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View Full Version : rebuilding lude tranny

10-29-2002, 07:07 AM
how expensive is it to have a 90 prelude standard tranny rebuilt??and what motor does it have?will it swap into our cars? i might beable to get this car for free,but is worth fucking with?

10-29-2002, 11:26 AM
The motor wont swap in. Its a B20A3 or B20A5 (depending on the trim). If its free and the body is in decent shape then pick it up as a second car. You probalby could get the thing running for $500 if all it needs is a tranny (alot less then that if you do the work yourself). Rebuilds very greatly depending on the shop and how bad of condition the tranny is in.


11-04-2002, 12:05 PM
90 prelude will not have a b20a3 unless someone really like carbueration and swapped it in... 89 was the last year honda offered a carbuerated engine on a prelude... it will have either the b20a5 or b21a1 from the factory, depending on it's "trim"... the way to tell is to look at the badging on the trunk... if it says just "Si" then it's the b21a1 motor, if it says "2.0Si" you have the b20a5 in there... you can also look on the block to tell...
PhydeauX was right about the motor not swapping in though... because of the low hoodline on the 3g preludes, our engines were slanted back a bit, the only honda i know of to have it this way...
if the car has the 2.1 liter engine, i'd start seriously thinking about swapping the engine... b21 engines tend to burn oil... search the prelude boards for why, as i don't know all the details to explain it... if you're willing to do the work yourself, you can probably have a jdm b20a (from a 3g lude) in for less than $1000... if the tranny is broke, i believe that you need a transmission from a 90-91 if you plan on swapping... 88-89 will take some modifying to work...

11-05-2002, 05:04 AM
thanx guys,i now find out there is a crushed rocker panel,so i'd have to use it for a parts car.If not to many parts cross over,than i may turn it down.the only thing i really want is the spoiler.