This is a pictorial how-to for uploading your 3G’s pictures and info to the 3geez Garage.
STEP 1) Click on the “Manage My vBPicGallery” icon in the top right-hand side of the Garage.

STEP 2) In the next screen, enter the year, make, and model of your car. The subject and type fields are optional. Click Submit when you’re done.

STEP 3) In the next screen, there is a large edit box that is filled in by default. You may simply fill in your car’s information based on the default parameters by replacing the “N/A” with your info, or you may clear everything out and format your car’s information however you’d like.

STEP 4) At the bottom of the same screen, there is an upload box where you can add pictures of your car. Donating members may add up to
6 images, each with a
maximum size of 1024x768 and 300kb. Click the browse button to locate the image on your computer. Click “Submit Upload More” if you have more than one image. When you are done, click “Submit Done.” This also submits any information you typed in the large edit box in Step 3.

That’s it, you’re done!
If you would like to edit any part of your garage, click on “Manage My vBPicGallery” and scroll down until you find the “Edit vBPicGallerys” section. Click on the Edit icon, and you may edit your garage in the same fashion outlined above.