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Thread: Can I delete the IACV (block off plate)?

  1. #1

    bscanlan's Avatar
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    Can I delete the IACV (block off plate)?

    My ‘89 sedan is having idle/stalling issues. I have cleaned my IACV and adjusted the FITV. I think the issues are IACV related, as I have been troubleshooting and seeing what has positive and negative impacts. So now my ‘88 coupe has a tiny little surge starting. I have read 3geez and hondatech posts until my eyes cross. I know it would have an impact (possible when Cool/warming up), but can I block off where the IACV bolts up? Has anyone done it?
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  2. #2

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: Can I delete the IACV (block off plate)?

    The IACV allows for a small, metered amount of air to enter the intake when the throttle plate is closed, thus keeping the engine from stalling every time you let off the gas. You're proposing to block off that air supply...

    Our IACVs do fail, but not very often. It's most likely that you have a vacuum leak. Get a can of carb cleaner or MAF cleaner and go find it. Also make sure your coolant level is not low. If it is low, you will have to fill AND BLEED the cooling system properly. If you still have trouble, post again and let us know what specific symptoms you're experiencing.

    Good luck.

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

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  3. #3
    LXi User firefighterwhite89's Avatar
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    Re: Can I delete the IACV (block off plate)?

    I have an 86' that had issues with mine. It would get hung up randomly sometimes stuck wide open so i blocked it off with a coke can/4 thinner orings between it and the intake. Fixed my idle issues after hunting and hunting. No amount of cleaning helped it no matter what I tried. Did this cheap fix at like 2am in the dark at work just trying to figure it out and been too lazy to buy another and install it.

    Fixed my issue FO' FREE.

    When you crank the car especially when it's cold out, you have to keep it alive yourself for the first few seconds since that piece is blocked off.

    "What's my age again? What's my age again?"

  4. #4
    DX User accord.png's Avatar
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    Re: Can I delete the IACV (block off plate)?

    If cleaning the valve doesn't work there is a suitable replacement.
    I ran into IACV issues with my 1988 LX-i, and my car sat for months because I couldn't figure how to block it off properly and could not find a replacement IACV for the A20.
    I decided to try a CRX IACV (I believe it's from a D15 motor) and it bolted up and functions fine. The only modification I had to do was extending the coolant lines since the ports are on the top of the valve rather than the bottom like it is on our cars.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	accordIACV.jpg 
Views:	953 
Size:	340.4 KB 
ID:	10647
    the hood still closes, but I want to try swapping the coolant passage from the old valve so it doesn't look so bad.

  5. #5

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: Can I delete the IACV (block off plate)?

    Very cool!

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe, 240k miles, MT swap, rear disc swap

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  6. #6

    conozo's Avatar
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    Re: Can I delete the IACV (block off plate)?

    Im doing this too. These can be had for $35 new. I cleaned my old one by spraying carb cleaner through it and it make it a lot better but its still not perfect. I dont have it yet but it really looks like coolant pasage plate can be swapped from ours so the coolant lines are more normal.

    1988 Honda Accord LSDX-I

  7. #7

    conozo's Avatar
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    Re: Can I delete the IACV (block off plate)?

    As i have posted elsewhere i have done this modification and it has not worked for me. What i am finding is that with these newer IACV there are models for manual and automatic transmission. I wonder if mine is for an automatic and the original poster here got a manual unit. Mine lets in way more air than it should and raises the idle too high which in theory could be for the automatic transmission to overcome the torque converters resistance when idling.

    I purchased "Fit For 1990-1995 Honda Civic DX LX 1.5L 36450-PM6-A01 Idle Air Control Valve" from ebay. The price seems to vary wildly between the automatic and manual versions of these valves with the automatics being double or triple the price of the manual.

    1988 Honda Accord LSDX-I

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