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Thread: Dashlights speedo/odo and such,T5 or T10 ? Or something else maybe ?

  1. #1
    LX User AWH's Avatar
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    Dashlights speedo/odo and such,T5 or T10 ? Or something else maybe ?

    Can someone tell me which lights are being used in the dash ? Like speedo/odo/fuel/coolingtemp. ? Are they T5 or T10? Or totally something else ? I'm talking about 2gen. Prelude,but assume 3gen.
    Accord is the same. And can leds be used for all of those ?
    Is the dash coming out easy to change the bulbs,like a few screws,or is it a hassle?

    Last edited by AWH; 08-27-2017 at 07:51 AM.

  2. #2

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: Dashlights speedo/odo and such,T5 or T10 ? Or something else maybe ?

    If you're considering converting to LEDs, I don't recommend it. The LEDs have a very different light than the standard, so you can't do half the dash without it looking really strange. The LEDs don't always fit well in the sockets, no matter what the manufacturer says, which means you'll have to hack up your sockets, or the bulbs, or both. The LEDs also distribute light in very different ways from incandescent. Expect to have some parts of the dash be very bright, and other areas with almost no light at all. Finally, while most of the LEDs you need are reasonably cheap, some can be quite expensive, leading you do to half a conversion which leads to the problem I note above. I scavenged a hoard of old bulbs from the junkyard because Honda will positively rape you for them (like $12 per tiny bulb).

    Hope that helps.

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  3. #3
    2.0Si User Hazwan's Avatar
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    Re: Dashlights speedo/odo and such,T5 or T10 ? Or something else maybe ?

    It uses both but majority of it being T10. Can't remember exactly how much though. Check the bulbs on top to light up the needles. They could be out too.

    You have to take the bottom dash trim and the cluster surround off to get to the gauge cluster.

    1986 Honda Prelude build thread
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  4. #4
    LXi User firefighterwhite89's Avatar
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    Re: Dashlights speedo/odo and such,T5 or T10 ? Or something else maybe ?

    All the warning and info lights are T5 LEDS. All the gauges are T10 LEDs. IIRC there are 7 T10 bulbs in the gauges. Can't recall the count on T5 bulbs. The LEDs will fully light the cluster provided you get the right ones. Some will make lighting hotspots, others are much more uniform.

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  5. #5
    LX User AWH's Avatar
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    Re: Dashlights speedo/odo and such,T5 or T10 ? Or something else maybe ?

    Thanks for all the answers,now hopefully ordering the right kind of leds...


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