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Thread: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

  1. #1
    DX User
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    Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    I need to replace the fuel tank in my 89 LXi. All I can find is what is claimed to be for the carbureted cars. However the picture they use for it looks exactly like my tank. Are they really different or this just a parts manufacturer mix up and they’re the same?

  2. #2
    LX User AWH's Avatar
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    They are absolutely different.The EFI tank has multiple partially divided compartments in it to avoid the petrol slushing around.You could in theorie use a carburated tank,but then you can't run it under 1/3 full,because the fuelpump won't pickup fuel anymore in corners because if the slushing.Besides,the EFI tank also uses a fuel-returnline,the carburated tank does not have that connection for it.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    The tank I ordered has all the same exact connections as my EFI tank. It’s a part from Dorman, it claims to have a baffle too. If it didn’t you’d have the same issue with both EFI and carb regarding the fuel sloshing? Are you sure we’re talking about the same car? Carb cars have intank pumps too so that also doesn’t make sense.

    I also checked this on Honda Parts Now OEM catalog and according to Honda the part number for the carb and efi tanks is the same number. I couldn’t find anything that showed a different tank for either car. I guess we’ll see when the new one gets here.
    Last edited by Killian665; 10-28-2019 at 07:59 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    This is the tank for reference. All the tanks have the same connections so I don’t know what you mean by a connection for a return line. That connection is on the pump housing I believe.
    Last edited by Killian665; 10-28-2019 at 07:55 AM.

  5. #5
    LX User AWH's Avatar
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    You could be right. I should add that I am talking about the 2 gen Prelude, carb & EFI,difference tanks. Hope you get the right one. Sorry for miscommunication.

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  6. #6
    LXi User InAccordance's Avatar
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    Drop a fuel cell in the trunk, problem solved =D
    Originally posted by ShiRen:
    Nice car or not, nobody likes losing a race to an old 4 door Honda.

  7. #7

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    They are definitely not the same animal. As stated, the FI tank has an extra line for fuel returning from the fuel rail. Whether that line is run to the tank itself, or simply to a replaceable cap in the top of the tank remains to be seen, I suppose. Also, though both tanks are undoubtedly baffled, However, one will be baffled in a way that optimizes pick up by a pump designed to accommodate much greater flow and much higher pressure. Bear in mind that what the manufacturer is calling a Carb tank could very well be an FI tank with some additional instructions for sealing up the extra hole or it could simply be the wrong photo. If you're determined to mix it up, you should be ready for some "personality." You could install it without trouble only to find out that the car dies when you come to a stop or drive up a long hill, or some other weird idiosyncrasy you aren't expecting.

    Keep us posted on what you find out.

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  8. #8
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    This extra line for the return is contained entirely within the fuel pump assembly. The gas tank itself is the same part for both cars and has all the same connections. Confirmed with part numbers from Honda. All the aftermarket manufacturers that list tanks for Carb only cars are wrong.

    However, the new tank will be here in a few days and I’ll take photos of the new one vs my old EFI one for future reference.

    Here is the factory supply and return line on my existing tank. As you can see they don’t have a connection on tank itself it’s all within the pump body. Carb cars still have electric pumps like this they just lack the return line on the body. They are baffled the same and have all the same tank fittings otherwise.
    Last edited by Killian665; 10-31-2019 at 07:06 AM.

  9. #9
    LX User AWH's Avatar
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    Carbed cars do have an electric fuelpump but it's not seated in the tank,but placed at the wheelwell behind the driver seat.Also the pressure on a carb is much less.As Snooze said, you will experience some hickups ( literally) when installing the carbed tank in an EFI car. But I hope you got it sorted,please keep us posted.

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  10. #10
    LXi User InAccordance's Avatar
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    Quote Originally Posted by AWH View Post
    Carbed cars do have an electric fuelpump but it's not seated in the tank,but placed at the wheelwell behind the driver seat.Also the pressure on a carb is much less.As Snooze said, you will experience some hickups ( literally) when installing the carbed tank in an EFI car. But I hope you got it sorted,please keep us posted.

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    thats a Prelude thing, accords have intank pumps on either model.
    Originally posted by ShiRen:
    Nice car or not, nobody likes losing a race to an old 4 door Honda.

  11. #11
    LX User AWH's Avatar
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    Right,again.. Well in that case I maybe should keep out of this thread. Hope he gets it sorted right. Thanks for correcting.

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  12. #12
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    Why do y’all keep bringing up other year and models of cars? None of that is relevant haha.

    Anyway, the tank came today and it is exactly the same as suspected. Regardless of them saying it’s only for carb model cars. So if you are ever in the market for a new gas tank for your 3rd gen Accord. All of the tanks are the same. Don’t worry when they say it’s only for a DX or LX.

    The quality of the tank as far as the fitment and everything is exactly perfect and in the right places but it came with this crappy silver spray paint. Probably gonna strip it and powder coat it but that’s my only gripe.

  13. #13
    LX User AWH's Avatar
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    Well again.sorry for the miscommunication.. . Good to hear you got the right one and thanks for sharing it with the rest of us to know that all tanks are equal as far as 3G Accords concern carb or EFI.Good luck installing and safe driving .

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  14. #14

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    Quote Originally Posted by Killian665 View Post
    Why do y’all keep bringing up other year and models of cars? None of that is relevant haha.
    We bring in other years and models because there is a depth of knowledge and experience on this board that most people value highly. l guess you have it all figured out without us though.

    The only problem is that Honda lists different part numbers for the fuel tank for carb vs. Fl.

    So like we were saying before, the tanks are different and you should expect to experience some personality from using a mismatched tank.

    l wish you all the best with your purchase. Please do let us know how it works. We're happy to help tame the personality where we can. It would also be good to know what to expect from the wrong tank if we can't get the right tank anymore.

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  15. #15
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    I’ve looked them both over and can find no discernible difference. All the connections are the same, the dimensions, the internal baffling, the indentations on the tank itself, everything. If this tank is different then I couldn’t tell you why or how.

    I appreciate yalls help. If it does run weird when it’s in then I’ll report back. It’ll be going in this weekend.

  16. #16
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    Re: Are EFI and Carb gas tanks the same?

    Did work fine? Any issues in the last 5 years? lol

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