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Thread: Throttle cable replacement

  1. #1
    LX User
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Throttle cable replacement

    I was trying to connect the cable to my new weber 38, and broke the grommet on the firewall that holds it in place, and now i can’t get the throttle to work correctly. Pretty sure it’s cause of the broken grommet. I already ordered a new one.

    My question is... how do you disconnect it from inside the cabin? I have the shop manual but it doesnt have enough pictures or info of what i have to do.

    I haven’t taken off any of the covers underneath the steering wheel cause i really need to take a dump lol.

    Here’s some pics of the shop manual and from underneath my steering wheel.

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  2. #2
    LX User
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    Nov 2017

    Re: Throttle cable replacement

    Figured it out. Not hard at all unless you’re really chunky lol.

    You’ll need a light and a P2 size screwdriver.

    Pretty straight forward; take off that top cover (the hard, dark, plastic looking thing in the pic) its got 5 black screws. Locate them all and find the ONE that is connected to a metal piece and undo that one last so that its hanging (atleast TRY to hold it up with your face or something) onto metal and NOT plastic cause we allllll know what happens (it breaks).

    Also, it has a connector on it, so don’t pull on it after it comes loose. Standard clip-on connector. Disconnect that and then theres one more thing to take off

    The particle cardboard cover (the thing with 3 big holes on it in the pic). This one has 2 silvery screws with a washer each, and a clip. Undo the screws, and you can leave the clip unless you wanna take it off. I didn’t because its at a weird angle for me and im already in a pretty cramped spot where i’m working on it, so i just left it alone.

    I got a pic of the guide, looked it straight in the eye.

    THEN, you gotta locate the bracket/guide that holds the cable. Its pretty deep in there, so just kinda follow the gas pedal and everything it leads to. This is where that light comes in handy. The bracket/guide is black, but the cable is a silvery steel color, so the contrast should help you find it.

    Its incredibly easy to slide it off the little guide it’s on. Just move the little white piece connected to it forward (towards the cabin) and slide it off. The guide has a thin opening as wide as the width of the actual cable wrapped in clear plastic.

    After you get the cable out of the guide, go to the engine side and pull it out. Don’t RIP it out, cause theres little plastic things on the end of it and idk how you’ll get them out if they break in between the firewall. Im sure you could do it but lets not take on more projects than needed amiright.

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  3. #3
    3Geez Veteran MessyHonda's Avatar
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    Re: Throttle cable replacement

    Nice write up. I have a fuel injected model and I was not able to find a Throttle cable from Honda.

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i
    B18c1 swap since 7/2011
    175whp and 132tq
    Redzone tuned

  4. #4
    LX User
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    Nov 2017

    Throttle cable replacement

    Thanks! It wouldn’t be the same as a manual one, right? Cause i got mine no problem. Just had to special order it from autozone. And it wasn’t directly from Honda, its a company called Pioneer Automotive Industries.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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