Nice ride mate! That thing is super clean! If I were you I would keep it looking fresh and stock like that. Maybe get a front lip protector or a roof rack and call it good.
1988 2D LX-i "Hondey" - Daily 305k
1986 Hatchback LX-i - Project
1989 4D SE-i - RIP, thank you for the rear disk brakes, engine/trans, and a good time.
Considering letting my SE-i rear disk brakes go
Only if I like your projectPM me - April 2020
Thanks Blither,
I am willing to keep that babe as stock. Have some minor leaks on engine, power steering hose. These are easy to solve.
The only problem is the Cruise Control.
We will see soon.
Actually I really do not know where to share my pics or problems actually.
I have removed top cover to make valve clearence adjustment. There was no sludge, it was good to see.
A little bit varnish contamination had been occured but it is not big deal.
The biggest problem is the leaking PS hose.
It leaks on exh manifodl directly and it is dangerous.
This car has never been imported to Turkey so I will have to make a custom fit hose on a hydraulic workshop.
I think I can open a thread for this.
Awesome ride! Keep her classy! Looks good, please no crazy modifications!
1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
336k miles running strong!
Now running E85.
Oldblueaccord <<< MY YOUTUBE PAGE!
que bonito tu accord amigo!
That car is in great shape! Congrats!
"I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis
1989 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe, 240k miles, MT swap, rear disc swap
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