Welcome! I'm not sure of any boosts though.
Welcome! I'm not sure of any boosts though.
Hello 3Geez, just copped an 89 LXi pumped to be the proud owner of such a beautiful car.
Welcome! Post some pics. I'm pumped up about it being an 89! The last year of the 3geez.
Hi All. I just bought Honda Accord Aerodeck 1986 A20A2 5MT. I hope to find here how-to's for resolving common problems and will share reports of my work on the car.
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Hello, I am new to the car scene and I have an 88 Lx accord sedan. She runs on the carburetor, I would love to switch over an EFI, but from my understanding it is an expensive process? Any help is much appreciated, a lot of the links on here referencing this subject are expired! Feel free to follow my progress on Instagram as well @rhondathe88honda. Thanks!
Its not really expensive but more time consuming. It can be done in a week if you worked on it full time. Simply buy a FI parts car and swap everything over.
Intake manifold, engine wiring harness, ECU, add the fuel line, gas tank, fuse box are the basics but then while you are in there you will want to switch over things like the gauge cluster, front brakes, brake booster since the LXI is bigger and sway bar.
The things you'll need to buy are gaskets, coolant hoses, coolant, fuel filter, tune up items like a distributor, plugs, and wires.
The interior of the car will need to be gutted completely to get the extra fuel line in. The biggest tip i have is when you take something off, thread the bolt back into where it was so you don't have to keep track of them.
1988 Honda Accord LSDX-I
Hey everyone! Glad to be here. I joined the forum because I'm looking at an 88 accord LXI. It needs quite a bit of work, but the only thing I'm really concerned about is the passenger door won't open. Hopefully I'll find answers here![]()
Hola y gracias por la aceptación a este foro muy interesante de los Accords 3geez, tengo muchas peguntas respecto al Accord 3gen motor A20A3 1988 Coupe AT.......muchas gracias y saludos desde Perú
Hey guys nice to join the group I have a 86 Honda accord LX I I want to turbo it and make it obd1 I have some parts already
Not sure if this forum is active anymore, seems like it may have died in the past few years. I’m Kyle, nice to meet anyone that may still be here. I just picked up a beige 1985 Honda Accord LX with just over 60k miles. I’m the first person to drive it since 1995 and it was garage stored the entirety of its life so it’s in surprisingly great condition. Just joining this forum to find out any tips for modification or things to improve performance. Right now I’m having an awfully hard time locating suspension parts.
Looks pretty active to me
What suspension parts are you trying to find? We have lists of these things.
Yeah me too. Ksport is the only coilover you can bank on right now and they have to custom make it. Mine is being worked on now. Go through their website. I also hear people like to use stock integra and prelude suspension coilovers. For control arms, you can get some parts through amazon, some through autozone and other parts retailers but the rear lower control arms, well, just get the poly bushing replacement kits and let a shop press those in and hope your stock arms arent bent. You can manage the front end easily enough. Stabilizer bar bushings are around , for now. But you need to utilize ebay, amazon and parts retailers at all the same time, constantly double check part numbers with multiple stores. I like to use autozone to identify a correct part for its pictures and then get as many options based around that as I can. Its actually not so bad right now. Ive been able to get mostly anything I need as long as im only looking for stock oem replacement parts. If you wont go for 1k coilovers or more, then the kyb shocks are good. Youll need to get springs though and dont try to go with a stiffer spring or custom spring on that kyb shock. Also, I did a lot of research on all the springs you can buy for the car through autozone and amazon and ebay. The spring rates for Moog springs and the rates for the generic autozone spring are the same. Any OEM replacement spring you will buy for this car will be the same spring rate. Stock. Which is 279 in/lbs front 170 in/lbs rear. My ksports kontrol series will be 12k 6.9k Its a little over double the stock at 5k front 3k rear. If you manage to find some custom spring for that car, dont really go above my spring rate for the street. To be honest, even that rate is a bit high but its the only choice we have without buying overseas and taking risks. Keep the spring rate balances the same. I found a sway bar upgrade kit and i didnt buy it...it was a set of thicker bars for the front and rear. GET THOSE if you find any. So far, I have bought for the front end on amazon alone, tie rods, upper and lower arms, stablizer bushings and all the arms had the new bushings already pressed in. For the rear end, im just getting the replacement bushings for the stock control arms. Its all you can find anyway. You can get rear stabilizer bar bushings but they are harder to find for my 3door hatch. Dont make the mistake I did, and put a bunch of parts of a wish list for 6 months. I came back and they were all sold out and not available since. Remember Rock Auto has a HORDE of parts and sometimes they are ones you gotta go through. Not just Rock Auto, but other start up buisnesses that stockpile parts from junkyards are everywhere which is why we are running out of cores for autozone and other companys to reman for us. They are just sitting in peoples warehouses, waiting for someone to call and order it. No online presence really, no advertising and so , you gotta hunt them down. State by state, junkyard by junkyard. I even like to call the local shops, get someone smart on the phone, a master tech who is plugged into the area, and use those people for connections. I called some random electrical shop that rebuilds starters and talked my way to another shop, that lead me to my current guy , who can get anything I need locally. Machine shop connections, transmission shop connections, upholstry connections. Thats your best bet. Sound desperate, and get on the phone and talk to human beings. Shops with commercial accounts can call the suppliers and not autozone, and get the low down on core supply and they can push options for you autozone or orielys or advance auto cant. They have people on the inside , in the supplier chain end of things. Even if that supplier is out, if they have a good relationship personally with the shop that is calling, they will go beyond their own supply and look for you too.
Last edited by fortekosakku; 12-08-2022 at 05:54 AM.