my spark plug wires they were corroded on some and it made a world of difference. Just check all ignition stuff
I had similar issues and I just replaced spark plugs/wires and it seemed to fix it. I also put a bottle of fuel injection cleaner to the gas tank figuring it wouldn't hurt.
01-21-2012, 09:09 PM
I had similar issues and I just replaced spark plugs/wires and it seemed to fix it. I also put a bottle of fuel injection cleaner to the gas tank figuring it wouldn't hurt.
yeah I found that sea foam is the best motor fuel treatment hands Down
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