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Thread: TW Sensor Clarification

  1. #1
    LX User niles's Avatar
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    TW Sensor Clarification

    Hi All, I recently did some TW sensor troubleshooting because my car has been having a hard time cold starting. I have no engine codes.

    I want to clear up some misinformation I came across when reading multiple threads here on 3Geez. This may not be the case for all 3Geez so this is confirmed for an 87 LXi Hatch.

    The TW sensor Autozone part number that has been thrown around is incorrect, it is NOT SU4006, and that goes for 5S1468 too at RockAuto. I picked one up and had to return it because the tab on the plug was different. The correct sensor was in fact SU410.

    Honda Part Numbers:
    TW Sensor = SU410 = 37870-PD6-003
    Thermo Switch = SU4006 = 37773-PJ0-661

    So to be 100% sure you get the right sensor follow these two easy steps:
    1) - Preform proper troubleshooting: Download Service Manual
    2) - Compare the tabs on your defective sensor to the replacement sensor

  2. #2

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    Good to know. Thanks for pointing that out.

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  3. #3

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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    Very well done.

    Can we get together and get some pictures of the sensors on the car? I got a J code 88.

    Be a good sticky when finished.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  4. #4
    SEi User gp02a0083's Avatar
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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    excellent write up niles

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  5. #5
    LX User niles's Avatar
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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    This is interesting, I was reading the engine code check post in the How-To section and noticed that not all 3Geez are the same. 89 LXi has a different TW Sensor. Check the pic attached to the Code #6 section taken by ShyBoyCA6. I think that's an 89 in the picture.

    So here's mine: 87 LXi - I've never messed with these before but maybe a previous owner had?

  6. #6

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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	xhJEj1.jpg 
Views:	1786 
Size:	91.9 KB 
ID:	6633

    Well ok here is mine. 1988 3 door accord lxi. its a J code car build date 1987.

    Looks opposite?

    This is the thread I reference. I didnt realize the picture links are dead in it until today.
    Last edited by Oldblueaccord; 11-03-2014 at 11:29 PM.
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  7. #7
    LX User niles's Avatar
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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    Quote Originally Posted by Oldblueaccord View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	xhJEj1.jpg 
Views:	1786 
Size:	91.9 KB 
ID:	6633

    Well ok here is mine. 1988 3 door accord lxi. its a J code car build date 1987.

    Looks opposite?

    This is the thread I reference. I didnt realize the picture links are dead in it until today.
    It looks like the tabs on your sensors are both on the same side. Can you confirm that? I am starting to think it might be a pre/post-facelift thing.

  8. #8

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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    Quote Originally Posted by niles View Post
    It looks like the tabs on your sensors are both on the same side. Can you confirm that? I am starting to think it might be a pre/post-facelift thing.
    I think it is. The early FI cars where a little different than the later ones.

    I would go by the wiring. I see 2 wires on my plug on the left.

    Ill get some pics tomorrow I am a bit down on a sore neck and just come from the chiropractor.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  9. #9
    LX User niles's Avatar
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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    Thanks for your help oldblue. I was able to at least confirm which is which. Only one sensor will trigger the code 6, and for me its the SU410 sensor.

    My sensor wire colors:
    TW Sensor: green/white stripe and yellow/green stripe
    Cooling Fan Sensor: white/green stripe and black
    Last edited by niles; 11-04-2014 at 01:44 PM. Reason: Wrong thread oops

  10. #10

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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    tabs look nearly identical to me?
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  11. #11
    SEi User Demon1024's Avatar
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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    Started working at O'reilly's a couple weeks ago and it looks like their part number for the Tw is 17-1236 I got in, gonna put it on tonight
    Last edited by Demon1024; 06-04-2015 at 09:26 PM.

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  12. #12

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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    ill put this up as a sticky if some other people can verify this info.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  13. #13

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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    This unplugged causes a code 6 on the ECU.

    Two vids to help understand its operation a little better.

    Second one is with the sensor plugged back in.

    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  14. #14

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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    I highlighted the 200-400 ohm reading as important with the car fully warmed up.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  15. #15
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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification
    This is my accord and I have a code 6 is this idle a result of the code 6?
    In this post shows the sensors mine the one in the yellow box is corroded is this causing the rough idle and rough start or is it a vacuum leak
    Last edited by Oldblueaccord; 01-05-2024 at 02:09 PM. Reason: Tried to inbed video no luck

  16. #16

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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    Quote Originally Posted by SamKCMO View Post
    This is my accord and I have a code 6 is this idle a result of the code 6?
    In this post shows the sensors mine the one in the yellow box is corroded is this causing the rough idle and rough start or is it a vacuum leak
    If it has code 6 I would fix the connector, test the ohms of the sensor or replace it.

    When the sensor fails you car runs very rich.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  17. #17
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    Re: TW Sensor Clarification

    Figured I would share that the O'reilly part number mentioned above seems to have since been updated. The part number now is 17-1237.

    I just replaced the TW sensor on my 87 and the O'reilly 17-1237 was a perfect fit.

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