View Full Version : 85 accord with carb lean misfire
Taylor Smith
12-09-2012, 11:36 PM
ok so one day bout 5 months ago it rained and then i couldn't accelerate past 3k rpms without the car bucking violently i noticed that their was no gas visible though the sight glass on the secondary bowl so i replaced the needle valve and got it back to where it was drivable with good power again but its idle rpm would fluctuate depending on the temperature or if the engines cold i determined the insulator plate was leaking vacuum so i got a replacement put that on and made sure it was sealed up good but still having to same problem except a little worse i think that the auxiliary chamber might no be functioning but i don't know for sure ill post updates as i try things... also taking suggestions
Taylor Smith
12-11-2012, 04:35 PM
i hooked this smoke machine onto a vacuum tube and pumped smoke through the system and found 1 broken tube and also saw the smoke coming out from the base of the carb mainly on the front side near the auxiliary and secondary i finally managed to track down a new honda oem insulator plate on ebay there is 1 more on their if someone needs its just search the part # 16210-PD2-316 the part is discontinued so im lucky i was able to find one hopefully this will solve the lean misfire and restore the hp
12-11-2012, 07:48 PM
Might be time for a full carb rebuild ...if you dare...
12-11-2012, 09:26 PM
Good work on tracking that down! Sounds like you really know what you're doing in there! Keep us posted.
Taylor Smith
12-13-2012, 08:41 PM
i have a spare carb that im gonna rebuild if i have too but there's no point if i cant get it to seal to the intake manifold and the ebay guy refunded my money and told me that he actually doesn't have them... fantastic i had gotten my hopes up looks like im gonna have to improvise after all
12-13-2012, 09:13 PM
What are emissions like in your area? Might be worth doing a Weber swap. At least you can get rebuild kits and parts for them easily enough.
Taylor Smith
12-13-2012, 10:34 PM
oh i live in california so there nazis... the cops will even make you pop ur hood if they think you have something in their thats not stock and if you do they refer you to this this thing called the state referee and you cant drive it till your seen which can take a long time... this is my only car
Taylor Smith
12-13-2012, 10:37 PM
but if i was to get another car id put a weber on there forsure
Taylor Smith
12-14-2012, 05:15 PM
im gonna try to put a perfect bead of some kind of silicone around the rubber seal on the insulator plate then let it dry for a few hours before i bolt the carb to it hopefully by waiting for it to dry first it will act more like an o ring instead of glue... gotta wait for it to stop raining before i attempt it as i don't have a garage to work in
12-14-2012, 07:47 PM
Take a picture of what you need man! I have some spare carb goodies floating around, possibly what you need, or I may be able to track one down for you on one of my many Pick and Pull a fellow Californian I feel your pain. Dr Snooz knows the BS I've been through with smog but my 1st gen is still legal and using it's Keihin (At least most of the time LOL).
12-15-2012, 04:10 PM
oh i live in california so there nazis... the cops will even make you pop ur hood if they think you have something in their thats not stock and if you do they refer you to this this thing called the state referee and you cant drive it till your seen which can take a long time... this is my only car
Yes, but if you want to set up a fracking operation and dump poisonous chemicals into peoples' well water, NO PROBLEM!!! There's not even a reporting requirement. And if you want to imperil the viability of the world's breadbasket by planting untested, dangerous and toxic GMO crops, NO PROBLEM!!! We won't even require that you label them. Load up municipalities with all the junk derivatives contracts you want. Heck, run them into bankruptcy. It's all good.
God help you, though, if you don't have the magic CARB sticker on your headers. If you wash your car in the driveway of some towns, you face fines and jail time. Speed in my town and the cops will be all over you, filled with righteous, ticket-writing fury.
I think we need to get our priorities straight in this state.
Taylor Smith
12-16-2012, 07:26 PM
its the insulator plate... the rubber piece that bolts onto the intake manifold then the carb bolts on top of it... i have a whole spare car and a extra insulator plate but the rubber on both of them is kinda dried up im at the point where im done buying things for the carb to make it work if the rtv doesnt work im just gonna save up for a weber then bribe a smog shop to pass it...
12-17-2012, 09:48 PM
I will counsel you against that path. It works great until your guy gets busted, which always happens. Then you're stuck with a car you can't register. I have seen at least one member forced to dump his car after his guy got busted.
If you're dead set, then read this first: If you can get it to pass visual and blow clean, then that is by far the way to go.
Taylor Smith
12-30-2012, 05:43 PM
i found some permatex flange dressing stuff that says its resistant to gasoline and today i took the carb off the insulator plate and used it the way the directions said to then put it all back together my vacuum gauge still reads around 20inHg at idle like it was before but the car runs a little bit better i wont have a chance to hook it up to a smog machine till school starts back up again... does anybody know how much vacuum a health 85 accord is supposed to have at idle
12-30-2012, 10:00 PM
Twenty with a steady needle is good. Here is a good site for interpreting vacuum gauges:
Taylor Smith
12-30-2012, 10:13 PM
hmm interesting thanks side note when i first turn it on and its still on the fast idle it will show 23-24inHg would you say that's also normal?
12-31-2012, 07:56 PM
Your vacuum numbers sound real good to me. But with vacuum, it depends more on how the needle moves than on what the number is.
03-23-2014, 09:09 PM
Hey, do you still have the 85 accord service manual?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
03-24-2014, 12:13 PM
I have a PDF of the 1985 USDM Service Manual.
03-24-2014, 07:47 PM
Dude, send that to me too so we can get it up on the wiki.
03-24-2014, 09:07 PM
Dude, send that to me too so we can get it up on the wiki.
I can't see my reply to your private message, so if you didn't get it here it is:
I have been trying to find out who has access to post it on the Wiki.
03-28-2014, 08:03 PM
It's already there.
Honda service manuals - The 3geez Wiki (
Thank you!
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