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Thread: Aerodeck EX '88 engine swap

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    1988 Honda Accord Aerodeck EX 2.0

    Question Aerodeck EX '88 engine swap

    Goodevening everyone, so I bought this EDM Aerodeck EX 2.0 carb 'Luxe' (no PS, no ABS, no PW.. nothing luxurious about it really) earlier this year and I'm having some trouble with this annoying old Keihin carb. The block is in decent shape and it only has 150k km (93k miles) on it, although it's losing some oil from different spots.
    Before doing some things like rebuilding the carb or slapping a new weber on it, I'd like to look at some other options.
    After searching around the forum I get some different info on swapping the A20A2 for a B20. Could somebody be a real help and list some things to look out for?

    So this local scrapper has some B20's laying around. And probably a prelude transmission as well.

    How involved is the A20A2 to B20 EFI swap? Is this primarily bolting on, ECU and rewiring? what about the fuelpump?
    How about swapping the tranny with a lude tranny as well (as far as I know the stock A20 trans will mount to a B20). Worth it performance wise? Do I need to consider different/custom axles and/or mounts?

    I'd really like to see some performance upgrade and I know that's not happening with a different carb and keeping decent mileage.
    Since I'm fairly new to engine swaps

    Thanks in advance.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2

    ShiRen's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2018
    87 Accord DX

    Re: Aerodeck EX '88 engine swap

    Most of us on this sub are from across the pond and have never even seen a B20 out of an Accord, so finding what parts are different between the a20 and b20 models might be difficult. If you are set on this, then I suggest buying everything you can, maybe even a whole donor car. Everything from the engine mounts to the axles, to the harness and ecu. You will need a fuel pump and probably a fuel tank as well, carb and efi tanks are different, and yours is 30 years old and probably rusty.

    A much easier alternative is put a weber 32/26 on it. Any 32/36 or 38 will woark, but the American weber dealer makes a manifold adapter that might be worthwhile to track down. Part number is 99004.128, I have seen just the adapter on ebay, but you may be able to buy direct from Redline weber and even buy their kit including carb, or find an EU dealer that sells the same kit.

    It would be VERY worthwhile for the forum if you B20 owners could map out all of the engine sensors and such so it can be compared to the A20.
    Last edited by ShiRen; 12-21-2021 at 06:18 AM.

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