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Thread: New Plugs and Wire set and car wont stay on

  1. #1
    DX User Dexterk20's Avatar
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    New Plugs and Wire set and car wont stay on

    Hey everyone. The car is a 1980 Honda Accord LX hatchback 1.8 5-speed

    i recently just bought this car last week. Today i decided to do the oil change and clean out the stock carb. Once oil change was completely and carb was good i started her up and she still somewhat ran the same but she ran fine.

    I then replaced the spark plugs and wires. Just the wires not the distributor cap cause they didnt have it in stock anywhere. So once i replaced the spark plugs with new ones correctly gapped at 0.044 and replaced the spark plug wires and the coil wire. The car will start but it sounds like its misfiring. It doesnt idle at all. Once the gas pedal is released it drops to idle speed and within seconds begins to die and shuts off.

    I drove it around and the car seems to be hesitating or misfiring under load. It also will shut of if you come to a stop and let it idle.

    I replaced the plugs and wires with the old set and this continues to happen. I am not sure of what to do or where to go from here.

    any ideas or help i would greatly appreciate it as i am new to these cars.

  2. #2

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: New Plugs and Wire set and car wont stay on

    Recheck your work. What you describe sounds like wires going to the wrong spark plugs.

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe, 240k miles, MT swap, rear disc swap

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  3. #3
    DX User Dexterk20's Avatar
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    Re: New Plugs and Wire set and car wont stay on

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Snooz View Post
    Recheck your work. What you describe sounds like wires going to the wrong spark plugs.
    Hey Dr. Snooz thanks for responding. After taking a break yesterday for a coupe of hours i went back and figured it out. The firing order o the distributor cap was wrong to begin with. Dont know why crap went haywire with just changing plugs and wires when i did one by one but oh well. The car is running fine now without a problem. Thank you again

  4. #4
    2.0Si User Hazwan's Avatar
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    Re: New Plugs and Wire set and car wont stay on

    It's pretty easy to mess up the firing order on those cars. I believe it has no mark or anything on it even

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  5. #5
    DX User Dexterk20's Avatar
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    Re: New Plugs and Wire set and car wont stay on

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazwan View Post
    It's pretty easy to mess up the firing order on those cars. I believe it has no mark or anything on it even
    yeah Hazwan it took some image searching on google to find out which distributor cap it had and to find out the number 1 marking on it. One question I did have on the distributor cap is since the cap only has two positions you can clip it in on what side does the number 1 have to be on the front or back or it doesn't matter?

  6. #6

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: New Plugs and Wire set and car wont stay on

    It doesn't matter so long as the rotor is pointed at the #1 plug with the engine at TDC.

    My first time changing plug wires, I pulled them all off and then looked sheepishly at my brother for help putting them back on. I got a good cussing and was forced to figure it out on my own. I did but it was a lesson learned. :duh:

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe, 240k miles, MT swap, rear disc swap

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  7. #7
    LX User
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    Re: New Plugs and Wire set and car wont stay on

    I'm curious what kind of damage this does to your motor?
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