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Thread: 1982 Honda Accord hatch

  1. #1
    LX User Honda#1's Avatar
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    1983 Accord LX hatch carb'd; 1986 Accord LX-i hatch

    1982 Honda Accord hatch

    Body looks great and interior. Definitely should get the mechanical work fixed up and just keep it stock, since it's a clean example of a 2g. Looks like one you would take to a car show.

  2. #2

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: 1982 Honda Accord hatch

    Mmmmm... I think I'd steer clear of that one. I don't think the seller is giving you the whole story. He can't prove mileage. Says it has no problems. Oh, but it smokes. Hides the fuckered upholstery with seat covers and calls it "normal wear and tear." I owned an '82 15 years ago. I know what's under those seat covers. Just fixing the body damage and upholstery will be way more than that car is worth. Then you'll learn about the surprises...

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

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  3. #3
    LX User Fixedit's Avatar
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    Re: 1982 Honda Accord hatch

    Hahaha damn it sounds like you've been through some shit. Good tips!

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