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Thread: Fuel Line Diameter (EFI)

  1. #1
    LX User Sandwich's Avatar
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    Fuel Line Diameter (EFI)

    Hey All,

    Will be replacing some of the rubber fuel hose when I clean my tank. I can't seem to find what diameter fuel hose the system uses.

    What inner diameter fuel hose do I need?

    I may as well replace any old fuel line I come across so if there's multiple sizes let me know.

    Is it all rubber or some metal some rubber? I'm unsure how much hose I'll need, let me know if you do.

    Finally, braided? I dont want to waste money if rubber works fine.


    1989 Aerodeck EXI, stored for 13 years, now being brought back to life.
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  2. #2

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    Re: Fuel Line Diameter (EFI)

    Short answer is your are going to find most of the pressure side lines are banjo style fittings. The pressure is built right at the pump in the tank so everything after has to be rated pretty high unlike a carbd car where the pressure is very low. I dont think there is a good way to patch in regular rubber line on the pressure side.

    Banjo fitting - Wikipedia

    Im hoping you are going with a new gas tank.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  3. #3
    LX User Sandwich's Avatar
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    Re: Fuel Line Diameter (EFI)

    Ah okay, will the banjo lines need replacing or can they live on?

    I wish I could get a new petrol tank but given the Aerodeck is already very parts scarce in the UK and the tank is different to other 3gens (I believe) I dont think I've got a choice but to try this rust treatment. Bought some of this: Fuel Tank Cleaning Kit | Rust Treatment and Removal for Fuel Tanks - Bilt Hamber which is rated fairly highly.

    Will call Honda tomorrow but I'm not holding my hopes up given they couldnt find me a pan gasket

    EDIT: how big are your fuel tanks? mine is 60L, I've seen theres a couple on RockAuto, who knows they could be the same...
    Last edited by Sandwich; 03-23-2021 at 02:33 PM.

    1989 Aerodeck EXI, stored for 13 years, now being brought back to life.
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  4. #4

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    Re: Fuel Line Diameter (EFI)

    Quote Originally Posted by Sandwich View Post
    Ah okay, will the banjo lines need replacing or can they live on?

    I wish I could get a new petrol tank but given the Aerodeck is already very parts scarce in the UK and the tank is different to other 3gens (I believe) I dont think I've got a choice but to try this rust treatment. Bought some of this: Fuel Tank Cleaning Kit | Rust Treatment and Removal for Fuel Tanks - Bilt Hamber which is rated fairly highly.

    Will call Honda tomorrow but I'm not holding my hopes up given they couldnt find me a pan gasket

    EDIT: how big are your fuel tanks? mine is 60L, I've seen theres a couple on RockAuto, who knows they could be the same...
    14 US gallons sounds correct. I didnt think about them being different lets hope not. I think the fuel sending unit is not available. The fuel pump and all that is here I just got one for my car a few months ago.

    Problem with rust is it wants to attack steel so any steel line could be rusted inside.

    That cleaner stuff is interesting. Sounds like you almost could do it in on the car. The hot water neutralizer sounds like it be tricky to get hot enough water.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  5. #5

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    Re: Fuel Line Diameter (EFI)

    Spectra Premium(R) HO7A - Fuel Tank

    pretty sure this is what mine looks like
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  6. #6

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: Fuel Line Diameter (EFI)

    60L for all models, 15.9 US gallons. Can't help you beyond that except to warn you that fuel lines that will be immersed in fuel need to be made of a different rubber than normal fuel lines.

    Also, if your banjo lines are rotten, you can cut the metal ferrules off the lines, pull out the banjo ends, replace the rubber and clamp it back together with double hose clamps. I haven't done it, but I'd try it if I had no other alternative than to hillbilly it. Keep an eye on your work to make sure nothing goes wrong.

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  7. #7
    LX User Sandwich's Avatar
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    Re: Fuel Line Diameter (EFI)

    OK, called honda, got a load of part numbers but sorta only made things more difficult

    For the tank I am still deciding whether to buy one or treat this one, the spectra one you shared is meant for carbs I believe Blue, at least thats what the RockAuto listing shows, and it says it doesnt have baffles. Investigating if I can get from Japan or deadstock in Europe.

    The treatment itself looks great but yeh Im equally worried about getting the water hot enough, I was going to get my garage to do this job as I dont have the space which may be an issue with the hot water.

    The metal lines under the car seem to have 3 parts from the schematics I am looking at. 2 seperate lines near the pump, and then 1 mass of lines running under the car.

    Can anyone who's changed these pipes shed light on this? I thought it would be 1 continuous line for feed and 1 for return.

    parts 6 & 8 in this schematic: FUEL PUMP (PGM-FI) / honda | part list|

    part 13 in this schematic: 17700-SE0-930 / 17700SE0930 / PIPE COMP., FUEL FEED / ACCORD 4D / | part detail|

    1989 Aerodeck EXI, stored for 13 years, now being brought back to life.
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  8. #8

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    Re: Fuel Line Diameter (EFI)

    No your correct you want an EFI tank because of the baffle.

    The 6 and 8 # look correct. there is rubber flex on the fuel pump and then a metal line that runs the length of the the cabin..

    Ill add in two videos might help a little.

    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  9. #9

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    Re: Fuel Line Diameter (EFI)

    ill add this one in also.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  10. #10
    LX User Sandwich's Avatar
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    Re: Fuel Line Diameter (EFI)

    Thanks Blue, helpful to see the parts out of the tank.

    My plan going forward is to treat the tank for the meantime.

    1989 Aerodeck EXI, stored for 13 years, now being brought back to life.
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  11. #11

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: Fuel Line Diameter (EFI)

    Thanks Blue. I'm coming up on a quarter million miles on the original fuel pump. I should change it to be safe. This is a timely reminder.

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i Coupe, 240k miles, MT swap, rear disc swap

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  12. #12

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    Re: Fuel Line Diameter (EFI)

    Another thing too to check out is the gas line run INSIDE the car on our driver side under the sill plate. you might want to check them for rust etc. Really bad idea from Honda.
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
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  13. #13
    LX User Sandwich's Avatar
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    Re: Fuel Line Diameter (EFI)

    noted, will have a look, cheers Blue.

    1989 Aerodeck EXI, stored for 13 years, now being brought back to life.
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