I have chance to buy original Shop Manual for Accord 86-89 on PDF! Not my not good quality photos, it's genuine Honda PDF file! But man, who is sell it, wants $30 Who is can donate money for it? I will be upload it to my site for free downloading.
I have chance to buy original Shop Manual for Accord 86-89 on PDF! Not my not good quality photos, it's genuine Honda PDF file! But man, who is sell it, wants $30 Who is can donate money for it? I will be upload it to my site for free downloading.
how can i get money to you?
give me the every info i need to know to send you money.
found this on ebay this morning.
Wow! Buy it and upload to some server for downloading!
Haha it's funny about that thing on eBay, they say you can get it for a fraction of the cost of the bulky 'real' shop manual, but they want $29. Thats the same price I have seen the real shop manual go for on eBay.
I'm surprised ebay hasn't booted him..besides...you want to go to your pristing PC and back to the garage?..heck with that....I'll take the paper book any time
thats what printers are for
ummm, but u still gotta come back if u wanna refer something else, where else with a book, you can have it with you and flip the pages. What is best is having both, on the computer u plan what ur gonna do, with the book in hand u keep on track.
That's what laptops are for
3geez member since July 12 2000
I need these parts!
yep i can tune my car from my laptop and with that shop manua( which really doesnt help me any)i could do everything from in the car. maybe ill splurge and get a copy for giggles.
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i know that personally my shop manual has grease on the edges of the pages and my greasey finger prints all over it. i wouldn't want a laptop (which i don't own) to look like that. but i agree with Praveen's idea of having both.
-Grant. I'm just a pirate chasing booty.