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Thread: Flickr pictures are going to be deleted

  1. #1
    SEi User obd0driver's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    San Leandro, California, United States

    Flickr pictures are going to be deleted

    Any way to get ahead of this or is it gonna be photo bucket all over?

  2. #2

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    1989 Accord LX-i
    Fresno, California

    Re: Flickr pictures are going to be deleted

    It won't be Photobucket all over again because Photobucket never deleted your photos...

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe, 240k miles, MT swap, rear disc swap

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  3. #3
    SEi User obd0driver's Avatar
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    San Leandro, California, United States

    Re: Flickr pictures are going to be deleted

    It's not my photos that I'm worried about it's the photos of those that have come and gone they don't log into things like that regularly enough to keep the photos we're still missing a ton of photos on this site because old users never looked on their Photobucket and it's not just hear the same problem with a lot of old members their pictures are videos on hosting sites are no longer around simply because they didn't log in so they may not have been deleted they're just definitely not here

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

  4. #4

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    1989 Accord LX-i
    Fresno, California

    Re: Flickr pictures are going to be deleted

    Ah, good point. We did go through a few years ago and move the How-To pics onto the 3geez server. Moving everything else would be difficult, unfortunately.

    Who ever said that the internet never forgets was an idiot.

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe, 240k miles, MT swap, rear disc swap

    Shop manual downloads available here: CLICK TO VIEW

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