Hi! Just had to remake my account because I couldn't get into my old one for some reason, but a long time lurker and fan of the 3Geez forum!
I recently purchased a 1988 A20A1 Stock Carb 5-Speed Accord from the original owner who bought it new back in 1988!
He drove it all the way up to 380K miles with no issues until his HG blew on him and coolant got in the oil etc. etc.
Anywho, I rebuilt the engine (didn't touch the carb) and kept everything stock just how it was off the factory line. Except I deleted the EGR tubes because I couldn't get them off.. so those are welded shut
The issue I'm facing is two fold
The first "Issue" or symptom? Is that when I go to turn the key to the Acc. position, the fuel pump only primes for just under 1 second. I'm used to my long prime times in my crx so I could just not be used to a carb setup. My neighbor said it should run for about 2-3 seconds though.. so I feel like this could be part of my main issue. However I will prime the car about 3 times (For about 3 seconds worth of priming) to compensate for lack of prime time.
The Second issue I'm facing is the engine just not staying running... I can start it up with pumping the pedal a few times. It starts right up and sounds amazing (Loving the carb sound!) but dies after about 3 seconds. This is because it's running out of gas from me priming it with the accel. pedal, getting gas into the barrel, right? If I pour a little bit of gas into the barrel it will run for a good 15 seconds no problem then die. If I cheese it with starting fluid I can keep it running for as long as I keep spritzing it, lol. Definitely a fuel issue. I have gotten to the point in diag where I've noticed that no fuel is going into the (Second?) barrel. (The one not covered by the choke plate) I have fuel going into the float chamber, but none into the barrel. The carb was definitely upside down a few times as I've tried to figure stuff out, figured I should note that as I've heard it could be a needle, valve, thing that got stuck in the carb. (Again, I'm new to carbs, sorry for bad terminology/lack of knowledge)
This is what I have done/checked for so far:
New Dizzy Wires
New Fuel Pump
New Main Fuel Relay
All of the fuel relay connections check out to oem spec with the multimeter
It has (about) 5gal of 1.5yo gas and 3gal of fresh gas, I read that gas is good for at least two years so I left it in with the new stuff
I can keep the car running if I cheese it with starting fluid, it will also run for a good 10-15 seconds if I dump some gas into the barrel
Fuel pump will run just fine when jumped (New fuel pump sounds nice when it does pump)
Tested the fuel lines from the tank, all the way up to the carb, (front and back of both filters) flows great
I can pump gas into the barrel under the choke (Chamber 1?) with the accel. pedal
Gas does get into the float chamber, can confirm by the little window on the side
- I just cleaned up the window today as it has been white spray painted over (possibly coolant) I can now see the float a1. Although when I jumped the relay the float chamber is now full and I gotta recalibrate it tomorrow
If I open up that screw on top of the carb with the yellow paint on it that allows the fuel into the carb/float chamber, if I prime it enough it will push fuel into the chamber no problem, but only while I'm priming it..
- I know I shouldn't overload the float chamber, my neighbor did it trying to help who is an old Honda mechanic, but he never worked on the carbs so he was just trying to help.
Tested the slow-leak solenoid in the back. Reacts just fine
I have done a Light checking of the hoses, and I haven't seen any obvious tears/cracks/breaks
I would also like to note that this car went to a Honda Dealer a year and a half ago when the prev. owner wanted to see what was wrong. He didn't repair it then. But I mention this because the ecu was originally unplugged. There was a 2pin connector that went from the seat to the ecu (I think, hard to see under there) so could my prime time possibly be an ecu thing?
This is my first time messing with a carb'd car and it's honestly a lot to take in. The oem manual keeps telling me to warm up the car (Which I can't do due to this issue) and hook a vacuum pump/gauge up to it, which I don't have.. I have about 800$ to my name and no car and no job, so I need this thing on the road asap to get some work to pay my bills!
Thank you guys in advance! I love this forum! I love the community! You guys are the best and are always so helpful and persistent!