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Thread: 1986 Accord Limo - Soouthern Cali

  1. #1
    DX User schaff70's Avatar
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    1986 Accord Limo - Soouthern Cali

    1986 Honda Accord - $1250 (San Bernardino)

  2. #2

    2ndGenGuy's Avatar
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    Jan 2005
    1981 Accord Hatchback, 1984 Accord Sedan
    Seattle, WA

    Re: 1986 Accord Limo - Soouthern Cali

    Not a 1986. 1984 or 1985. That's a 2nd gen.

    I'll be amazed if they get $1250 for it. That car is trashed and needs to be completely redone. Not to mention, if somebody calls for a limo, they'd probably be pretty annoyed if an old Accord showed up LOL. I would be super stoked, but most people aren't into 2nd gens at all LOL.

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