Hi, I know this forum isn't very active anymore compared to several years ago, however I have found some great information here. So after lurking for a few months I thought I'd share some pics of my current project car. 1979 Accord 2 Door Automatic with A/C. I bought it in non running condition with a bad head gasket and the previous owners attempt to R&R the cylinder head. I went ahead and pulled out the engine and transmission to clean everything up and since the wife and kids want it a different color, I repainted the engine bay. I will say finding parts is harder than I thought it would be
Here's picking up the car
Dirty engine bay
After some pressure washing
All the junk in the fresh air cowl - took awhile to clean out and make sure the drains were clear. luckily no rust though
Block back from the machine shop and ready for rebuild
Cylinder head getting ready to grind valves and assemble
Engine bay painted
Engine ready to go back in
Ready for road test - please ignore the copper rtv around the valve cover - chasing a leak and I found the valve cover is slightly tweaked, so another new fel-pro gasket and right stuff gasket maker has it fixed I think