I'm making plans to do a few engine swaps around here, by which I mean swapping in engines from different cars. I am mindful that California's Smog Nazis are ever watchful for otherwise decent people making minor infractions. When they find them, they issue savage punishments. The farmers can spray the most diabolical substances freely, but heaven help me if I swap a newer, cleaner-burning engine into my car without their say-so.
Anyway, I've been calling around to different bureaucracies trying to get more details on what's allowable. I've called DMV, CHP and my nearest Smog Referee. That's the very guy who will be inspecting my swapped car to see if I've done it right. Sadly, NO ONE seems to know the first thing about it! DMV pointed to CHP. CHP pointed to the referee, and the referee couldn't answer the simplest questions.
I get the feeling that everyone is going through the motions pretending not to be incompetent. I almost feel like I could put anything under the hood and get it approved. I tell you, the wheels have come off this state.
What do you think guys? How far can I push this?