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Thread: 1989 Honda Prelude Si [Q]

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    1989 Honda Prelude Si [Q]

    So I recently bought an 89 prelude, first time Prelude owner or Honda owner, I have always put my trust in Nissan and never had issues whats so ever with Nissan but decided to make a change and go Prelude for a change, have always liked the look of the 89 prelude so got me one. Now for the question and hopefully someone with the knowledge can answer it for me. So when back out of my drive way or any place of parking I hear this pretty loud almost like a native flute sound or some would just say whining, it's not your typical reserve whine because it's louder than that. Transmission is an Automatic shift through gears fine, I do know the brakes need replaced as soon as possible but that weird noise has been scratching my head wondering. Can anyone answer that for me?

  2. #2

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    1989 Accord LX-i
    Fresno, California

    Re: 1989 Honda Prelude Si [Q]

    It's the turbo spooling up. LOL. Can you post a vid of the noise?

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