View Full Version : Where do I find coilovers for 1g Accord GUISE?!?!
01-18-2012, 08:06 PM
Oh I realized that this is not the lame ass 3geez group on failbook but 472_n.jpg
Say wuuuut? 431_n.jpg
01-18-2012, 10:22 PM
Are those for your car?
01-18-2012, 10:47 PM
Nope. Theres nothing available for my car haha!
Its off an Evo III and obviously it won't fit without a lot of work :D
What I did is remove the bottom mounts since its threaded in and mount it directly into my spindle. 323_n.jpg
Close enough 76_n.jpg
So much shorter 839_n.jpg
Bottom machined and theres still a lot of material left 737_n.jpg
01-18-2012, 11:42 PM
very nice. now lets see em on the car on the ground :thumbup:
01-19-2012, 01:32 AM
oh how creative!!!
01-19-2012, 01:32 AM
Car is on the ground now but its on the same ride height like it used to as the stupid header is hitting the axle now LOL. I gotta get that fixed and soon I shall be LOWARRRRRRRRRRRRR.
But FUCK my ride quality is just amazing LOL. Going from 3-4 coils off cut springs and stock blown struts to this is like riding a BMW now hahahahah!
Did I mention that I can go at least another 2 inch lower too?
01-19-2012, 01:32 AM
double post wut
01-19-2012, 07:02 AM
oh how creative!!!
You <3 the mitsi part :D
Anyway here are some moar PICS!
Reused upper spring perch and top mount. They fit but I might get a camber plate made eventually as the springs are mounted about 2" lower than it should be using this setup. Every inch counts! 23_n.jpg
Its on! 90_n.jpg
Gotta fine tune the right height and such. I'm surprised at how easy everything goes.
Now heres hoping that this wont happen to me :ugh:
I'm gonna be fine right? right??????
01-19-2012, 02:20 PM
I would think as long as that strut is designed to be used in a MacStrut setup, it should be strong enough. I don't know if a strut in a double-wishbone configuration would have to be a strong, since the control arms prevent any movement of the wheel... Looks great man, I knew you could do it. ;)
01-19-2012, 02:56 PM
Yeah I was thinking of going with the struts off an EG or something but decided against it since the shaft is so tiny compared to what I have now. But I'm just worried since I've took quite a bit of materials down there.
I didn't really measure the before and after but I can honestly say I've took off about 3mm max and half of it is just the threads and I think the threads doesn't count as the body rigidity no? Please say no LOL. But theres still about 3mm left so I don't know :facepalm:
01-19-2012, 07:00 PM
You should be fine! Like 2ndgenguy said, if its design that way it should be strong enough. That guy probably hit a curb or a big hole!
01-19-2012, 08:23 PM
Good work man! looks like it should be a nice suspension setup
01-20-2012, 01:48 AM
me gusta. now just need to work on the moar low
01-20-2012, 03:21 PM
How are you doing the back? If this works I'll be doing it to my 79!
01-20-2012, 06:26 PM
I'll figure out another way since the Evo's rear struts are way too small and too tall to fit. It should be similar to the front anyway since the design is similar (Y)
01-20-2012, 06:35 PM
where the hell are the pics of said car?! :hs:
01-20-2012, 07:04 PM
Haha nothing to see, its still on the same height as the old one. I need to fix my pass axle hitting the header before I can go any lower (N) 247_n.jpg
Honda Man
01-22-2012, 01:23 AM
I've seen for a while that you have been dying to go low for a while and now you have the chance. Its going to look sick when its lowered. I've always wanted to see what a first gen looks like slammed. Good work so far, your almost there man!
01-22-2012, 08:40 AM
Pics of your car never get old.. no matter how many times we've seen them!! I should start looking around for a nice clean 1st gen!! :D
01-23-2012, 11:28 AM
Now do the rears!
01-24-2012, 10:48 PM
I've seen for a while that you have been dying to go low for a while and now you have the chance. Its going to look sick when its slammed. I've always wanted to see what a first gen looks like slammed. Good work so far, your almost there man!
Thanks! Gotta get the header issue fixed first before I can go lower!
Pics of your car never get old.. no matter how many times we've seen them!! I should start looking around for a nice clean 1st gen!! :D
Do it :D
Now do the rears!
As soon as I have the money, and when I got the horrendous bump steer fixed D:
01-25-2012, 05:48 AM
Great to see the progress.
Always looked gorgeous low but so much better when it doesn't cripple the cars dynamics.
Makes my temptations to buy some cheap old mk1 Golf front struts (just to try) seem silly.
Re bump-steer
I wonder if there are different types of steering tie-rod end mountings available so that it could be mounted to the underside of the knuckle, instead of top, without irreversibly drilling out the tapered mounting holes to taper them the opposite way.
01-25-2012, 06:58 AM
Re bump-steer
I wonder if there are different types of steering tie-rod end mountings available so that it could be mounted to the underside of the knuckle, instead of top, without irreversibly drilling out the tapered mounting holes to taper them the opposite way.
Exactly what I thought! Looks like I gotta do another junkyard run to see what fits and stuffs haha.
I thought I already posted in this thread, I guess I haven't yet. Oh well, I'm posting in it now :D
01-26-2012, 08:50 PM
low low low 1st gen is looking great.
01-26-2012, 09:36 PM
OMG this is purely amazing, you sir are a genius!
01-28-2012, 06:19 AM
cant wait for the new rear setting
01-28-2012, 09:42 AM
god. I always come in here and drool over your car.
In for more pics!! :D
01-28-2012, 09:36 PM
god. I always come in here and drool over your car.
In for more pics!! :D
Heres your PICS!
Honda Man
01-28-2012, 11:42 PM
Pics of your car never get old.. no matter how many times we've seen them!! I should start looking around for a nice clean 1st gen!! :D
So let's say I wanted to import one of these sexy 1st gens (RHD FTW) to the US. How much would it cost to at least buy a beatup one?
01-29-2012, 06:33 AM
So let's say I wanted to import one of these sexy 1st gens (RHD FTW) to the US. How much would it cost to at least buy a beatup one?
More than you can afford pal...
01-29-2012, 08:18 AM
Dude, im assuming this is how far this car has come, amazing!
Honda Man
01-29-2012, 02:28 PM
More than you can afford pal...
Hmmm.....smaoke em'.....
Haha nice. Seriously though, I've always been so jelly of your car and I want one really bad
01-31-2012, 03:31 AM
I have no idea how much they gonna be haha sorry. Trade me with a real LHD USDM 1g? :p
Anyway so using the stock 1g strut mounts appears to be a fail idea since its been making a lot of weird noises and the springs doesnt sit properly on the top perch. My strut bearings are failing anyway so I figured, why not make the stock Evo mounts to fit?
Check out my super accurate method of making a template for the Evo's mount 80_n.jpg
New hole drilled on the strut tower 384_n.jpg
IT FITS!!!11 662_n.jpg
I'm gonna add a plate under the mounts so they would fit between the plates and the strut towers. I'll get pics of that later 42_n.jpg
A lot shorter now 32_n.jpg
Compared to this: 23_n.jpg
Does it work? Yes. A LOT better since the bearings in these mounts are much superior than the lame ass needle bearings on the stock 1g mounts. Steering feels so much lighter and a lot better now. The noises are gone. And I actually mounted the passenger side mount further back to compensate for my screwed up caster from the tweaked frame (N) But hey it drives straight and better now. My 'eyelignment' seems to work just fine :p
I'll keep an eye on them and see if mounting them like this is gonna affect anything. I doubt that it would though considering the Evos have them mounted the same way but like I said, I'll make a sandwich plate between the mounts and the strut towers or get the old holes welded shut or something.
Also, car is about half inch lower now. Sorry I just have to :p
Honda Man
01-31-2012, 10:06 AM
Alright I'm going to take you up on that so when I find one I'm shipping it to you with a quickness. :) carzy stuff with the coilovers. You made it look so easy to do man. Hella good fix the header problem so you can SLAM It!
01-31-2012, 07:40 PM 06_n.jpg 179_n.jpg 874_n.jpg
Poor fender 653_n.jpg
01-31-2012, 08:42 PM
damn get some more caster boy
Honda Man
01-31-2012, 08:52 PM
Dam that looks a lot beter man. I'm jelous. id say do a pic of the side of the car to show how flush it is and how the wheel stick out. that is some badassness right there!
02-01-2012, 06:33 PM
dude, this looks great! very genious! (Y)
02-02-2012, 12:15 PM
Looks great... those tires are too beefy though!
02-02-2012, 03:14 PM
damn get some more caster boy
YES MOAR CASTER!!!... looks good btw!
edit: I hella space out, yeah I meant camber!
02-02-2012, 05:59 PM
Caster wut?
02-02-2012, 08:40 PM
I think what you heed is more camber! Its what tilts the tires inwards
02-02-2012, 11:46 PM
Yeah I figured haha. Funny how they mentioned that. My caster settings are messed up on both sides from the tweaked frame (N) But I've compensated the difference with moving the strut mount back so it would be parallel with both sides. (My passenger strut tower, crossmember mounting points as well as the wheel has moved back about an inch compared to the driver's side.)
Drives straight and fine now so I guess I can't complain.
02-04-2012, 10:41 AM
You should try and roll those fenders with a bat or metal pipe. It should flare them out a bit in the process.
What year Evo are these off of? This is very temping to do to mine now that I know that the strut mount works.
02-04-2012, 02:07 PM
i meant caster. wheel is way too far back in the guard for my likings :P
02-04-2012, 02:36 PM
caster really is just the axis that the turning wheel pivots on... I do know that to adjust the axis most cars really force the lower control arm back or deflect from the "zero" point. But in this case he would be heavy positive therefore needing less positive caster. Remember, you can't have negative caster (although it seems like you could) but when you look at his wheel turned out, it doesn't seem to have that much caster...hmmm,
there is an inherient increase of caster when lowing a vehicle, and its possible that it isn't possible to change this on his car, since its macpherson strut, or at least for it to look normal in the fender wheel, but really i think this is what he was trying to correct with the modification of the top hat placement for the strut. Without adjustable tophats i think he is stuck with what he has...
fwew, thinking about this whole thing makes my head hurt...I guess most of what i just talked about really only applies to my prelude...i think i have over generalized here...sorry if what i posted is completely wrong... Some one shed some light on this?
One thing is for sure though, I love me some positive caster, makes my car turn better, but damn hard to keep going straight...
02-04-2012, 04:21 PM
This is pretty much what happened to my crossmembers. And no, they are not bent. I had both of them replaced and my frame was bent (N)
Hada compensate for the difference by bringing the right wheel back about 1cm or so and the left wheel up front about 1cm as well so they would be parallel to each other by adjusting the radius rod. That and the left side strut tower is bent too (moved about 1.5cm back) so right now my caster and possibly camber too is all messed up.
What I did was, I mounted the left side strut mount about 1cm further up front and the drivers side about 5mm back so they would be equal with both sides. Funny how it drives straight/fine now even with my 'eye'lignment done :p
I really would love to see what its like on the alignment rack tho. My dad told me to not get the frame straightened back as there are cases with older cars like this with hidden rust spots basically having the whole front end ripped off haha. These band aid fixes works as a dd, drives fine, it goes straight. steers fine even with the unequal caster o.O Not sure how it would work on the track but then I don't plan on doing that anytime soon, at least not with this car :D
BTW its off an early 90s lancer/Evos. Evo III to be exact, I'm not sure of the year?
edit: its early in the morning so I'm sorry if I don't make any sense at all in this reply kthx
02-10-2012, 07:14 AM
I read this and I want to hug a none homo kinda way. haha. U sir are a genius!
I just located all four Koni Insertable Struts for my ludes housings and I think I'm going to keep the cut springs but hope for a better ride quality with the Koni's. The difference in the cylinder size is amazing compared the preludes size.
02-10-2012, 08:25 AM
I lol'd. Can't wait to see yours slammed once again!
04-05-2012, 10:49 AM
This is great innovation! I own a 2g, 83 sedan and Im struggling to figure a way out to drop the baby. I do not want to chop up these springs. Hazwan or anyone, could you reccomend to me any alternatives to lowering my 83? Are there any other coilovers from other vehicles that would match up correctly, with limited modifications,aka no welding..Thanks man ride looks fantastic!
04-20-2012, 09:05 AM
I'm not familiar with 2g suspension design but I am pretty sure that they are similar to the 1g? Anyway I've looked around and it appears that most MacPherson coilovers have similar size to ours, try to find something like mine where the height is adjustable instead of just the lower spring perch so you can get them off and machine the bottom part to fit like what I did to mine (Y)
04-21-2012, 03:12 AM
So tempting.
2g top mounting has different top bolt pattern, bigger diameter spring winding & springs mounted on an angle on their struts but none of that should affect things too much.
Still wondering about swapping original or adjustable top mountings on struts, and mk 1 or 2 VW Golf struts - coilovers. Especially for 1st Preludes with their VW inspired top mountings.
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