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Thread: 4x100 Lug Conversion (with Rear Disc Brakes)

  1. #1
    DX User
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    4x100 Lug Conversion (with Rear Disc Brakes)

    So we have all come to know that the 1st Gen Accords come with the absurd lug pattern of 4x120. Which basically gives us no options for aftermarket wheels. In this thread, I will explain (with much help from John Turk) how to convert a US model 1981 Honda Accord over to 4x100 including a parts list. Not only will the parts I’m about to list give you 4x100, but it will also be ridding the front of “captured rotors”. For those of who who do not know what captured rotors are, they are wheel hub OVER rotor. Basically meaning that if you ever need to replace your rotors, you have to get new wheel bearing as well.

    (I will be including the part numbers I ordered from RockAuto Parts Catalog)

    The Fronts

    * 1982 Honda Accord 1.8L Front Hub Repair Kit #718504 — $25.34 each. req. (2)
    * 1986 Honda Accord 2.0L Calipers #333637 — $45.79
    * 1989 Honda CRX 1.6L SOHC Rotors #PRT1424 — $14.97 each. req (2)
    * 2-4 washers to place behind the caliper mounting bolts

    1981 Accord Knuckle and Hub Assembly

    1982 Accord Knuckle and Hub Assembly

    Look at the 1981 Accord assembly and you will notice that the hub is in front of the rotor. Not the most convenient setup for replacing rotors.

    Basically, disassemble the entire front brake system all the way down to the knuckles. Relatively easy to do. Front there, take the ’82 Accord hubs and press them into the knuckles. Make sure that the racer is fully seated into the hub and there is not gap. Also make sure to fully and properly pack the wheel bearings. From there, slip on the ’89 CRX rotors. Once the rotors are on, slide the ’86 Accord calipers on with 1-2 washers behind each caliper bracket bolt for proper spacing on the rotor. It’s also not a bad idea to replace the front brake lines while you have all of it off, but that’s your choice.

    The Rear

    The rear is the slightly more tricky of the two. Although all the parts will come from a 2nd Gen Prelude DX or Si. I got all my parts from the DX.

    * 85 Prelude 2.0L Rear Rotors #0832147 — $17.41 each. req (2)
    * 85 Prelude 2.0L Calipers #4054502 & #4054501 — $44.89 each. req (2)
    * 85 Prelude 2.0L Inner Wheel Bearings #0513848 — $5.69 each. req (2)
    * 85 Prelude 2.0L Outer Wheel Bearings #0513844 — $6.20 each. req (2)
    * 85 Prelude 2.0L Wheel Seal #0523328 — $1.86 each. req (2)
    * 85 Prelude 2.0L Brake Hoses #BH38279 — $7.03 each. req (2)

    * 2nd Gen Prelude Caliper Mounting Bracket. I sourced mine of a prelude in a junkyard for it is about the only way to find one. I recommend that if you are going to do the entire swap. You find the part FIRST before anything.

    * New cotter pins if you choose. and (8) wheel studs which I got from a autocrats house for $1.50 a piece.

    So break the rear drums down all the way to the spindle. Once you have it completely broke down, you will notice that the Prelude caliper mounting bracket bolts straight to the spindle.

    From there, place the wheel studs and bearings into the rear rotors. Now, according to John Turks post, you should be placing a washer on the wheel bearing to space it away from the spindle. I, however, did not do so. And there for, I have not included it in the parts list. It may work for others and it may not but keep it mind that you MAY have to. But install the rear rotors onto your spindles. This part can be a little tricky due to the placement of the lower caliper bolt being so close to the lower control arm. But once you try the swap you will understand the process. you can simply stick a 14mm wrench in between to tighten the bolt once you have it started.

    So whats left you ask? The e-brake cable. As you can see the e-brake cable will not work on the Prelude’s caliper so I followed John Turk’s advice and cut the bracket off the drum completely as shown here.

    From there, I simply welded it to the Prelude’s e-brake assembly. (picture below)

    And BOOM. e-brake cable done.

    So all in all guys, my total for this full 4x100 lug conversion with rear disc brakes and bigger rotors on the front wound up costing me somewhere between $300-350 + shipping costs. And I am very happy with how it came out. And now you have the capabilities of buying any 4x100 wheel you want.
    Last edited by babyhonduhdrama; 12-21-2014 at 06:18 PM.

  2. #2
    3Geez Veteran lostforawhile's Avatar
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    Re: 4x100 Lug Conversion (with Rear Disc Brakes)

    great writeup!!

  3. #3
    3Geez Veteran lostforawhile's Avatar
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    Re: 4x100 Lug Conversion (with Rear Disc Brakes)

    someone sticky this in first generation

  4. #4

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: 4x100 Lug Conversion (with Rear Disc Brakes)

    First rate job. Thread is stickied now.

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe, 240k miles, MT swap, rear disc swap

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  5. #5
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    Re: 4x100 Lug Conversion (with Rear Disc Brakes)

    WOW. Stickied. I feel great to have this thread stickied

  6. #6
    DX User JSmythe's Avatar
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    Re: 4x100 Lug Conversion (with Rear Disc Brakes)

    Great job Perry. Thanks for the contributions here and on facebook.

  7. #7
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    Re: 4x100 Lug Conversion (with Rear Disc Brakes)

    Quote Originally Posted by JSmythe View Post
    Great job Perry. Thanks for the contributions here and on facebook.
    No problem man. i wanted it to be available for everyone to use.

  8. #8

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: 4x100 Lug Conversion (with Rear Disc Brakes)

    Quote Originally Posted by babyhonduhdrama View Post
    WOW. Stickied. I feel great to have this thread stickied
    You're baller now!

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe, 240k miles, MT swap, rear disc swap

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  9. #9
    LX User tof's Avatar
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    Re: 4x100 Lug Conversion (with Rear Disc Brakes)

    Still in Mobile? Still have the Accord? Still active on this site?

    I'm on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. I have a 79 5-speed hatch.

  10. #10
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    Re: 4x100 Lug Conversion (with Rear Disc Brakes)

    Is this conversion only possible with the conversion to disk brakes or is it possible to do this by just replacing the hubs?

  11. #11
    LXi User 79cord's Avatar
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    Re: 4x100 Lug Conversion (with Rear Disc Brakes)

    1st gen Prelude / 2nd Gen Civic rear drums have also been used, requiring the complete drum & backing plate assembly (with backing plate mountings to the axle re-drilled), due to slightly narrower drums & brake shoes than Accord. These still had transverse parking brake cables. Civic likely preferable to Prelude as early Prelude was unique in using bolts rather than nuts to mount wheels, unless of course you are also using Prelude frt hubs.

    Check your driveshaft end diameter/spline count before buying hubs & bearings unless you want to buy matching driveshafts. For most markets (but possibly not all!?) Honda changed this late in 1980, for the '81 model year Accords & Preludes from 23 to 24 splines, matching '82 Accord. Earlier cars with smaller shafts would prefer 2nd gen Civic or '79-80 Prelude hubs & bearings.

    I have also fitted bigger 2nd gen Accord/Prelude rear drum assemblies but they required extensive re-construction of the mechanism & backing plate to convert them from their fore-aft parking brake cables to transverse that was not worth the effort.

    If necessary '81 Accords may be more easily converted to fore-aft brake cables than earlier models thanks to seat-belt latch mountings relocated to the sides of the central tunnel rather than directly behind the parking brake.
    Last edited by 79cord; 02-09-2018 at 11:58 PM.

  12. #12
    LXi User 79cord's Avatar
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    Re: 4x100 Lug Conversion (with Rear Disc Brakes)

    Re-linking some old pictures.
    1st gen Accord front hub & knuckle arrangement.

    2nd gen Accord front hub & knuckle arrangement.

    4x100 conversion parts -Front.
    As noted elsewhere early 2nd gen Accord hubs may be used -same as 2nd gen Civic but 1mm larger driveshaft splines and wheel bearing I.D.
    - best suited to '81 Accords that already have the larger diameter 24-spline driveshafts, older cars may require a pair of the '81 driveshafts otherwise

    1st gen Accord rear drum arrangement.

    2nd gen Prelude rear disc arrangement.

    Rear brakes fitted.

    Rear brake cable adaptor

    Rear brake cable adaptor

    4x100 playtime.
    Last edited by 79cord; 05-17-2020 at 09:31 PM.

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